Jurnal Studi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (Jasispol) is a national, scientific and peer-reviewed journal in the fields of social and political sciences. Jasispol accepts quality manuscipts in the forms of original research, review article, book review, and case study aimed at advancing and mediating theoretical and practical development of social and political sciences. Besides Jasispol is expected to bring a change for a better social and political conditions in Indonesia.
Implementasi Model SMCR dalam Stretegi Komunikasi Layanan Publik di KOMINFO Kota Medan
Purpose: This study aims to evaluate and explore the application of the SMCR Model (Source, Message, Channel, Receiver) in public service communication strategies at the Department of Communication and Information (Kominfo) in Medan City, with particular emphasis on exploring patterns of communication effectiveness and public engagement.
Methodology: The method used is a case study with data collection through interviews, observation, and documentation. The analysis is based on the SMCR components, including source, message, channel, and receiver.
Results: The results show that the credibility of the information source, message clarity, and the use of diverse communication channels play significant roles in the effectiveness of public communication. However, challenges related to the digital divide still hinder information access for certain segments of society. Strategic implementation steps have been identified, including: establishing a multi-channel communication framework, developing capacity building programs for communication staff, implementing regular channel effectiveness monitoring systems, and creating targeted outreach programs for digitally underserved communities.
Limitations: The limitation of this research lies in its limited regional scope and focus on a single institution, which may affect the generalizability of the findings.
Contribution: The contribution of this study is providing practical recommendations for public institutions to develop more inclusive communication strategies, especially in addressing the digital divide through channel diversification and improving staff capacity.
Evaluasi Kritis Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Utara dalam Penanggulangan Ketimpangan Sosial
Purpose: This study aims to critically evaluate the North Sumatra Provincial Government's strategies in addressing social inequality using the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model, focusing on how policies are formulated and implemented to tackle disparities in income, education, healthcare, and infrastructure access.
Methodology/approach: The research employs a qualitative approach, using case studies and in-depth interviews with key informants from government institutions, such as Bappeda, the Department of Social Affairs, and the Department of Education. Secondary data, including official reports and statistics from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), is also analyzed. The data is processed through qualitative content analysis to identify key themes related to the government's response to social inequality.
Results/findings: The study finds that while the North Sumatra government has launched several policies to address social inequality, including social assistance programs, infrastructure development, and education access improvements, these initiatives face significant challenges. These include uneven resource allocation, political interference, and logistical issues in reaching remote areas. The findings also highlight a lack of effective coordination between government agencies, which hampers the implementation of policies, particularly in rural and isolated regions.
Limitations: The study's scope is limited to North Sumatra Province, and the findings may not be fully generalizable to other regions with different socio-economic contexts. Additionally, the reliance on qualitative data, such as interviews and document analysis, introduces the risk of subjective bias from informants and limited access to comprehensive quantitative data.
Contribution: This research contributes to the literature on public policy and social inequality by applying the SOR model to a provincial context in Indonesia. It provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by local governments in addressing inequality and offers recommendations for improving policy formulation and implementation processes. The findings can inform future policy-making efforts and contribute to more effective responses to social inequality in other regions.
Pola Jaringan Komunikasi Organisasi dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan: Studi di RSIA Murni Teguh Rosiva, Medan
Purpose: This study aims to examine communication patterns at Murni Teguh Rosiva Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA) in Medan, focusing on the effectiveness of organizational communication models as outlined by Fred C. Lunenburg, including chain, wheel, circle, Y, and all-channel communication structures, in supporting coordination, responsiveness, and healthcare service quality.
Methodology/approach: A qualitative approach was employed, involving in-depth interviews and participatory observation with both medical and non-medical staff. Data collection focused on analyzing communication patterns within the hospital setting.
Results/findings: The study revealed that each communication model presents unique strengths and limitations in facilitating information flow and decision-making processes. The chain and wheel models support structured information distribution but often result in delays during critical situations. The circle and Y patterns enable faster inter-unit collaboration but are susceptible to miscommunication due to varying professional backgrounds. The all-channel pattern in informal communication fosters staff solidarity but risks the spread of inaccurate information.
Limitations: This study is limited to observational and interview-based data from a single healthcare institution, potentially restricting generalizability across different healthcare settings.
Contribution: This research contributes to the development of a more responsive and collaborative communication system in healthcare institutions, particularly in enhancing operational support through adaptive communication frameworks.