Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is Indonesian Academic Journal focusing on publishing scientific works related to community services, including current topics and issues based on service activities done by the authors. This aims to significantly contribute to improve the prosperity of Indonesian society.

Current Issue

Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is Indonesian Academic Journal focusing on publishing scientific works related to community services, including current topics and issues based on service activities done by the authors. This aims to significantly contribute to improve the prosperity of Indonesian society.



Pengenalan Kesejahteraan Hewan sejak Dini pada Tarbiyatul Athfal (TA) Hidayatul Mubtadiin Malang secara Daring

Purpose: This community service activity aimed to provide an early introduction to animal welfare at TA (Tarbiyatul Athfal) Hidayatul Mubtadiin Malang via online. Methodology: Community service activities were conducted online with 13 participants as 6 years old as second level from TA Hidayatul Mubtadiin Malang, East Java. Before online learning, students were given worksheets (cognitive and numerical English) related to rabbit behavior and the introduction of animal welfare in rabbits. Students fill in worksheets at the same time as the online learning process. After learning, parents were asked to provide responses to questionnaires related to satisfaction with implementing activities. Recaps of TA students' responses and worksheets are then analyzed descriptively using pie charts. Results: The worksheet showed that TA students could do well in cognitive (80-100 score is 85%) and numeric English (80-100 score is 100%). Parents responded very well (54-69%) and good (23-46%). Online methods for early animal welfare recognition in TA students can work well through learning media technology such as presentations and videos. Limitations: The limitations of the service were that the meeting was conducted once, and students' supervised parents gave the answering-answer sheet. Contribution: Community service contributes to introducing animal welfare in the early stage of education at the kindergarten level that wishes to elevate their respect for animal.

Penerapan Outdoor Mathematics Aktivity bagi Guru SD di KKG Gugus 1 Kecamatan Sirenja Kabupaten Donggala

Purpose: The aim of community service activities in 2023 is to help elementary school teachers in KKG Gugus 1 Sirenja sub-district Donggala district in implementing outdoor mathematics activities with elementary school students for measurement material. Methodology: This activity takes the form of teacher training with implementation methods including: (1) lecture/presentation, (2) question and answer, and (3) group work. The props used for this activity were measuring tape, rope, LKPD, and objects outside the classroom. After the activity, the teachers filled out a questionnaire to assess the achievements of the activities conducted by the Mathematics Education Study Program service team from the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education Department at FKIP Tadulako University. Results: Based on discussions during the activity and the results of the questionnaire, information was obtained that all activity participants had never applied mathematics learning outside the classroom. The material presented provided a good understanding of the Outdoor Mathematics Activity, and the results of the activity helped teachers in carrying out activities outside the classroom. Limitations: The study may be limited by the participants' prior lack of experience with outdoor mathematics activities, and the short duration of the training may not provide a comprehensive understanding of the implementation. Contribution: This community service activity contributes to enhancing the understanding and skills of elementary school teachers in implementing outdoor mathematics activities, thereby potentially improving student engagement and learning outcomes in mathematics.  

Penguatan Moderasi Beragama melalui Program Literasi Ayat-Ayat Cinta Tanah Air bagi Unit Dakwah Kampus Unair

Purpose: Strengthening Religious Moderation Through the Literacy Program on Love for the Motherland Verses for the Da'wah Unit, Airlangga University Surabaya Campus. Methodology: The problem-based service-learning method is used in this service. This method was applied in an effort to solve community partner problems. Results: The service participants consisted of 30 people, including Unair Islamic Spirituality UKM, Ulul Azmi mosque activists, and KH Abdul Chalim University students. The place of service was at the Ulul Azmi Unair mosque and held for four meetings. This activity is based on the diversity of unfair students who are infiltrated by the existence of the results of the implementation of service learning. This shows that strengthening religious moderation through literacy of verses about love of the homeland for Islamic Spiritual UKM can become capital in national, state, and religious life, demonstrated by national commitment, having an attitude of tolerance and acceptance of tradition in the midst of society with extremist, radicalist, and liberalist ideologies. Limitations: This article may only focus on one university, namely Airlangga University (Unair), so the findings and recommendations produced cannot be generalized to other campuses or other regions that have different cultural and social contexts. Contribution: The literacy program of verses of love for the homeland can instill the values of religious moderation in students, which is expected to reduce the potential for radicalization and intolerance in the campus environment.

