Studi Ilmu Manajemen dan Organisasi

Studi Ilmu Manajemen dan Organisasi (SIMO) is a scientific publication media that publishes articles in the fields of management and organization. SIMO is dedicated for sharing ideas among academicians, industries, practitioners, and policy-makers. This journal is expected to contribute to the development of science and practice related to management and organization in the future.

Current Issue

Studi Ilmu Manajemen dan Organisasi (SIMO) is a scientific publication media that publishes articles in the fields of management and organization. SIMO is dedicated for sharing ideas among academicians, industries, practitioners, and policy-makers. This journal is expected to contribute to the development of science and practice related to management and organization in the future.



Perilaku Konsumen dan Mobile Marketing on Pembelian Pakaian Fashion di Shopee

Purpose: This study examines the influence of consumer behavior, mobile marketing, and digitalization on product purchasing decisions. The results of this study indicate that consumer behavior is important in influencing product needs. While mobile marketing is a major strategy in modern marketing, with a personalization and accessibility approach, this goal is achieved. Methodology: This study uses a quantitative method, with data collected through questionnaires distributed to respondents who actively use digital platforms in the product purchasing process. Data were collected from 30 students at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indo Global Mandiri. Results: The findings demonstrate the importance of innovation in digital marketing strategies to improve consumer experience and product competitiveness in the market. Limitations: The results of the study indicate that consumer behavior and mobile marketing significantly influence purchasing decisions, while product digitalization acts as a mediator that strengthens this relationship. Contribution: Consumer behavior, mobile marketing, and digitization influence product-purchasing decisions. This study provides new insights into the importance of consumer behavior driven by digital factors and mobile marketing in determining purchasing decisions.

Pengaruh Emotional Labour dan Reward terhadap Performa Kerja Karyawan Divisi Pemasaran PT MI

Purpose: This study aims to deepen the understanding of the influence of emotional labor ability and rewards on employee performance, with a case study focusing on PT MI. Methodology: This study used a quantitative approach by collecting data using a questionnaire from 30 employees of the marketing division of PT MI. Statistical analyses were performed to examine employee characteristics, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the dimensions of variables, and the links between variables, mainly using multiple linear regression. Results: The results indicate that rewards significantly affect job performance, while emotional labor does not have a significant impact. Both independent variables simultaneously and significantly influence job performance. The coefficient of determination of 62.3% indicates that emotional labor and rewards can explain 62.3% of the variability in job performance, while the remaining variability is explained by other factors. Limitations: We face a limitation in collecting a higher number of respondents due to the limited number of employees in the marketing division of PT MI. Contribution: This study found that financial and non-financial rewards significantly enhance job performance through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and psychological contracts between employees and the organization. In contrast, the lack of a significant impact of emotional labor may be due to individual differences in managing emotions, job characteristics, and other dominant factors, such as technical skills and intrinsic motivation. These findings underscore the importance of rewards in improving employee performance and the need for further research on the role of emotional labor in various contexts.

Penguatan Balai Latihan Kerja untuk Peningkatan Kualitas SDM Berbasis Kompetensi

Purpose: The aim of this study is to provide an alternative solution for strengthening competency-based BLK in Bangkalan, which is directed at improving the quality of human resources, especially rural human resources. Research methodology: This study employed a qualitative method with a descriptive design. A snowball sampling technique was used to determine the informants.  Data were collected using in-depth interviews, observations, and literature. Content analysis was used to identify patterns and themes.  Results:  Eight aspects must be fulfilled to realize competency-based institutional strengthening: work competencies, curriculum, training materials, management or administration of work institutions, instructors and training personnel, facilities, and infrastructure. Financial Administration and Valuation. Limitations: This study examined only the BLK strengthening variable in increasing workforce competency. It is possible that further studies could develop more aspects of strengthening BLK to produce a competent workforce. Contribution: This could address the problem of unemployment and improve social welfare in the community.

