Faktor-faktor UMKM dalam Mengadopsi E-Market di Kabupaten Ogan Ilir
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify critical factors influencing SMEs in Ogan Ilir to adopt e-Marketing, in order to develop a concept of e-Marketing adoption in the Ogan Ilir Regency.
Research Methodology: The study employs a survey method to collect data from MSME actors and the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and MSMEs in Ogan Ilir Regency. The initial conceptual model developed within the TOE framework using e-Market was validated and tested using SEM on survey data.
Results: The findings indicate a positive correlation between perceived direct benefits, top management support, external pressure, perceived trust, and identified e-Market adoption. However, it was determined that perceived indirect benefits and organizational readiness were insignificant in relation to e-Market adoption.
Limitations: Because this research was conducted using TOE theory, additional development in areas such as behavior and infrastructure is required. Additionally, this research focuses exclusively on MSMEs in Ogan Ilir Regency and requires additional data to ensure that this concept is well received.
Contribution: This study significantly contributes to the field of e-Market research, both theoretically and practically. This study adds to the existing body of knowledge in the field of e-Market and technology adoption in MSMEs by expanding the TOE framework to study e-Market adoption, developing a validated conceptual model to investigate the critical determinants of e-Market adoption in MSMEs in the Ogan Ilir district, and (c) providing MSMEs with an effective approach to assist them in the evaluation and selection of technology.
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- BRIGHAM, E. F. & SMITH, K. V. 1967. Cost of capital to the small firm. The Engineering Economist, 13, 1-26.
- BRYMAN, A. & BELL, E. 2007. Business research methods, Oxford University Press, USA.
- BUNKER, D. & MACGREGOR, R. Successful generation of information technology (IT) requirements for small/medium enterprises (SME’s)–cases from regional Australia. Proceedings of SMEs in a Global Economy, 2000. 72-84.
- BYRNE, B. 2010. Structural equation modeling with AMOS : basic concepts, applications, and programming, New York, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
- COCHRAN, A. B. 1981. Small business mortality rates: A review of the literature. Journal of Small Business Management (pre-1986), 19, 50.
- CRAGG, P. B. & ZINATELLI, N. 1995. The evolution of information systems in small firms. Information & management, 29, 1-8.
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- DENG, H., DUAN, S. X. & LUO, F. 2019. Critical determinants for electronic market adoption. Journal of Enterprise Information Management.
- DUAN, S. X., DENG, H. & CORBITT, B. J. A Critical Analysis of E-Market Adoption in Australian Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. PACIS, 2010. 169.
- DUHAN, S., LEVY, M. & POWELL, P. 2001. Information systems strategies in knowledge-based SMEs: the role of core competencies. European Journal of Information Systems, 10, 25-40.
- FATHIMAH, V. 2019. Determinan Adopsi E-Commerce dan Dampaknya Pada Kinerja Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM). Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 7, 445-464.
- GRANDON, E. E. & PEARSON, J. M. 2004. Electronic commerce adoption: an empirical study of small and medium US businesses. Information & management, 42, 197-216.
- GREWAL, R., COMER, J. M. & MEHTA, R. 2001. An investigation into the antecedents of organizational participation in business-to-business electronic markets. Journal of Marketing, 65, 17-33.
- KAPLAN, D. 2000. Structural Equation Modeling: Foundations and Extensions, SAGE Publications.
- KUMAR, B., ASHEQ, A. A., RAHAMAN, M. & KARIM, M. 2019. Determinants of Social Media Marketing Adoption among Smes: A Conceptual Framework. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 23.
- LEVY, M. & POWELL, P. 2003. Exploring SME internet adoption: towards a contingent model. Electronic markets, 13, 173-181.
- LIN, C., HUANG, Y.-A. & BURN, J. 2007. Realising B2B e-commerce benefits: the link with IT maturity, evaluation practices, and B2BEC adoption readiness. European Journal of Information Systems, 16, 806-819.
- MACGREGOR, R. C. & VRAZALIC, L. 2005. A basic model of electronic commerce adoption barriers: A study of regional small businesses in Sweden and Australia. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 12, 510.
- MOLLA, A. & LICKER, P. S. 2005. Perceived e-readiness factors in e-commerce adoption: An empirical investigation in a developing country. International journal of electronic commerce, 10, 83-110.
- POON, S. & SWATMAN, P. M. 1999. An exploratory study of small business Internet commerce issues. Information & management, 35, 9-18.
- PUJANI, V. & IBOO, A. V. 2016. Adopsi E-tourism pada Industri Perhotelan di Kota Padang: Identifikasi Klaster Berdasarkan Karakteristik Fitur Website. Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi, 2, 47-56.
- SARI, D. C., EFFENDY, F., SUDARSO, A., ABDILLAH, L. A., FADHILLAH, Y., FAJRILLAH, F., SETIAWAN, Y. B., SIMARMATA, J., WATRIANTHOS, R. & JAMALUDIN, J. 2020. Perdagangan Elektronik: Berjualan di Internet, Yayasan Kita Menulis.
- SUGIYONO 2017. Metode Penelitian Bisnis, Bandung: Alfabeta.
- SUSIDIN, S. 2019. PERAN UKM DALAM PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen STIE Assholeh, 26-36%V 11.
- KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR In: MENGAH, D. P. P. K. D. U. K. & ILIR, K. O. (eds.). Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Indonesia.
- TARUT?, A. & GATAUTIS, R. 2014. ICT impact on SMEs performance. Procedia-social and behavioral Sciences, 110, 1218-1225.
- TETTEH, E. & BURN, J. 2001. Global strategies for SMe-business: applying the SMALL framework. Logistics Information Management, 14, 171-180.
- WELSH, J., WHITE, J. & DOWELL, P. 1981. A Small Business is not a Little Big Business Harvard Business Review. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 18.
- YE, X., LIAN, Z., SHE, B. & KUDVA, S. 2020. Spatial and big data analytics of E-Market transaction in China. GeoJournal, 85, 329-341.