Peningkatan Keterampilan Public Speaking melalui Pelatihan Kader Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama Kecamatan Cisurupan

Purpose: This article discusses improving public speaking skills through training for Nahdlatul Ulama cadres in Cisurupan District. The main aim of this article is to improve good public speaking skills, so that later IPNU-IPPNU Cisurupan District cadres will be able to convey ideas, thoughts and messages more effectively and convincingly. Methodology: In its implementation, a structured and focused training approach was carried out to improve the public speaking skills of Nahdlatul Ulama cadres in Cisurupan District. The flow of activity stages consists of 4 main stages, namely Planning, Observation, Implementation and Evaluation.  Results: Through this training activity, participants can understand theoretically and practically the basics of public speaking. With this service, it is hoped that we will be able to convey messages clearly, convincingly and attractively to the public. Apart from that, mastering basic public speaking techniques can also increase participants' self-confidence so they are able to perform better in public. Limitations: This activity does not use audio visual media so that the presentation of material and practice is a bit hampered. Therefore, for the next activity, audio visual media such as a projector, microphone and sound system are needed. Contribution: Public speaking skills training has had a positive impact in improving public speaking skills among Nahdlatul Ulama student cadres in Cisurupan District.

Mengatasi Tantangan Pengelolaan Sampah di Depok: Pendekatan Pemilahan dan Pengolahan Sampah di Masyarakat (

Purpose: This research on community involvement aims to provide education regarding waste sorting, training in gradual waste sorting, and processing organic and inorganic waste. Methodology: The method combines a structured process including field observations, comprehensive assistance, outreach on waste processing, discussions, and simple organic and inorganic waste sorting. Results: Before this Community Service Activity (PKM), most residents were already accustomed to sorting waste. However, only a few process it further, where only 22.2% process their waste. This training explains the types of waste, the importance of processing waste, and how to process it. After this activity, residents were enthusiastic and interested in learning to process organic and inorganic waste. After CSA activities, more residents wanted to process waste (organic: 64.3%, inorganic: 92.9%). Limitations: The activities did not provide detailed waste processing practices, so the public still doubts carrying out independent waste processing. Time for activities and discussions with participants is also limited. Contribution: This activity increases residents' awareness about waste sorting and processing. The public is given knowledge about types of waste, how to sort waste, and waste processing to increase community participation in waste management.

Pelatihan Content Creator dan Video Profesional bagi Siswa SMA/SMK

Purpose: This training for social media content creators and professional video production techniques is conducted with the aim of providing motivation and insights into the tricks and techniques needed to become a content creator. The goal is for the participants, who are high school students, to utilize their gadgets and time more constructively rather than for consumptive purposes. Methodology: The implementation stages include preparation, execution, and reporting. Organized by the Information Systems Department of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, this training will be held at Campus 3 BSD Unika Atma Jaya on Saturday, November 25, 2023. Targeting 60 to 100 high school students from Banten, the activity will be evaluated using pre-tests and post-tests, calculated manually using the average formula. Results: The result of the training activity went smoothly and achieved the initial target of being attended by 90 active participants. The selection of speakers for the training was also appropriate, matching their expertise, and they were able to deliver the material clearly using various real-life examples. The evaluation results of the activity showed that the post-test scores increased by 43.7% compared to the pre-test scores. Therefore, it can be concluded that the participants understood what was conveyed by the speakers. Limitations: Due to time and budget constraints, the activity was not conducted with direct hands-on practice in the form of a workshop. Additionally, the target participants were limited to the surrounding area, specifically high school students in the Banten region. Contribution: This training gives high school students broader insights, enabling them to use their gadgets and time positively. It also equips them to become content creators by learning professional video production and social media management skills.

Pemberdayaan Literasi Digital untuk Pengembangan UMKM Kota Soe Kabupaten TTS

Purpose: This PKM has goals and solutions: (1) Helping to increase sales, (2) Expanding market share, (3) Outputs in this activity. Research methodology: This activity began by socializing about the importance of this PKM activity which has good prospects for improving and progressing the business of MSME Actors in Soe City, South Central Timor Regency. This PKM Service Methods in the form of lecture and discussion methods. The activity was carried out in a Hybrid manner (Combined Offline and Online) with Zoom Pro. Results: In this PKM, the first speaker delivered a presentation on the characteristic profile of MSMEs in Soe and also detailed problems related to geographical conditions and awareness of MSME data collection administration. The second speaker conveyed the importance of digital literacy. The efforts of the service team in organizing the event have been successful due to the large number of MSME actors and government employees who have attended. Conclusions: PKM partners also evaluate the running of PKM activities by submitting all responses consisting of criticism and suggestions.  The criticism in question is that the resource person can explain examples of ways to be registered in E-commerce. The suggestions given are so that service activities are carried out in a sustainable manner. The Chairman of PKM explained that he responded to the material by confirming the digitization of MSMEs. Limitations: The limitations of this PKM include detailed aspects of assisting all MSMEs so that they are still registered on digital platforms are still very limited. Contribution: This contribution of service includes all representatives of MSMEs in Soe City, TTS Regency are able to market regional superior products so that they can compete with larger companies by upholding local aspects.