Perancangan Tata Letak Fasilitas Kaos V-Neck untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to address the numerous complaints received by PTRT management concerning the production process of V-Neck t-shirts in six divisions during 2023. The goal was to redesign the layout, particularly the process-oriented layout, to improve the efficiency and reduce operational costs. Research Methodology: The management employed a quantitative approach to redesign the layout. The analysis involved calculating and comparing the total number of movements in the production process before and after the redesign. The methodology focused on reducing the number of movements required to enhance the efficiency. Results: The redesigned layout resulted in a reduction of 300 movements per week, equating to a 1.8% decrease from the initial total of 16,800 to 16,500 movements. This reduction also led to a corresponding decrease in the cost of movement, thereby reducing Rp. Three hundred per week, a 1.8% reduction in costs. Limitations: The study is limited by the scope of data, which is specific to the production of V-Neck t-shirts in 2023 within the six divisions. The results may not be generalizable to other products or time periods, and the analysis focused solely on movement efficiency without considering other potential factors, such as employee productivity or material flow. Contribution: The redesign of the layout contributes to the overall competitiveness of PTRT management by streamlining the production process, reducing costs, and potentially minimizing complaints related to the production of V-neck t-shirts. This process-oriented approach to layout design can serve as a model for future improvement in other production areas.

Pengaruh Financial Distress pada Trade Credit Provisions pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di BEI

Purpose: (IDX) period 2018-2023 by focusing on Financial Distress conditions on Trade Credit Provisions. Financial distress is identified through delisting conditions due to negative net income and book value and inappropriate management decisions. Methodology: Through a quantitative approach with 46 samples of companies selected based on stratified random sampling and purposive sampling methods. Results: The results of the analysis show that there is a significant negative relationship between financial difficulties and accounts payable and there is a significant negative relationship between financial difficulties and accounts receivable in the shares of manufacturing sector companies on the IDX. Limitations: The limitations of this research are only on financial distress and manufacturing sector companies 2018-2023 Contribution: It is therefore worth considering a deeper exploration of how internal mechanisms, such as working capital management and financing strategies, play a role in determining trade credit policies.

The Impact of Ethic and Competence on Audit Quality (Accountability as Moderating Variable)

Purpose: This study used accountability as a moderating variable to examine the impact of ethics and competence on audit quality. Methodology: The data used in this study were derived from a questionnaire survey distributed to respondents from October to December 2023. The respondents for this study were Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) head office auditors at State Financial Auditor III. The respondents were selected using purposive sampling criteria. The final sample comprised 69 respondents. This study used the structural equation Modelling (SEM) approach with Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) software to analyze the data. Results: The findings show that ethics and competence positively affect audit quality. Accountability as a moderating variable strengthens the impact of ethics on audit quality. However, accountability does not influence the effect of competence on audit quality. Limitations: This research used a method of distributing questionnaires to several respondents online so that the questions from respondents regarding the questionnaires could not be confirmed directly. In addition, this study uses only two audit attributes as determinants of audit quality. Contribution: This research will provide an understanding of BPK stakeholders regarding the importance of ethics and competence for BPK auditors. Additionally, it is expected that they will not attempt to influence BPK auditors to commit ethical violations. Furthermore, this research is meritorious for BPK to investigate the factors that can encourage the accountability of auditors’ attitudes to improve audit quality.

Community Perspectives on the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of the Tomohon International Flower Festival

