Pengaruh Online Customer Review dan Flash Sale Promotion yang Dimediasi oleh Sikap terhadap Minat Beli Skincare Skintific pada Marketplace Shopee
Purpose: the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of online customer reviews and flash sale promotions on purchase interest in skintific skincare products with consumer attitude as a mediating variable
Research methodology: study uses a quantitative approach with closed questionnaire survey techniques. The reseach sample consisted of students from several universities in Surakarta with data analysis carried out using PLS 3.0
Results: The findings reveal that Online Customer Reviews and Flash Sale Promotions have a positive and significant influence on Purchase Interest. Additionally, Consumer Attitude acts as a mediator in the connection between these variables and Purchase Interest
Limitations: The study lie in the use of only two variable independent , closed questionnaire method and limited sample coverage to students in Surakarta.
Contribution: The reseach helps to advance the field of digital marketing strategies, especially in increasing the effectiveness of online promotions and utilizing customer reviews to encourage purchase interest