Jurnal Studi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (Jasispol) is a national, scientific and peer-reviewed journal in the fields of social and political sciences. Jasispol accepts quality manuscipts in the forms of original research, review article, book review, and case study aimed at advancing and mediating theoretical and practical development of social and political sciences. Besides Jasispol is expected to bring a change for a better social and political conditions in Indonesia.
Pemberdayaan Perempuan dalam Pemanfaatan Limbah Bekas Tali Kapal
Purpose: This study aims to determine the process of empowering women in the ship rope waste treatment program as an effort to improve family welfare. Research Methodology: The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, the informants are determined based on purposive sampling technique. A total of 8 informants were selected from diverse backgrounds representing each stakeholder who played a role in program implementation. In-depth interviews were conducted to determine the community's response to program development. The implementation of this women's empowerment program is reviewed through members' internal and external factors. Results: The resulting achievements are not only able to improve the family's economy but are also able to provide space for expression for women to increase their potential. The ability to absorb knowledge related to work processes has an impact on the development of innovation in the Balanipa Group. Limitations: The limitation of research specifically only discusses the role of women without involving gender equality with the role of men in program implementation. Contribution: This research can be used as a reference for innovation and development of empowerment programs in other areas through the concept of innovation adaptation.
Strategi Pengembangan Desa Melalui Pemanfaatan Dana Desa di Desa Sako Margasari
Purpose: This study aims to determine the village development strategy through the use of village funds in the village of Sako Margasari, Kuantan Singing Regency, and the inhibiting factors of the village development strategy in the village of Sako Margasari, Kuantan Singingi Regency.Research Methodology: This research used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach.Results: The results of this study are that the village government in designing and implementing village development strategies still has obstacles that are experienced by the village government so that the development strategy is not optimal.Limitations: This study discusses the development strategy where this research looks at all environmental sectors through village funds as the basis for carrying out village development. Contribution: This research is expected to be useful and contribute as input and correction for the Head of Sako Margasari Village, Kuantan Singingi Regency. It is also useful for adding references to the literature at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, especially the Public Administration Study Program, as well as being a reference for subsequent writers with a focus on the study of Village Development Strategies Through Utilization of Village Funds in Sako Margasari Village, Kuantan Singingi Regency.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Program CSR PT. PJB UBJOM PLTU Tenayan di Kelurahan Industri Tenayan
Purpose: This study aims to determine the implementation process as well as the driving and inhibiting factors of community empowerment through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by PT. PJB UBJOM PLTU Tenayan in Industri Tenayan Village.Research Methodology: The method use in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach.Results: The results of the implementation of each stage of empowerment have been realized, but are not optimal so that they have not been able to create community independence in the Tenayan Industrial Village. The awareness stage, by providing socialization, was carried out once and was attended by 30 residents of the Tenayan Industrial Village. In the capacity building stage, the community is given training in business management, group structure, and legality. Empowerment stage, giving seeds and cages. The Young Jaya Organic group consists of 7 members, 4 members showing good progress. The supporting factor is the support from stakeholders. The inhibiting factor is the unavailability of supporting technology in making media and processing results.Limitations: In this study, the authors did not get clear information regarding the division of tasks of each member in carrying out the activities of the Muda Jaya Organik Group.Contribution: Theoretically, this research can be used as reference material and a continuous comparison medium for future research that has the same topic and problems. So that it can lead to solving problems related to increasing public awareness and increasing the quality and quantity of production from the Young Jaya Organic Group.
Implementation of One Indonesian Data by the Central Statistics Agency of East Nusa Tenggara Province
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of One Data Indonesia conducted by the Central Statistics Agency of East Nusa Tenggara Province.
Research Methodology: This research was conducted for one month, starting from February 19, 2022, to March 13, 2022. This research is classified as qualitative research with a purposive sampling approach. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was used to obtain data. Data sources consist of secondary and primary data. Data analysis was done descriptively.
Results: The results showed that the implementation of one Indonesian data in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara through the role of the Central Statistics Agency for the Province of East Nusa Tenggara was still constrained from the aspect of infrastructure, coordination, and human resources both internally and externally. The problem of electrification and wireless networks is a technical problem that greatly affects aspects of the implementation of one Indonesian data. The problem of coordination which is still a sectoral ego further increases the obstacles to implementing one Indonesian data. Although BPS human resources have met the standards, internal aspects such as limited human resources and external constraints such as a lack of understanding of statistical literacy in the public further complicate the obstacles to implementing SDI in NTT. The government's attention to resolving existing obstacles is very urgent to accelerate the implementation and development of SDI in East Nusa Tenggara Province.
Limitations: This research is still limited from the aspect of implementing the one data Indonesia program, from the aspect of the Central Statistics Agency as the implementer, and the Department of Communication and Information as of the guardian of the data. This research is still from the perspective of institutional perception.
Contribution: This research can contribution in communication, management, and policy implemented.
Pengaruh Faktor Ekonomi, dan Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Terhadap Tingkat Kejahatan Pencurian di Pulau Sumatera
Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of economic inequality, open unemployment rate, poverty line, and crime clearence on criminal property rate in the provinces of Sumatra.
Research methodology: The analytical method used in this study is OLS (Ordinary Least Square). This study uses panel data from 2010 - 2019 in 10 provinces in Sumatra using the FEM (Fixed Effect Model) model.
Results: The results showed that the variables of economic inequality and proverty line had a positive significant effect on criminal property rate in Sumatera. Meanwhile, the open unemployment rate variable has a positive but not significant effect on criminal property rate in Sumatera, and the crime clearence has a significant negative effect on criminal property rate in Sumatera.
Limitations: The limitation in this study is the use of a less specific poverty line variable.
Contribution: The results obtained from this study are expected to be one of the references in making policy directions based on the data presented to adjust the right policies, especially to reduce the crime rate of theft on the island of Sumatra.
Ketimpangan Wilayah Antar Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Lampung
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine the regional inequality of districts/cities in Lampung Province before and during the COVID-19 pandemi.
Research methodology: The analytical tool used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis method. In conducting this research, the researcher used the help of the Microsoft Excel 2010 analysis tool.
Results: The Williamson index of districts/cities in Lampung Province throughout the 2016-2019 period has increased every year. The index value in 2016 was 0.26, increasing to 0.28 in 2017, 2018 and 2019 reaching 0.32, while regional inequality in 2020 also increased in 2021 to 0.27. Theoretically, the gap rate is still at a low level of economic disparity between regions (less than 0.35).
Limitations: The limitation in this study is to use quantitative analysis without looking at the effect of independent variables on inequality (without regression analysis).
Contribution: The results obtained from this study are expected to be one of the references in making policy directions based on the data presented to adjust the right policies, especially to reduce inequality between regencies/cities in Lampung Province, through efforts to reduce the number of poor people.