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the perceptions of the local community regarding the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts of the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF). Specifically, the study aims to understand how the residents of Tomohon view the festival's contributions to their economic well-being, social cohesion, cultural preservation, and environmental sustainability. Research methodology: This research used an exploratory approach to analyse residents' perceptions of the economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts of festival activities in Tomohon. Results: The results of the research indicate that the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) is perceived positively by the local community across several dimensions. Economically, TIFF is seen as a significant contributor to local income, job creation, and regional revenue. Socio-culturally, the festival enhances social interactions, fosters cultural pride, and supports cultural and educational development. However, the community also expressed concerns about environmental sustainability, particularly regarding waste generation and its negative impact on the city’s aesthetics. Limitations: The data gathered reflects the views of the respondents at a specific point in time and may be influenced by personal experiences, biases, or limited knowledge about broader economic, socio-cultural, and environmental factors. Additionally, the sample size, though sufficient for exploratory analysis, may not be fully representative of the entire Tomohon population, potentially limiting the generalizability of the findings. Contribution: This article contributes to the broader understanding of the socio-economic and environmental impacts of large-scale cultural events like the Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF) from the perspective of local communities. This research also serves as a guide for event organizers and policymakers in optimizing the benefits of festivals while addressing community concerns, thereby promoting more sustainable and inclusive event planning.

Dampak Rasio Kecukupan Modal dan Risiko terhadap Profitabilitas pada Bank Konvensional di Indonesia

Purpose: To determine the effect of capital adequacy ratio, market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, bank size, and other variables on banking profitability in Indonesia. Methodology: Panel data regression analysis; purposive sampling; capital adequacy ratio, market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, bank size as instruments; 39 banks listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange; return on assets as dependent variable. Results: Capital adequacy ratio and bank size have a positive and significant influence on profitability. Credit risk and operational risk have a significant negative effect. Market risk and liquidity risk have no significant effect. Limitations: The study is limited to data from banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2018-2024, so it may not reflect conditions outside this period or region. Contribution: This research is useful in the fields of banking management, corporate finance, and investment strategy.

Hubungan antara Learning Agility, Eksplorasi Kompetensi, dan Training and Development terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dimediasi Komitmen Organisasi pada PT. Kaya Raya Turun Temurun

Purpose: This study aimed to determine whether there is a Relationship Between Learning Agility, Competency Exploration, and Training and Development on Employee Performance mediated by Organizational Commitment at PT. Kaya Raya Turun Temurun (Prestisa). Research methodology: The method used in this study was quantitative, and the survey method was used to obtain primary data through a questionnaire. The sampling technique used was a simple random sampling technique with 135 respondents. The data analysis technique uses the outer model and inner model tests with SmartPLS 4.0 Results: The results of the study indicate that in the inner model test on the competency exploration variable, it has an effect, but is not significant, on employee performance mediated by organizational commitment. Based on the outer model test, simultaneous learning agility, competency exploration, and training and development have a significant effect on employee performance through the mediation of organizational commitment. Limitations: This study was limited to employees at PT. Kaya Raya Turun Temurun (Prestisa) in 2024. The study focuses only on the relationship between learning agility, competency exploration, and training and development on employee performance mediated by organizational commitment. Contribution: This study is useful for PT. Kaya Raya Turun Temurun (Prestisa) in 2024.

Pengaruh Kompensasi Non Finansial terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Dampaknya terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Universitas Baturaja

Purpose: The writing of research aimed to give analysys regarding the impact of non-financial compensation on job satisfaction and its effect on the performance of Baturaja University. Research methodology: This study used a quantitative method. Data was collected by creating a research instrument that was distributed to 53 employees of Baturaja University as the research sample and analyzed using path analysis Results: The results of the study show that there is a significant effect of non-financial compensation on employee performance through the mediation of the job satisfaction variable Limitations: This study has limitations in terms of the sample, which is restricted to employees with a tenure of 3 years after being appointed as permanent employees, totaling 53 people. It is hoped that the sample size and other independent factors can be expanded for future research. Variables such as the work environment, leadership, career development, and other related topics may also influence the improvement of employee performance. Contribution: As additional information to expand knowledge, it can also be used as a reference for researchers who will conduct similar studies in the future. Furthermore, it can provide input or contribute ideas to the University in improving employee performance through satisfaction indicators, so that employee performance becomes better and aligns with the University's Vision and Mission.

