Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen

Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen (Jakman) is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Management. Jakman publishes relevant manuscripts reviewed by some qualified editors. This journal is expected to be a significant platform for researchers in Indonesia to contribute to the theoretical and practical development in all aspects of Accounting, Finance and Management.

Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen (Jakman) is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Management. Jakman publishes relevant manuscripts reviewed by some qualified editors. This journal is expected to be a significant platform for researchers in Indonesia to contribute to the theoretical and practical development in all aspects of Accounting, Finance and Management.



Holistic Work Engagement pada Tenaga Kesehatan di Kota Jakarta Barat: Pengaruh Digital Quotient, Authentic Leadership, dan Perceived Organizational Support selama Covid-19

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the impact of digital quotient, authentic leadership, and perceived organizational support on work engagement of employees who work in the health industry during this COVID-19 in West Jakarta. Research methodology: The methods in this research were quantitative and survey. We obtained primary data through the questionnaire distribution with 391 respondents of health care workers who work in West Jakarta. This study used multiple regression techniques as the data analysis technique. Results: The study results indicate that digital quotient, authentic leadership, and perceived organizational support influence work engagement. Limitations: Only digital quotient, authentic leadership, perceived organizational support, work engagement variables, and health care workers in West Jakarta were assessed in this research. Contribution: This study shows the level of work engagement, digital quotient, authentic leadership, perceived organizational support and how digital quotient, authentic leadership, and perceived organizational support affect work engagement. Employers or organizations can use this research to improve their employees' work engagement by noticing their employee's level of digital quotient and implementing authentic leadership and perceived organizational support.

Pengaruh Cluster Emiten terhadap Return Saham JSX Berbasis Parameter Rasio Analisa Fundamental

Purpose: This research aimed to find the effect of cluster techniques in determining stock selection to maximize return and minimize risk in the stock market. Research Methodology: The methodology consists of two of several algorithmic approaches of the clustering method to find hidden patterns in a group of datasets, i.e., Partitioning clusters (k-means) defined by the dataset object and its central area, and hierarchical clusters that group data through varying scales to be implemented into cluster trees or dendrogram. Dataset summary analysis of the fundamental ratio of stocks in the study was obtained from IDX stock data. Results: This study's classification has been obtained that consists of three zones: green, blue and red zone. The significance obtained provides an alternative form of stock categorization, creating an investment decision support system based on Cluster Analysis, the search for correlations and patterns between ratios of the Financial Statements as complementary tools of Investment Risk Management. Limitations: This research uses only two clustering algorithm methods to analyze the effect of clustering in maximizing return and minimizing risk and only used variables of financial reports for the company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Contribution: The risk management portfolio is a crucial part of being analyzed for investors and management to improve financial performance. As a complement to decision support, the risk management systems have to be analyzed based on cluster analysis and subsequent data mining to know the potential stock valuation in the market.

Analisis Bank Specific Factor terhadap Penyaluran Kredit Perbankan Konvensional

Purpose: This research aimed to discover the influence between capital, credit risk, liquidity, and efficiency towards credit lending. Research methodology: This research includes quantitative research. The objects in this research were commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), with 36 commercial banks chosen as the samples within the 2017 – 2019 period. Research hypotheses were tested with a significance level of 5% by using a panel data regression model and assisted by E-Views 11 program. Results: The result obtained within this research are (1) there is an influence between capital and credit lending, (2) credit risk does not influence credit lending, (3) liquidity has influence credit lending, and (4) efficiency does not have any influence with credit lending. Limitations: The limitations of this research were the least amount of former research both nationally and internationally containing a detailed explanation about a similar topic. Contribution: The result obtained can be used for the next researcher's references, also used as a bank’s consideration on operating their main operational activity, which is credit lending, and for investor's consideration while intended to invest in the banking sector.

Pengaruh Manfaat, Kemudahan, dan Pendapatan terhadap Minat Menggunakan Paylater: Studi Kasus Masyarakat di DKI Jakarta

Purpose: This study examined the influence of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and income on interest in using paylater services. Research Methodology: The population in this study was the people of DKI Jakarta who know the Shopee Paylater service. The research sample was obtained using a purposive sampling method, with an affordable population calculation obtained 400 samples. The research method used was a quantitative method with multiple regression models. Data were primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. Results: The results of the study partially show that perceived usefulness has a positive and significant influence on the interest of using paylater services; perceived ease of use has no positive and significant influence on interest of using paylater services; and income has a positive and significant influence on interest of using paylater services. Limitations: It is necessary to investigate other variables that can affect interest in using paylater services. Contribution: E-commerce companies should develop factors that influence consumer interest in using paylater and increase consumer knowledge before using paylater services. Keywords: Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Income, Intention of Using Paylater

Pengaruh Premi, Hasil Investasi dan Risk Based Capital terhadap Laba Perusahaan Asuransi Syariah Indonesia 2019

Purpose: This study aims to identify whether there is an effect between premiums, investment returns, and risk-based capital on profits in sharia insurance entities in Indonesia in 2019. Research Methodology: The research method applied was quantitative. The affordable population in this study was 45 sharia insurance entities registered with OJK 2019. The sample used was 40 entities by applying the simple random sampling technique. The data analysis technique applied is a multiple linear regression test assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Results: By using the multiple linear regression analysis methods, the results of this study are that the premium has a positive and significant effect on profits, while investment returns and risk-based capital have Indonesia significant effect on profits. These results can contribute to sharia insurance companies developing the company’s premiums in increasing their profits. Limitations: The research objects used the 2019 period only. Therefore, it is appropriate for the next researcher to continue research with a larger range of research subjects and add other variables. Contribution: The results of this study can be useful for all insurance companies to create strategies in obtaining profits from several factors that have been studied.

Pengaruh Independensi dan Keahlian Komite Audit Terhadap Manajemen Laba Riil dengan Kualitas Audit Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the influence of the audit committee's independence and expertise on real earnings management by using audit quality as the moderating variable and firm size, leverage, and profitability as control variables. Research Methodology: Real earnings management was processed by Roychowdhury’s model and it used the abnormal value of operating cash flow, discretionary expenses, and production costs. This study used secondary data from annual reports of non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2019 and the total was 516 companies. This study used panel data regression and was processed by Stata. Results: This study proves that audit committee independence and leverage have a significant negative effect on real earnings management through discretionary expenses and audit quality cannot moderate the relationship between audit committee independence and audit committee expertise on real earnings management. Limitation: The study used audit quality as moderating variable. However, the results cannot prove that audit quality is able to affect real earnings management. Contribution: The results obtained can be used for investors' and creditors' consideration when making investment or loans decisions and can be references for further research.