Strengthening Simpang Sender MSMEs through Managerial Training for Business Actors

Purpose: The specific objective to be achieved in this service activity is to assist MSMEs in Simpang Sender Village e in strengthening business legality, so as to increase competitiveness. Methodology: The method used as an approach to implementing community service is service and assistance in meeting needs through service assistance and education. The series of methods used consisted of lectures, demonstrations, and mentoring. Results: The implementation of community service activities in Simpang Sender Village received high enthusiasm from MSME players and involved support from the Village Head, community participation, enthusiasm of the participants, and assistance by the service team. On the other hand, the obstacles in this activity involve limited training time and distance, as well as obstacles in training follow-up. The positive impact of this activity involves increased knowledge about ICT-Based Business Legality, increased interest in entrepreneurship, and a forum for marketing products through Digital Marketing. Nonetheless, there are still challenges related to the lack of ICT usage and low business capital. Phase two mentoring highlighted legality issues and the lack of ICT utilization by MSMEs. Solutions include improving knowledge of business, SWOT analysis of MSME products, and optimization of digital marketing. It is also necessary to focus on appropriate digital media channels, maintaining customer loyalty, and innovative marketing strategies. Limitation: This research only focuses on Community Service (PKM) participants in the form of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Simpang Sender Village, Buay Pematang Sub-district, Ranau Tengah Regency, OKU Selatan. Contribution: Contribute in the form of knowledge and experience to MSME actors in accordance with their fields of competence. Knowledge such as marketing their products through various digital platforms, such as social media, marketplaces, websites, emails, and forums.

Pengembangan Peran Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Terpadu di Desa Libo Jaya, Kandis

Purpose: The service carried out aims to increase the role of the community in Libo Jaya Village, Kandis District, Riau Province in managing an integrated and economically valuable environment. This is motivated by the growth of the agricultural and plantation sectors in Indonesia, especially in Riau Province, which is driven by the wealth of natural resources, especially through oil palm planting. Oil palm planting, specifically in Libo Jaya Village, also raises challenges related to managing palm oil frond waste and other waste management problems. Research methodology: This community service uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data was collected through surveys, interviews and participant observation to evaluate the program's impact on increasing community awareness and their involvement in environmental management efforts. Results: The results of the activities show that the ecoprint and ecoenzym Training Program has succeeded in increasing the role of society in environmental management. Through the application of environmentally friendly technologies such as ecoprint and ecoenzym, the people of Libo Jaya Village not only get economic benefits, but also become agents of change in preserving their environment. Limitations: The number of participants in the service program was limited. This activity involved various elements of local society, especially housewives in Libo Jaya Village, Kandis District, Siak with a total participation of around 30 people. Contribution: Active community participation in this activity not only reduces negative impacts on the environment, but also increases awareness of the importance of preserving natural resources. This program also encourages collaboration between communities, local governments and the private sector in creating sustainable solutions to environmental problems.

Sosialisasi Menumbuhkan Jiwa Entrepreneur melalui Kreativitas dan Inovasi pada Siswa

Purpose: Service to this community is to provide an overview of the importance of cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit from an early age through creativity and innovation. Methodology: Theoretical and practical approach methods, through lectures, this method used to convey the main theoretical concepts that must be understood and mastered by participants. Apart from that, the demonstration method, apart from lectures, this method can be used to improve training participants' understanding of the form of identifying statements or opening participants' thoughts in understanding how to foster participants' entrepreneurial spirit. Results: the results of the activities showed that all participants were enthusiastic and enthusiastic in participating in this activity where they show that creativity and innovation are within them so they can easily practice these activities. Limitations: Activity Lack of practicum is a limitation in this activity. Contribution: This activity is able to achieve previously desired.

