Studi Ilmu Manajemen dan Organisasi

Studi Ilmu Manajemen dan Organisasi (SIMO) is a scientific publication media that publishes articles in the fields of management and organization. SIMO is dedicated for sharing ideas among academicians, industries, practitioners, and policy-makers. This journal is expected to contribute to the development of science and practice related to management and organization in the future.

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Studi Ilmu Manajemen dan Organisasi (SIMO) is a scientific publication media that publishes articles in the fields of management and organization. SIMO is dedicated for sharing ideas among academicians, industries, practitioners, and policy-makers. This journal is expected to contribute to the development of science and practice related to management and organization in the future.



Turning Shoppers Into Buyers: How Brand Gestalt Drives Purchase Intention

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the influence of brand gestalt on customer purchase intention in the context of fashion products, addressing the gap in understanding how the 4S brand gestalt dimensions (i.e., storyscape, sensescape, services cape, and stakeholders cape) directly impact consumer purchase intention in an increasingly competitive and dynamic fashion market. Methodology/Approach: This study employed a descriptive, causal, and quantitative research design, and data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 183respondents who were customers of popular fashion brands. The collected data were then analyzed using structural equation Modeling with the assistance of SmartPLS statistical software. Results/findings: The research findings indicate that all four dimensions of brand gestalt—story cape, senses cape, services cape, and stakeholder’s cape—have a significant positive influence on customer interest in purchasing fashion products. Limitations: One potential limitation of the study is that the respondents were H&M product customers in Manado, which may restrict the generalizability of the findings to a broader consumer population. Contribution: The theoretical implications of this study underscore the importance of maintaining a consistent and integrated brand gestalt to enhance consumers’ purchase interest in fashion products.

Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konsumen untuk Keputusan Membeli di Rumah Potong Hewan Padil Pratama Kota Palopo

Purpose: The Slaughterhouse (RPH), is generally known by the community as a place to slaughter cows and buffaloes or also called large ruminants, this place is usually to slaughter cows and buffaloes for meat. Methodology/approach: This study is designed as descriptive research with an explanatory quantitative approach, studies the variables observed descriptively, and analyzes the influence that occurs between dependent variables on independent variables. The dependent variable consists of the purchase decision (Y), while the independent variable consists of consumption (X1), meat price (X2), location (X3) Results/findings: Results obtained the study found that the influence of the consumption variable is a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision at RPH Padil Pratama Palopo City, the influence of the price variable of the yield obtained meat did not have a positive and significant effect on the purchase decision at RPH Padil Pratama Palopo City, the influence of the variable location of the results obtained had a positive and significant effect on the decision to buy at RPH Padil Pratama Palopo City. Limitations: The analysis in this study still requires additional in-depth variables, such as marketing mix and loyalty, to obtain more in-depth measurement results. Contribution: The theoretical implications of this study underscore the importance of maintaining consumer loyalty to meat consumption in RPH Padil Pratama.

Pengaruh Keadilan Kompensasi dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

Purpose: This study examines the effect of compensation justice and work motivation on improving employee performance in the Perumda Air Minum Tirta Latimojong (PAMTL) Luwu Regency. Methodology/approach: This study was conducted using a survey method with employees at Perumda Air Minum Tirta Latimojong (PAMTL) Luwu Regency and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The sample in this study was taken from 102 people to facilitate the research. Result: The results of this study indicate that compensation justice has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and compensation justice and work motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Limitations: This study was limited to the Perumda Air Minum Tirta Latimojong in Luwu Regency, with a sample of 102 employees. In the research process, the researcher realized that there were respondents who answered not in accordance with the existing reality. Contribution: Research published in the Journal of Management and Organizational Science Studies.

Analysis of the Needs of Health Workers with Triangulation Techniques at Health Centers Accompanying South Sorong Regency

Purpose: To achieve the goals and working principles of health centers and health offices, the expertise and capacity of human resources are very important in diagnosing and overcoming problems so that they can achieve solutions to each task and function carried out by health centers. Methodology/approach: This research was conducted at the Metemani Health Center, South Sorong Regency, from April to June 2024. The qualitative method used in this study was designed to produce descriptive data consisting of written and spoken words derived from people and observed behaviors. The primary informants of the study were all employees at the Metemani Health Center, which amounted to 18 health workers, using the purposive sampling technique. Results/findings: Research at the Metemani Health Center shows a shortage of health workers, especially doctors, nutritionists, and pharmaceutical workers. The recruitment of health workers must be based on the analysis of the needs and fulfillment of the Minimum Personnel Standards in the agency. The Metemani Health Center has difficulty getting pharmacy staff, especially pharmacists, so this has an impact on the quality of services provided. The Head of the Health Center suggested the need for non-health workers to support administrative tasks. Limitations: Analyzing the needs of healthcare workers based on workload is essential for optimizing the performance and quality of service. Fatigue and work stress can have an impact on productivity and service quality. Contribution: The theoretical implications of this study underscore the importance of maintaining the recruitment of health workers based on the analysis of needs and fulfilment of the Minimum Standards of Personnel at Health Institutions.

