Purpose: To see the attitude of AI towards personal innovativeness and to see the differences in attitudes between generation Z and previous generations
Research methodology: Respondents in this study are 1,293 people consisted of entrepreneurs and professional workers covering generation Z and previous generations.
Results: GAAIS has influence of 9.5% on personal innovativeness, bus the data showa no statistically significant difference in attitude towards AI between cross-generational.
Limitations: The analysis in this study still requires the addition of more in-depth variables such as personality, trust, social and subject norms to be able to predict attitudes towards AI in more depth.
Contribution: This study is expected to provide deeper insight into the influence of attitudes towards AI on personal innovativeness, considering that in the future AI will be close on society.
Keywords: GAAIS, Personal Innovativeness, Cross-Generational
How to Cite: Kusuma, V. R., Kornarius, Y. P., Caroline, A., Gusti, T. E. P., & Gunawan, A. (2024). Pengaruh GAAIS terhadap Personal Innovativeness: Sikap pada Lintas Generasi. Reviu Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Bisnis, 4(2), 145-155.