Pengaruh Konsep Green Human Resources Management, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Organisasi yang Dimediasi Praktik Implementasi Green Human Resources Management PT XX

Purpose: To find out how GHRM, Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment have an influence on organizational performance mediated by GHRM implementation practices Research methodology: This study uses a quantitative research method. The sample size based on Slovin's estimate at a 95% confidence level is 100 respondents from 200 employees. In this study, a random sampling technique was used. This study uses the Smart PLS 4.0 program and uses analytical methods in the form of descriptive analysis, validity tests, reliability tests, R-square tests, and hypothesis tests. Results: Organizational performance is mediated by GHRM implementation strategies; the GHRM variable has no visible positive impact. Through the practice of GHRM implementation, the transformational leadership variable has a large and beneficial impact on organizational performance. Organizational performance is influenced by three variables, namely organizational commitment, transformational leadership, and GHRM. Limitations: The need to improve GHRM in companies by implementing practices aimed at improving GHRM Contribution: This study introduces the concept of GHRM to further demonstrate that sustainable and environmentally friendly HRM practices are essential to improving organizational performance and increasing organizational commitment. Very useful to be applied in a corporate environment.

Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank BUMN dan Bank Swasta Indonesia: Studi Komparatif

Purpose: This study assesses and compares the financial performance of state-owned and private banks in Indonesia from 2019 to 2021. This study focuses on evaluating key financial indicators to monitor the financial structure and efficiency of banking institutions continuously amid increasing competition in the banking sector. Methodology: This study utilizes several financial ratios and applies independent sample t-tests to analyze the financial performance of state-owned and private banks. The key ratios analyzed include (Equity to Total Assets Ratio), ECTAR (Equity to Customer Assets Ratio), IMAEAR (interest margin to average earnings assets ratio), LLCR (Loan Loss Coverage Ratio), DTCR (Debt to Capital Ratio), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio), and CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio). Results: State-owned banks are financially weaker than private banks. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in the average financial performance of state-owned and private banks when measured using EATAR and ECTAR ratios. However, clear differences are observed between these two banking groups in terms of the IMAEAR, LLCR, DTCR, LDR, and CAR ratios. Limitations: This study is limited to the analysis of financial performance from 2019 to 2021, which may not fully capture long-term trends or the impact of external economic conditions, such as global financial crises or regulatory changes. Additionally, this study focuses only on a specific set of financial ratios. Contribution: This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing a comparative analysis of the financial performance of state-owned and private Indonesian banks. It offers valuable insights for banking institutions, regulators, and investors on how financial performance differs across banking groups, highlighting areas where state-owned banks may need to improve their financial strength.

Tingkat Kepuasan Masyarakat dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan di Provinsi Maluku Utara: Studi Kasus RSUD. Chasan Boesoiri

Purpose: This research aims to identify and analyze the quality of health services in North Maluku Province, the level of community satisfaction with these services, and the role of the government in encouraging efforts to improve health services. Methodology/approach: The data was analyzed using descriptive and qualitative statistical analysis frameworks. Descriptive statistics analyze variables presented in frequency distributions, both in absolute numbers and percentages. Results/findings: The research results show that there are still various aspects of government health services that require improvement, such as administrative problems, medical personnel, equipment, and supporting facilities. Public complaints include medical costs not commensurate with services, a less clean and comfortable environment, and service delays due to a lack of medical personnel. Limitations: Factors such as demographic differences and economic conditions have not been explored, nor have service provider perspectives that could provide insight into internal constraints. This limitation must be considered in further research with more diverse methods and data. Contribution: These findings can be a basis for policymakers in designing strategies for improving health services, including more appropriate budget allocation and improved procedures. This research also opens opportunities to explore demographic factors and service provider perspectives to enrich understanding of challenges and solutions in the health system.

