Jurnal Studi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik

Jurnal Studi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (Jasispol) is a national, scientific and peer-reviewed journal in the fields of social and political sciences. Jasispol accepts quality manuscipts in the forms of original research, review article, book review, and case study aimed at advancing and mediating theoretical and practical development of social and political sciences. Besides Jasispol is expected to bring a change for a better social and political conditions in Indonesia.
Jurnal Studi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (Jasispol) is a national, scientific and peer-reviewed journal in the fields of social and political sciences. Jasispol accepts quality manuscipts in the forms of original research, review article, book review, and case study aimed at advancing and mediating theoretical and practical development of social and political sciences. Besides Jasispol is expected to bring a change for a better social and political conditions in Indonesia.


Evaluasi, perubahan dan kontinuitas kebijakan: studi kasus kebijakan Pilkada serentak 2020 di Bandar Lampung

Purpose: Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is a democratic party where the people directly and democratically elect the Governor and Deputy Governor, the Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as the Mayor and Deputy Mayor in the province and district/city. However, there is a slight difference between the implementation of the purpose of writing this journal is to evaluate and find out the changes and continuity of policies of the Bandar Lampung City Government about the simultaneous Pilkada un the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Research methodology: The method uses quantitative research by using a questionnaire for sampling to vote with Google Form software. Results: The study results are most people already know about the changes in policy and implementation of health protocols in the regional head elections is non-voting and evaluation less than optimal. Limitations: In this study, the authors have limitations, namely in the form of limited time in distributing questionnaires. Contribution: This research can be used throughout Indonesia, especially in the Bandar Lampung City. Keywords: Regional Head Election, Covid-19, Policy evaluation

Best practice kebijakan e-government dalam mengimplementasikan pelayanan publik di era new normal

Purpose: This research aimed to examine the extent to which the best practice of public service policies utilizing e-government and how much e-government policies need to be enforced in the new normal era. Research methodology: This research used a purposive sampling method. This research is qualitative data where the required data are statements and policies related to community participation in Bandar Lampung city. Results: The results show that many people do not understand e-government policy and its implementation is not optimal. Limitations: This study has limitations in accessing the number of respondents in taking research samples with qualitative techniques through questionnaires and their relationship to document studies. Contribution: This research is expected to be useful in improving public services amid a pandemic and being a consideration for the government in practicing an effective and efficient e-government policy as a form of implementing Best Practice, especially in regions of Indonesia.

Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Penanggulangan Bencana di Indonesia

Purpose: This study aimed to seek consideration for disaster mitigation planning through observations of disasters that have occurred before. and can be used in decision-making regarding natural disaster management. Research methodology: This research used a descriptive method with a secondary data approach and implemented a conceptual approach accompanied by a comparative approach. Results: The results of this study, namely the orientation of disaster mitigation objectives, show that there is a process related to the preparation of development plans for both regions and cities and disaster management, as well as providing a general picture to the community regarding the stages of government making policy decisions in disaster management and disaster anticipation for communities affected by disasters. Limitations: The limitations in this study are regarding disaster mitigation, the process of making plans for the future, both at the regional and central levels, through the analysis and research process on previous policies as consideration and future evaluation for disaster prevention measures and structured planning for the worst possible disaster. Contribution: This research can be used as a reference to understand the context of disaster mitigation by the government and material for consideration in making decisions about what to take to plan future disaster management from existing disaster experiences.

Strategi Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu dalam Meningkatkan Investasi di Kota Pekanbaru

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine the strategies and obstacle of The Service of Investment and The One Stop Service (DPMPTSP) in increasing the investment in Pekanbaru City. Research methodology: This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Results: The result of this research is that the strategy of DPMPTSP Pekanbaru city has not been carried out optimally because of the obstacles to the Covid-19 pandemic so that activities have stopped temporarily, but investment continues to increase. Limitations: In this study, the researcher has a lack of informants. The informants are the investors who invest in the Pekanbaru City. Contribution: Theoretically, this research serves as a continuous comparison medium for future research by having the same topic or problem. It can bring up problem-solving models or new ideas in developing government strategies, especially in this research related to investment. Practically, it can evaluate the DPMPTSP of Pekanbaru City and other regional apparatus organizations in terms of implementation and formulation of strategies to achieve goals, especially in the investment sector.

Standar Pelayanan Publik di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Pelayanan Perpustakaan ITERA

Purpose: This paper examined changes in public services during the pandemic. Research Methodology: The approach taken in this study was qualitative. Researchers collected information and data through the interview method. Along with conducting interviews, researchers searched for and read various pieces of information about implementing ITERA library services via the website and Standard Operating Procedures for services during the pandemic. Results: The Covid-19 pandemic affects public services, most notably at the ITERA Library. Changes to the ITERA Library Public Service Standards resulted in innovations in the Sumatra Institute of Technology Library's services.

Efektivitas Kelompok Usaha Bersama di Desa Banglas Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti

Purpose: Empowerment of the poor carried out by the government is a joint business group (KUBE), which is a family group that is formed, grows and develops on its initiative in carrying out productive economic efforts to increase family income. Meanwhile, after the formation of the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Banglas Village, there were problems in the implementation of activities that were not optimal, because not all members were involved in every KUBE activity, thus hampering business development. The purpose of this study was to find out how the effectiveness of the implementation of the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Banglas Village and to find out the obstacles or obstacles. Research Methodology: To be able to answer these problems, the author used a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Results: The results of this study find that the effectiveness of the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Banglas Village, Tebing Tinggi District, Meranti Islands Regency is still less effective and not optimal in its implementation because there are still inhibiting factors, namely conflicts between members which cause KUBE management to not function properly. Some issues such as lack skills and Human Resources (HR), and unfair competition are also found. Limitations: In this study, the authors lack clear information regarding the division of tasks and completeness of data or information regarding the KUBE organization. Contribution: Theoretically, this research serves as a medium of continuous comparison for future research on the same topic or problem. It can bring up problem-solving models or new ideas in the implementation of the KUBE organization to develop managed products to be more attractive and ogled by the market and better known by the wider community.