Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is Indonesian Academic Journal focusing on publishing scientific works related to community services, including current topics and issues based on service activities done by the authors. This aims to significantly contribute to improve the prosperity of Indonesian society.

Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is Indonesian Academic Journal focusing on publishing scientific works related to community services, including current topics and issues based on service activities done by the authors. This aims to significantly contribute to improve the prosperity of Indonesian society.



Pendampingan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Alam Sentosa Desa Kurungan Nyawa

Purpose: This service activity for BUMDes Alam Sentosa, Kurungan Nyawa Village, aims to provide an overview of the development and management of BUMDes which functions as a driving force for the village economy. Method: Methods of instruction, guidance, and assessment are employed in this operation. Results: The findings of this program provide a process that is carried out by a person in managing activities carried out by individuals or groups. The system or management must be carried out to meet the targets to be achieved by the individual or group in a collaboration by optimizing existing resources. Conclusions: The service activity of mentoring BUMDes Alam Sentosa in Kurungan Nyawa Village went well and offered a stimulus in the form of motivation for BUMDes Alam Sentosa in carrying out its businesses, both those that were carried out and those that were not. The presence of a formal organization authorized by the Ministry of Villages is supposed to assist BUMDes Alam Sentosa's access to doing business and working with companies. Limitations: The limitation of this service is the implementation time. Contribution: This service can be useful for the BUMDes Alam Sentosa, rural communities, and the economy of the confinement village.

Pendampingan UMKM Kerajinan Lidi Nipah dan Batik di Desa Kace Timur Kabupaten Bangka

Purpose: To provide digitalization assistance, provide added value and increase sales turnover of the Deshanda Craft Gallery. Method: The method uses participatory, counseling, mentoring and training. Results: The assistance obtained from the implementation are through training, e-commerce applications, digital promotions. So that it has an impact on increasing business motivation, carrying out marketing of products, increasing turnover and making products increasingly known to the public. Conclusions: community service involves small and medium enterprises of Nipah Sticks and Batik Crafts "Galery Deshanda Craft", which has various business of nipah sticks in the form of ornaments and batik. Nipah sticks are an export commodity from the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands. Lack of promotion, traditional product sales and unprofessional management, lack of availability of raw materials has caused the Deshanda Craft Gallery to experience various obstacles in its development, it could even be threatened with closure due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Limitations: The limitation of this service is the implementation time.

Pelatihan: Evaluasi dan Rekonstruksi Kinerja ASN Pemerintah Kota Kupang Berbasis Sumber Daya Manusia

Purpose: The provision of community service activities aims to provide knowledge, understanding, and skills to state civil servants related to the ability to evaluate and reconstruct the performance of ASN based on human resources by organizational needs and existing conditions. Methodology/approach: Implementing activities using focus group discussions and workshops with the following stages: (1) surveys to find out partner problems, (2) needs analysis and initial questionnaire distribution using purposive sampling and quota sampling methods; (3) training and design consist of sharing information and materials, training on evaluation techniques, and training on reconstruction techniques; (4) the distribution of the final questionnaire to determine the increase in knowledge of participants' skills related to evaluation and reconstruction methods; and (5) prepare reports. Analysis of human resource-based ASN performance reconstruction using factorial analysis of SPSS vs. 25 Results/findings: The results of evaluating the performance of ASN based on human resources identified 33 dimensions of employee performance based on existing human resources. After being reconstructed into 9 dimensions of ASN performance based on human resources, namely professional, target, credible, teamwork, focus, capability, innovative, infrastructure, and perfectionist. Conclusion: The results of this training show that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of ASN in the Kupang City Government to evaluate and reconstruct the elements of human resource-based performance appraisal and measurement that are in accordance with existing conditions and organizational needs.

Peningkatan Daya Saing melalui Pelatihan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Sederhana pada Jaringan Wirausaha (Jawara) Bojongsari

Purpose: One of the obstacles to obtaining additional capital is the inability to compile financial statements which is a condition for obtaining access to capital from banks. Many MSME players manage their business without having a basic knowledge or skills about good strategies. MSME actors need to be fostered and accompanied in the preparation of financial statements. So that they can compile financial statements in accordance with applicable standards. MSMEs can communicate their business to stakeholders, not only with regard to products, but also performance reflected in financial statements.  MSMEs need to gain knowledge about adequate financial bookkeeping so that business expenses and income can be monitored accurately. Method: This activity is carried out in the form of training delivered by several methods such as lectures, discussions and mentoring. Result: The main target of this activity is MSME actors in Bojongsari, Depok. After the activity, participants are motivated and eager to get used to recording transactions. By getting used to recording transactions starting from the smallest thing, financial statements can be easily made with proof of transactions and regular recording. On this occasion, not only providing material to MSME actors, but also providing motivation and easy tips for compiling financial reports. Conclusion: MSME participants practice the knowledge gained, namely by getting used to recording every transaction that occurs in business, it is hoped that MSME actors can easily compile simple financial reports  

Kontribusi Bank Sampah Berbasis Digital sebagai Alternatif Peningkatan Pendapatan Warga

Purpose: The service team aims to provides alternative solutions to overcome waste management problems, namely by providing assistance to residents through outreach activities and education to residents about waste management that is considered useless to have economic value, formation of waste bank agents, registration assistance to weighing assistance. Methodology: The implementation of this community service starts from analyzing the problem, then conducting education and socialization as well as providing assistance in the formation of a Waste Bank. Results: The result of this service activity are the formation of the Bank Sampah Hijau Bina Mandiri and its management, and the registration of the Bank Sampah to Main office Bank Sampah Digital a total of 52 members with selected types of saving being money savings, basic necessities saving, sacrificial saving, umroh saving. Weighing of waste is carried out in the second month of this activity with a total of 208 kilograms of waste according to is type with a total income of IDR 384.900. this amount is certainly an additional income for residents from waste management Conclusion: This activity has a positive impact, namely residents have awareness, knowledge and understanding of the impacts arising from improper waste management, and encourage active participation of residents to protect the environment by converting waste that is considered useless into having economic value so that there is an increase in residents' income.

Penerapan Laporan Keuangan Berdasarkan SAK EMKM Berbasis Microsoft Excel pada Kanein Food di Jatirasa, Bekasi

Purpose: This study aims to help Kanein Food prepare financial reports based on SAK EMKM using an excel-based system, so that the preparation of financial reports becomes more effective. Method: The type of research used in this research is qualitative research. Source of data used in this research is primary data. Result: This study show that the preparation of financial reports prior to implementing the system at Kanein Food was still done manually and the recording was still general in nature. After implementing the system, the preparation of financial reports becomes more administrative and tidy, the preparation of financial reports also saves time because the results of financial reports appear automatically. Based on the results of testing the effectiveness of the system, the test produces an average value of 8 which means it is effective. It can be concluded that this system makes the preparation of financial reports at Kanein Food more effective and efficient. Limitation: Tthe number of respondents is only business owners and one employee who are both trained objects until they are proficient in operating the Microsoft Excel financial reporting application with contributions between the assistant and the mentor experiencing positive benefits in applying the Excel accounting software and can be sustainable.