Social Media Marketing as a Key Determinant of Brand Gestalt and Brand Personality

Purpose: This study aims to explore the relationship between social media marketing (SMM), brand personality, and brand gestalt, with a particular focus on the mediating role of brand gestalt among. Methodology: The research was conducted among 232 customers of Starbucks Indonesia, utilizing a quantitative descriptive approach. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method was employed, with data analysis carried out using the SmartPLS statistical program. Results: The study found that SMM has a positive and significant impact on the dimensions of brand gestalt, namely story, sensescape, servicescape, and stakeholders. These dimensions, in turn, significantly influence brand personality. Additionally, the brand gestalt dimensions fully mediate the relationship between SMM and brand personality. Limitations: The study is limited by its focus on Starbucks Indonesia customers, which may affect the generalizability of the findings to other brands or regions. Contribution: The study is one of the first empirical works to integrate social media marketing, brand personality, and brand gestalt. It offers valuable insights for practitioners on how to effectively leverage SMM and brand gestalt to shape brand personality.

E-Commerce dan Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan dalam Meningkatkan Minat Berbisnis Masyarakat Ligkungan XX Tanjung Mulia

Purpose: The research aims to examine the impact of E-Commerce and Entrepreneurial Knowledge in increasing Business Interest among the community of Environment XX, Tanjung Mulia. Methodology: The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The type of data employed in this study is quantitative data, which is data obtained in the form of numbers. The data sources include both primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected through the distribution of questionnaires to the residents of Environment XX, Tanjung Mulia, while secondary data is obtained from relevant literature and existing data related to the discussed issues. Results: The results of the multiple linear regression analysis indicate that any improvement in the aspects of E-Commerce and Entrepreneurial Knowledge will lead to an increase in Entrepreneurial Interest. E-Commerce, in particular, has a positive and significant impact on Entrepreneurial Interest in the community of Environment XX, Tanjung Mulia, Medan. Similarly, Entrepreneurial Knowledge also has a positive and significant partial influence on the Entrepreneurial Interest of the community in the same area. Limitations: One of the limitations of this research is the lack of diversity among respondents, as the sample was only taken from a single location, namely the XX Tanjung Mulia Medan community. to be able to continue this research by looking for other variables that can influence Entrepreneurial Interest such as business capital, family and social support. Contribution: This research provides empirical evidence that E-Commerce is not only a technological tool, but also a factor that encourages the growth of interest in entrepreneurship in society.

Kesiapan Memimpin Generasi Milenial: Kajian Kompetensi Karyawan Divisi SDM

Purpose: The study aims to determine the readiness of leaders in leading millennial employees, focusing on the competencies of Human Resources (HR) division employees. This research is significant due to the critical nature of millennials, making it necessary for leaders to be well-prepared to effectively guide them. Methodology: This research adopts a qualitative descriptive analysis approach through a literature review. The data were obtained from active employees in companies located in Bekasi and surrounding areas. The study examines leadership styles and competencies such as motives (ability to motivate), traits (ability to direct), self-concept (personal concepts), knowledge, and skills. Results: The findings, based on responses from 98 employees in the HR division in companies around Bekasi, show a high level of leader readiness for decision-making, with 59.2% of respondents agreeing that their leaders consistently seize opportunities. Additionally, leaders' human relation skills are rated highly, with 61.2% of respondents strongly agreeing that their superiors exhibit goodwill, fairness, respect, and appreciation for others. Lastly, in terms of knowledge competency, 57.1% of respondents agree that their leaders possess the knowledge necessary to complete tasks in any situation. Limitations: The study focuses only on companies in the Bekasi region and may not represent the readiness of leaders in other areas. The research is also limited to the HR division and does not explore other functional departments, which may have different leadership dynamics. Contribution: This research contributes to the understanding of leadership readiness in managing millennial employees, particularly in the HR division. It highlights critical leadership competencies and offers insights for organizations looking to improve their leadership strategies in dealing with millennials, providing valuable input for leadership development programs in the HR sector.

