TikTok sebagai Media Pemasaran Digital : Efek Influencer Marketing dan E-WOM terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Skincare
Purpose: This study examines the influence of the influencer marketing and e-WOM in TikTok to Purchase decisions of skincare Product.
Research methodology: This study uses quantitative approach with data collection through online questionnaire distribution to 100 consumers who actively use TikTok. The collected data was analyzed with the assistance of the SmartPLS4 through the inner and outer model testing processes.
Results: Influencer marketing and e-WOM has significant and positive effect to skincare product purchase decisions.
Limitations: This study has limitations concering the sample size utilized. With a limited sample, the finding may not fully represent the behavior of the entire population of TikTok users or skincare consumers in general.
Contribution: This study enriches the literature on digital marketing through influencer and e-WOM, also provides insights for skincare businesses, especially local brands, in developing effective and efficient strategies by leveraging TikTok to attract both domestic and international consumers.