Pelatihan dan Pendampingan bagi Pelajar Tunanetra untuk Epeningkatan Aksesibilitas Pembelajaran Sejarah Kota Makassar

Purpose: History is a science that is very important for human development, culture and technology which we can enjoy today. This Community Service aims to increase accessibility for blind students in learning history, especially history related to Makassar City. Methodology: This Community Service Activity is carried out using methods namely preparation, socialization, training, mentoring and sustainability evaluation. Results: The results of the pre-test and post-test showed that there was a significant increase in the knowledge of the training participants regarding history where the average score before the training was given was 28 and after the training was given it increased significantly to an average of 92.2. The results of the training are also implemented in the form of an arts festival, where training participants display the results of the training in the form of drama, reading poetry and singing regional songs. Limitations: The limitations of this community service activity are the limited number of participants, limited books, and information retrieval during the pre-test and post-test. Contribution: The results of this service activity can increase the accessibility of blind students in learning history.

Pelatihan Videografi dalam Pengemasan Video Jurnalistik menggunakan Adobe Premiere di SMK Negeri 2 Garut

Purpose: The objective of this program is to enhance students' technical skills in videography and video editing using Adobe Premiere. Through this training, students are expected to be better prepared to pursue careers in the media and communication fields. Methodology: This program is conducted through training sessions and workshops specifically designed for 11th-grade students majoring in Television Broadcast Production. The training involves the use of tools such as the A6000 camera, tripod, stabilizer, laptop, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2022 software. The methodology includes live demonstrations, hands-on practice, and Q&A sessions to ensure a deep understanding. Results: The program yielded very positive results. More than 80% of students reported gaining new knowledge about the features of Adobe Premiere. Additionally, over 90% of students expressed a strong interest in attending more similar training sessions in the future, demonstrating a high level of enthusiasm for videography and video editing. Limitations: The limitations of this program include resource constraints, such as limited availability of equipment and restricted time for conducting training sessions and workshops. Additionally, the variability in the initial skill levels of students can also affect the effectiveness of the training. Contribution: This program made a significant contribution to the development of students' knowledge and skills in videography and video editing. Additionally, the program successfully fostered students' interest and enthusiasm for multimedia technology, which could encourage them to pursue careers in the field in the future.

Pemberdayaan Siswa sebagai Sumber dan Media KIE Pencegahan Stunting melalui Pembentukan Kelompok Edukasi Pencegahan Stunting (KEEPS) di SMA Negeri 7 Samarinda

Purpose: The aim of this activity was to improve the behavioral domain of students at SMAN 7 Samarinda regarding stunting prevention through student empowerment. Methodology: The method of implementing activities was divided into five stages. The first stage was the formation of an educational group consisting of school students. The second stage was health education about stunting and its prevention for educational groups. The third stage was training in health education methods and techniques as well as physical examinations for the education group. The fourth stage was assistance in preparing work programs and implementing education for students at school. The fifth stage was an evaluation of the implementation and sustainability of the working group's work program Results:The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in the percentage of students who had good knowledge by 62% and a positive attitude reaching 76.9% at the end of the activity. Wilcoxon test analysis produced a p-value of 0.000 for the knowledge variable and 0.000 for the attitude variable. Limitation: Student empowerment was effective in increasing school students' knowledge towards stunting prevention since adolescence Contribution: This community service increases the knowledge of students to prevent health diseases, specifically stunting.

Penerapan Program Edukasi Manajemen Limbah di Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Sekupang Batam

Purpose: The purpose of this service is to educate the community or beach visitors about waste management through collaboration with various related parties. Method: Survey approach. Educational program for the community in the coastal area of ??Batam, especially on Tanjung Pinggir Beach, Sekupang, Batam. Result: This program has succeeded in increasing public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment, so that the next arrival there are already trash cans based on categories and less trash is scattered Limitation: only carried out in one place, namely Tanjung Pinggir Beach, Sekupang Contribution: Increasing public awareness and action in maintaining the cleanliness and sustainability of the coastal environment. Supporting beach managers in environmental conservation efforts.