Faktor–Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Berwirausaha pada Anggota HIPMI PT Bandar Lampung: Sebuah Analisis Empiris

Purpose: The research aims to determine the analysis of factors that influence entrepreneurial decisions among members of HIPMI PT Bandar Lampung. Methodology: The type of research used in this research is qualitative research. The population in this research is 139 students who are members of HIPMI PT Bandar Lampung, with a sample of 85 respondents using a non-probability sampling method using purposive sampling technique. The analysis tool uses the SPSS program version 25. The analysis tool used is the Cochran Q Test. Results: The research results show that there are 11 factors that influence entrepreneurial decisions among HIPMI PT Bandar Lampung members, namely the dream of being successful, a supportive family, high market demand, family background, surrounding groups, idol figures, proud of independence, HIPMI seniors, able implement his imagination, act innovatively, capital provided by the family. Limitations: This research contributes to HIPMI PT members being able to change their mindset about entrepreneurship and increasing entrepreneurial decisions among HIPMI PT Bandar Lampung members to open new job opportunities to reduce the unemployment rate among post-graduation students.

Optimalisasi Kualitas Layanan Transportasi Publik: Pendekatan Model P-Transqual dalam Mengevaluasi Kinerja di PO. Moedah

Purpose: This study aims to quantify and scrutinize the caliber of public transportation services through meticulous application of the Public Transportation Quality (P-TRANSQUAL) framework. Research methodology: The proposed research method involves a qualitative approach that integrates the use of Public Transportation Service Quality (PTSQ) and fishbone diagrams. The research population consisted of users of PO Moedah services, selected randomly based on predetermined inclusion criteria, including diverse age groups, gender, occupation, and monthly income range. Results: The empirical findings suggest that, while functionally proficient, the public transportation services administered by PO Moedah are not immune to deficiencies, warranting remedial intervention. Limitations: The study was limited by subjective customer opinions and potential sample bias due to inclusion criteria such as age and income. Additionally, the findings are specific to PO Moedah's area and offer only a snapshot in time, limiting the generalizability and long-term relevance. Contribution: This study offers practical insights for PO Moedah to improve services and demonstrates the use of the P-TRANSQUAL framework to assess public-transportation quality. It highlights the importance of customer satisfaction and promotes sustainable urban transportation by addressing key issues, such as fuel consumption and traffic congestion.

Implementation of the Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) Model for Improving Time and Cost in a Project for House Type 36

Purpose: This study was conducted on a housing project in Type 36 Housing using the Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) approach. The objective of this research was to achieve a more effective project timeline and a more efficient total project cost. Research methodology: By eliminating 50% of the safety time, the method minimizes the safe time to achieve a 50% probability of completion without additional safety time using Critical Chain Project Management or CCPM in this project. Results: This approach results in a reduction of the project completion time from the original 18 working days to 15 working days. Additionally, this implementation leads to cost savings, with the calculated daily cost amounting to Rp.10,907,170.03. Through the application of Critical Chain Project Management, a 4-day Feeding Buffer and an 11-day Project Buffer were established. As a result, the completion time for the Type 36 house construction is reduced to 15 days, which is 3 days shorter than the initial project schedule of 18. Limitations: This analyzing just focus on critical process but not for opportunity job can be reduce for more improvement. And this research only focus in Construction Project. Contribution: This research can be use for practical in the project that have critical job need to prepare and control to achive project target, with cost reduction for Rp.10,907,170.03 and project time reduction for 3 days

Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Boma Tirta Prima Makassar

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of organizational culture and work motivation on employee performance at PT Boma Tirta Prima Makassar. Research methodology: This study is quantitative research. This study used a questionnaire to collect the research data. This study used SPSS26 as a tool for data processing. Results: Organizational culture and work motivation have a significant positive effect, both partially and simultaneously, on employee performance in PT Boma Tirta Prima Makassar. Limitations: A lack of data sources is expected in the future to conduct research in several different locations. Contribution: This research is expected to be a source of reference for further research and a consideration for PT Boma Tirta Prima Makassar as a reference for improving employee performance. Keywords: Organisational Culture, Work Motivation, Employee Performance.