Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik

Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik adalah jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah yang mengangkat topik ekonomi dan kebijakan publik serta topik-topik terkait. Naskah yang dikirimkan ke Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik akan direview dengan metode double-blind peer review oleh mitra bestari pilihan kami. Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik bertujuan untuk menjawab berbagai isu serta memediasi penyebarluasan perkembangan teoritis dan praktis di bidang ekonomi dan kebijakan publik melalui publikasi ilmiah.

Announcements 2

Current Issue

Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik adalah jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah yang mengangkat topik ekonomi dan kebijakan publik serta topik-topik terkait. Naskah yang dikirimkan ke Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik akan direview dengan metode double-blind peer review oleh mitra bestari pilihan kami. Studi Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik bertujuan untuk menjawab berbagai isu serta memediasi penyebarluasan perkembangan teoritis dan praktis di bidang ekonomi dan kebijakan publik melalui publikasi ilmiah.



Analisis Hubungan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dengan Kemiskinan dan Belanja Modal Pemerintah Daerah, Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja, dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia

Purpose: This study examines the effects of local governments’ capital expenditures, labor absorption, and the Human Development Index on economic growth and poverty in 35 districts/cities in Central North Sumatra. Methodology/Approach: Quantitative research was used in this study. The secondary data were used by the researchers. Capital expenditures of local governments, labor absorption, and the Human Development Index are exogenous variables, while economic growth and poverty level are endogenous variables. Results: The results showed that the four proposed hypotheses were accepted, and the hypothesis was rejected. Limitations: Ownership structure and ownership have no relationship with debt policies. Contributions: Nasution et al. (2023) The results showed that the four proposed hypotheses were accepted and the hypothesis was rejected. Hypothesis 1 suggests that local government capital expenditures have a significantly positive effect on economic growth. Hypothesis 2 suggests that labor absorption has a significantly positive effect on economic growth. Hypothesis 3 suggests that the Human has a significantly positive effect on economic growth. Hypothesis 4 suggests that economic growth has no significant effect on poverty. Hypothesis 5 suggests that the Human Development Index has a significantly negative effect on poverty.Index is a significantly negative effect on poverty.

Analisis Pengaruh PMDN dan PMA terhadap PDRB di Sumatera Utara

Purpose: This study analyzes the effect of Domestic Direct Investment (DDI) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDRP) in North Sumatra Province in the period 2001-2020. Methodology/approach: Secondary data obtained from the North Sumatra Central Bureau of Statistics were used in this study. The data analysis method used in this research was a multiple linear regression method using the Eviews 12 software. Results: The results of this study indicate that the DDI and FDI have a positive and significant effect on Gross Regional Domestic Product in North Sumatra. The coefficient of determination of 92.70% indicates that the model can explain the variation in Gross Regional Domestic Product significantly, and the coefficient value of 7.30% is influenced by other variables outside this study. Limitations: Only tests 2-factor variables that affect stock returns during a certain period are tested. Contribution: This research is expected to provide readers with a better understanding of the contribution of domestic and foreign investment to regional economic growth in North Sumatra. This research is also expected to serve as a reference for local and foreign investment policymakers to improve and stabilize regional economic growth.

Pengaruh Akuntabilitas, Kejelasan Sasaran dan Desentralisasi terhadap Kinerja Manajerial di Kota Mojokerto

Purpose: This study provides empirical evidence on the influence of performance accountability, clarity of budget targets, and performance decentralization on managerial performance in government agencies in Mojokerto City simultaneously and partially. Methodology/approach: Quantitative research and data collection using questionnaires (saturated sampling). The population was taken from organizations in government agencies in Mojokerto City with a total of 30 agencies and respondents as data samples consisting of heads of departments/agencies, secretaries/equivalents, and heads of fields/sections using SPSS 22. Results/findings: The variables of performance accountability and budget targets have a positive influence on managerial performance, while the variable decentralization of performance has a negative influence. The simultaneous variables of accountability, budget targets, and decentralization have a positive influence on managerial performance. Limitations: The information provided by respondents through the questionnaire does not show their actual opinions due to differences in thoughts, assumptions, and understanding of each respondent. Contribution: This research contributes to the Mojokerto City Regional Government.

Analisis Dampak Sektor Perkebunan terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Mengacu pada SDGs Indonesia 2021

Purpose: This study aims to explain the impact of the plantation sector on Indonesia's economic growth in 2021, focusing on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 8, which emphasizes decent work and economic growth. Methodology/approach: This study adopts a quantitative approach using secondary data obtained directly from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). Multiple Linear Regression is the method employed, along with testing for Classical Assumptions and T-statistics (partial test) using the STATA analysis tool. Results/findings: The research findings from the t-test indicate that out of the eight types of crops in the plantation sector, only tea significantly influences Indonesia's economic growth in 2021. Limitations: The limitations of this study include the number of dependent variables (eight) and the range of data time in 2021. Contribution: This research can serve as a reference for prioritizing the plantation sector, which has significant development potential, considering Indonesia's favorable geographical location. Therefore, it is expected that this potential can positively contribute to Indonesia's economic growth by aiming to achieve prosperity and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Perbandingan Kepuasan Publik atas Pelayanan Online dan Offline pada Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Purpose: This study aimed to compare public satisfaction with online and offline services at the investment service and one-stop integrated services in South Sulawesi Province as research objects. Methodology/approach: This research is a type of quantitative research with a comparative method that describes a variable or situation that is studied based on facts or what it is by using numerical data that can be obtained from questionnaire tabulations or questionnaires. Testing the hypothesis in this study using Independent Test sample t Results: The results of this study show a significant difference between public satisfaction with online services and Offline Services at the South Sulawesi Province One Stop Investment and Integrated Services Service. With this online service, the government's aim to launch the ProPTSP application to fulfill and facilitate access to licensing services, which are the authority of the province of South Sulawesi, is being realized well. Therefore, the results of this research show that the level of public satisfaction with online services is higher than that with offline services. Limitations: The thoughts, assumptions, and understandings of each respondent were different. The information provided through the questionnaire did not reflect respondents’ opinions. Contribution: This research contributes to  the investment office and one-stop integrated services of South Sulawesi Province.