Pengenalan dan Pemetaan Lokasi Budidaya Perairan bagi Nelayan Desa Tandung menggunakan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Purpose: Improving community understanding of coastal spatial conditions, providing coastal spatial information in Tandung Village Methodology: The location of the activity is in Tandung Village, Tinambung District, West Sulawesi. The activity went through the counseling stage, data recording using DJI 4 brand unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology. The results of the data recording were processed using Agisoft software to produce a coastal spatial map. At the end of the activity, an evaluation was carried out to determine the achievement of the activity's objectives. Results: The community, especially the village government, began to recognize the use of technology for mapping that had never been seen directly before. The community was very enthusiastic when shown and given the opportunity to see the operation of drones for mapping. Information is available regarding the use of space activities on the coast of Tandung Village, especially related to the aquaculture activity and attracting the attention of the village government to initiate comprehensive spatial mapping in Tandung Village. Limitations: A fairly large coastal area requires time to record data using drones. Contribution: The results of the activity contribute to the provision of spatial data on coastal utilization in Tandung Village along with identification of potential that can be explored.

Flow Planning Sistem Trayek dan Manajemen Pengangkutan Sampah di Kelurahan Gurabati

Purpose: The urgency for empowerment is that there is no clear system and flow regarding waste transportation in the four RWs in Gurabati sub-district. The aim of empowerment is to plan Flow Planning for the route system and waste transportation management in Gurabati Subdistrict, so that the transportation system is designed with a clear transportation route planning flow so as to minimize residents throwing garbage in the sea and rivers. Methodology: The method of empowerment is to schedule waste transportation times and waste transportation service routes and enforce regulations issued by the Gurabati District government against people who throw garbage carelessly. Results: The result of this service is a fixed transportation schedule, namely three times a week with scheduled transportation times in the afternoon, namely 04.00 in the afternoon to 06.00 in the afternoon. Apart from that, rescheduling the waste transportation system in each RW. Scheduling of waste transportation to be transported by officers, in the morning and afternoon. And the need for strong regulations from the Gurabati sub-district government. Training is also supported to improve capabilities. Limitations: The limitations experienced in carrying out services are the very limited number of transport fleets and officers. If you look at its size, Gurabati Village itself consists of four RWs. Judging from the transportation system analysis, two RWs are needed consisting of one fleet and two waste transport workers. Meanwhile in the field, these four RWs are only served by one fleet so that the waste transportation service is less than optimal. Contribution: Community service activities in Burai show that the contribution of this service is increasing Sogrohogam Partners' knowledge regarding appropriate waste transportation service flows, so that the waste service flow can run well and everything in the Globalti sub-district can be transported as a whole.

Meningkatkan Penalaran Statistik melalui Mengerjakan Soal Latihan Secara Aktif pada Mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga

Purpose: Statistical reasoning is the way people reason with ideas, relate one concept to another, and can interpret statistical results. Doing tasks actively to develop cognitive abilities. The aim is to build statistical reasoning so that participants can explore data, be able to see data as aggregates, how to organize and interpret results. Research: The form of activity is to provide training through giving exercise/doing assignments that require active participants to develop cognitive abilities. a model of cognitive development that incorporates statistical processes. There are four statistical processes, namely explaining or describing data, organizing or reducing data, representing data, analyzing and interpreting data. Results: Ability to explain data, most have difficulty reasoning about different data. The average is 64.44. The training results showed that there was understanding in explaining data in different situations, the average is 71.85. The ability to organize data shows that participants have knowledge about how to observe data according to statistical procedures. The average value is 76.67. Data presentation skills show that participants can display and interpret data. The average is 78.89. The ability to analyze and interpret data shows that participants can consider various aspects of distributions to find statistical values. The average is 72.96. Limitation: Since the study is focused on a specific geographic area (Gurabati Subdistrict), the findings may not be directly applicable to other regions with different urban planning, waste collection practices, or traffic conditions. The results may only be useful for this particular subdistrict or areas with similar characteristics. Contribution: The results of the assignment concluded that the practice of analyzing data influenced the participants' knowledge insight.

Sosialisasi Pentingnya ASI Ekslusif untuk Mencegah Kejadian Wasting pada Balita

Purpose: Malnutrition, especially wasting, in children is a major public health problem and one of the most common causes of morbidity and death in the world. About 800,000 children under the age of 5 are estimated to die because of wasting, and about 60% is caused by severe wasting Wasting can be prevented by exclusively breastfeeding. The purpose of this community service is to provide counseling about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding to prevent wasting events in toddlers. Methodology: This community service will be held in Pekon Sidokaton, with a total of participants is 35. Carried out by providing outreach using the lecture method assisted by Leaflets and PPT as well as questions and answers about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding given to postpartum mothers and posyandu cadres.. Results: All participants expressed enthusiasm and responded to the counseling activity. After being explained, participants became more aware of the importance of exclusive breastfeeding in preventing wasting in toddler. During discussions and question and answer sessions so that all questions from mothers can be answered in an interactive, detailed, can be accepted and well understood by mother proven by participants being able to interpretation the answers. Limitations: This community service is only carried out in one pekon, namely the Pekon Sidokaton where the Gisting sub-district has 9 pekons, of course it is still very insufficient to reduce the number of wasting incidents. Contribution: The results of this community service is hoped that will be increase the focus on promoting exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life, which is necessary to ensure proper nutritional intake and healthy growth of babies and promote interventions that are related to nutrition and cultural.