Hack the Business Canvas Model Based on Product-Service System: Natural Language Processing (NLP) Perspective

Purpose: This research aims to explore the business model used for energy service companies or ESCOs. Research methodology: This research uses action research based on soft systems methodology and uses business analogies to explore implementing alternative PSS business models. The question component of this research uses the canvas business model (BMC) framework. The use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) from the sub-field of artificial intelligence is used to investigate the problems and concerns of stakeholders about energy efficiency services today. Results: It was found that NLP can extract issues or sentiments about positive or negative aspects when it comes to the development and role of energy service companies in Indonesia. It was also found that PSS's alternative business model can be used as a visual representation of how an energy service company creates, delivers, and adds value to its proportion of customers. Limitations: This research investigated case studies conducted between June 2020 and April 2021 on ESCO company. The findings from this case study may not generalize well to other contexts. Additional case studies on different populations are often needed. Contribution: Due to the increasing demand for energy and limited energy supply, companies can gain a competitive advantage by applying the PSS business model to the energy efficiency industry. Furthermore, there is a vast and untapped market potential for energy service companies in the energy efficiency industry in Indonesia.

Layanan pada PT. Citra Jelajah Informatika Bandung: Key to Improving Customer Satisfaction

Purpose: This study is motivated by the increase in internet users in Indonesia. The research examines the impact of services on customer satisfaction at PT. Citra Jelajah Informatika. Methodology/approach: The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. In this research, the unit of analysis used is the individual unit, encompassing all complaints from clients of PT. Citra Jelajah Informatika. Results/findings: The company is facing evaluation issues for progress, especially concerning service quality and slow complaint handling. The high number of customer complaints is attributed to the limited Human Resources. Limitations: This research is planned to involve all employees of PT. Citra Jelajah Informatika and its clients. Contribution: The author found several alternative solutions to problems related to customer complaints, including improving service quality and customer service responsiveness. The proposed solution involves training for the customer service team, regular communication between customer service and NOC, implementation of complaint SOPs, additional human resources in customer service and NOC support, notification of complaints during disruptions, ensuring network stability, early notification from customer service about service disruptions , and special activities (Customer Relations) to obtain regular customer.

Pengaruh Keaktifan Berorganisasi, Prestasi Akademik, Lingkungan Belajar terhadap Kesiapan Kerja Universitas Tangerang

Purpose: The importance of preparing students to enter the world of work is the main focus of a university. This research highlights XYZ University Tangerang and tries to analyze the factors that influence graduate work readiness. Researchers got 301 respondents from  2018 and 2019 Alumni. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether or not there is an influence between organizational activity, academic achievement, and learning environment on graduates work readiness at XYZ University Tangerang. Method: Researchers took 192 data who meet the requirements. Data collection used questionnaires and interviews method. The analysis technique used SmartPLS 3 application. Result: The results of this research shows that student activity and learning in organizations has a positive effect on work readiness of graduates of XYZ University Tangerang meanwhile academic achievement doesn’t have a significant effect on work readiness. Limitation: Researcher have limitations in accessing and contacting respondents. Contribution: It is hoped that the results of this research will provide valuable insight for universities in Tangerang to improving their quality of education in order to prepare students for work considering how tight the labor competition.

Pengaruh Kompensasi, Budaya Organisasi dan Motivasi terhadap Retensi Karyawan pada Store Maxx Coffee Tangerang

Purpose: Coffee is an agricultural commodity product that is popular among the public because it has a unique taste and aroma, thus encouraging a high increase in demand for coffee. This encourages rapid development in coffee retail companies, and employees have become one of the factors in a company's success. Employees who feel cared for by the company and are satisfied with their work will make a significant contribution to the company in the form of increased performance, work achievement, and increased employee retention. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of compensation, organizational culture, and work motivation on employee retention at the Maxx Coffee store. Research Methodology: The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach to data collection using research tools. The method applied in this study was a survey with a total research sample of 45 Maxx Coffee employees in Tangerang. Results: From the results of the research, it is known that compensation, organizational culture, and work motivation have partial effects on employee retention. But simultaneously it is known that compensation, organizational culture, and work motivation influence employee retention. Limitation: The limitation in this research is that because it uses a questionnaire, something that can happen is that sometimes the responses given can show a situation that is not true. The author focused only on regression models and quantitative research methods. Contribution: The author advises that Maxx Coffee can increase compensation and be able to adopt an organizational culture for all its employees, as well as motivate further improvement of Maxx Coffee's ability to retain its employees at the Tangerang branch.

Pengaruh Viscap Brand Ambassador dan Loyalitas Penggemar terhadap Brand Image Scarlett di Media Sosial Tiktok

Purpose: The objectives of this research are: 1) to determine whether the visibility of Brand Ambassador has an effect on Brand Image; 2) to determine whether the Credibility of the Brand Ambassador has an effect on Brand Image; 3) to determine whether the Attraction of the Brand Ambassador has an effect on Brand Image; and 4) to determine whether the power of brand ambassador influences brand image. 5) to find out whether Fan Loyalty to Brand Ambassadors influences Brand Image, 6) to find out whether VISCAP and Fan Loyalty to Brand Ambassadors influence Brand Image Research methodology: The research method used in this study was quantitative, with multiple linear regression analysis. The samples in this study were obtained using Cochran’s formula to obtain 384 samples. Data collection techniques use questionnaires Results:  The research results show that there is an influence of VISCAP and Fan Loyalty which has a significant positive influence on the scarlet whitening brand image on Tiktok social media. The coefficient of determination is 0.573. This means that 57.3% of the variation in the brand image variable for the Scarlet Whitening product can be explained by the variables of Visibility, Credibility, Attraction, Power and Fan Loyalty. Meanwhile, 42.7% of the variation in the Brand Image variable was explained by other variables not discussed in this study. Limitations: In the research that has been carried out, researchers experienced difficulties when searching for sampling theories and also limited time to collect data for data processing. Contribution: The achievements of this research can contribute to Tiktok always paying attention to product excellence and continuing to retain consumers, even though it will use a different brand ambassador.