Sosialisasi Makna Komunikasi Slogan T.O.S.S (Temukan, Obati, Sayangi Bayi Stunting) dalam Mengatasi Naiknya Angka Stunting

Purpose: The aim of this research is to explain the use of the T.O.S.S slogan from the aspects of motif, experience and meaning, especially for the community in Giriawas Village, Cikajang Garut. Research methodology: The method used in this service activity is an interactive lecture accompanied by group discussion. This activity adopts a structured approach through planning, observation, implementation and evaluation stages, which is designed to achieve the main objective, namely increasing public understanding of stunting prevention through socializing the meaning of the slogan T.O.S.S. Results: The results of this service show that there is an increase in understanding and knowledge for the participants after carrying out this activity, this is done through pre-test and post-test. Conclusions: In this service, the motif that was awakened in the community of Giriawas Village, Cikajang Garut, the TOSS communication slogan became a motivation that was easy to remember, able to unite specific convergence steps.  The experience and approach to this program succeeded in building a good perception. The communication meaning of the TOSS slogan for society contains different meanings depending on how someone interprets the TOSS slogan in implementing it. Limitations: The limitations of this service have not been socialized more widely, only involving a few components in Giriawas Village. Contribution: This service makes a significant contribution to understanding the meaning of the TOSS slogan, so that it can increase understanding and knowledge of the meaning of this slogan.

Pop Up Book sebagai Media Pembelajaran dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar dan Membaca Siswa di SDN Panempan 1 Pamekasan

Purpose: Using learning media in the form of Pop up Book, students are expected to be able to more easily understand the subject matter in class and increase their interest in reading, thus having a positive impact on students' overall reading progress. Methodology: Teaching activities in the classroom, helping to improve the quality of education in schools, helping to adapt the use of Pop up Book media in schools, and helping to ease the teacher's task for students who need special handling related to reading. Results: As many as 85% of students are able to use Pop up Book learning media well, while some teachers still do not know what Pop up Book learning about media. Limitations: The limitation of this programme is the timing. Contribution: The use of Pop up Book media can help expand the knowledge of students and teachers.

Mendorong Ekonomi Lokal melalui Unit Usaha WEIPA: Peran Inovasi Pesantren

Purpose: The community service activities (PKM)  is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach aimed at increasing the efficiency of business units in WEIPA, particularly in the culinary, fashion, and batik units. Methodology: Data was collected through observation and interviews. Results: The management of each business unit begins with the preparation stage and processes directed towards achieving the desired results. Limitations: The community service activities (PKM) have several weaknesses, causing Al-Mumtaz (WEIPA), which has high-quality equipment and machinery, to encounter problems due to the crew's lack of knowledge in their use and maintenance. Contribution: Increasing crew knowledge and skills through the recruitment of experts and regular training, strengthening management with clear institutionalization, focusing on skill enhancement and the development of pesantren economic business units, conducting comparative studies to improve product competitiveness, and continuous evaluation and supervision to ensure effective and efficient resource utilization.

Pelatihan Broadcasting Siaran Langsung bagi Siswa Jurusan Multimedia SMK Al-Hikmah 2 Garut

Purpose: To develope human resources in the multimedia department at SMK Al-Hikmah 2 Garut with a focus on multimedia broadcasting and live streaming. Methodology: Literacy, discussion, collaboration, action, and publication methods. Results: An increase in understanding of live broadcasting material by 92% and video camera usage improved to 88.9%. Eleventh-grade students at SMK Al-Hikmah 2 Garut now grasp the basic concepts of multimedia broadcasting and live streaming. Limitation: One possible limitation is the lack of adequate broadcasting equipment and technology. Students may not be able to get the most out of the experience if the equipment used is not up to industry standards. Contribution: This research is valuable in the field of multimedia education, particularly in vocational schools, for enhancing students' skills in multimedia broadcasting and live streaming.