Kajian Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental

Kajian Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (KPKM) is a national, peer-reviewed and scholarly journal, which accepts and publishes high-quality article discussing various interesting issues on psychology and mental health. Kajian Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (KPKM) welcomes researchers, practitioners and academicians to submit empirical research, theroretical articles, and reviews related to updated topics of psychology.

Current Issue

Kajian Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (KPKM) is a national, peer-reviewed and scholarly journal, which accepts and publishes high-quality article discussing various interesting issues on psychology and mental health. Kajian Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (KPKM) welcomes researchers, practitioners and academicians to submit empirical research, theroretical articles, and reviews related to updated topics of psychology.



Gambaran Coping Stress ASN yang Menjalankan Izin Belajar

Purpose: This study aimed to describe the stress-coping strategies applied by civil servants (ASN) aged 40 years and above. Methodology: This was a qualitative case study. Participants in this study were two civil servants (ASN) in their 40s who were pursuing further education while working. Data collection was conducted through in-depth, semi-structured interviews. Results: The results of this study indicate that both participants used different stress-coping techniques, which were tailored to the unique aspects of each participant, including their economic circumstances and the social environment around them. Limitations: This study only included married participants consist of individuals from a single ethnic group located in Indonesia. Contribution: This study is expected to provide an overview of the stress-coping strategies of civil servants (ASN) pursuing further education.

Proses Menghadapi “Tekanan dan Badai” pada Remaja Akhir Asal NTT yang Mengalami Corporal Punishment Orang Tua

Purpose: To understand the process of late adolescents facing "pressure and storms" and experiencing physical punishment from their parents. Methodology/approach: This is a qualitative type of phenomenological research. Participants in this study were two teenage boys with the following characteristics: had experienced corporal punishment, were a native of NTT, and were in the age range of 18–22 years. The data collection method used by the researchers was semi-structured interviews with open and in-depth questions. Results: The results of the study showed that both participants used long-term stress coping and short-term stress coping as an effort to deal with "pressure and storms" due to corporal punishment by their parents. Both participants used short-term stress coping to avoid problems and minimize stress. Participant 1 used long-term stress coping to accept the situation and adapt to the family's wishes. Participant 2 used long-term stress coping to find his identity and avoid conflicts with his parents. Limitations: This study focuses less on the educational background of the participants and does not examine the role of culture in overcoming corporal punishment. Contribution: It is hoped that this research can enrich the reader's knowledge and apply it to life regarding the process of facing pressure and storms due to corporal punishment.

Hubungan antara Happiness dengan Fear of Missing Out pada Dewasa Awal Pengguna Media Sosial di NTT

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between happiness and FoMO in early adult social media users in NTT. Methodology/approach: This study used quantitative research methods with non-linear regression design. The study participants were 212 early adult men and women with an age range of 18-40 years who lived in NTT and were active on one social media or even more than one with a minimum period of 3 hours a day. Results/findings: The results of the non-linearity regression test using the "Quadratic" method obtained a value of b = -1.736 and P = 0.028 (P<0.05) which is therefore a significant negative relationship between happiness and FoMO in early adult social media users in NTT. Limitations: From the results of the research and discussion conducted, it can be concluded that early adult social media users in NTT who are respondents in this study need to increase happiness to be wiser in using social media so as not to experience FoMO. When early adulthood in NTT does not feel life satisfaction or experience anxiety, you should look for something else that can make early adult individuals in NTT accept themselves and their environment instead of using excessive social media, because it will have the potential for early adulthood to experience FoMO. Contribution:  This research is expected to help early adults in NTT to improve and direct their feelings of happiness, so that early adults in NTT can regulate behavior in social media besides that it can reduce the tendency to experience FoMO.

Melacak Kemajuan Kognitif: Binaural Beats pada Gelombang Otak Alpha terhadap Working Memory

Purpose: Binaural beats are a therapy method that uses the difference in frequencies between the left and right ears to maximize brain waves. There are five types of brain waves: delta, theta, beta, gamma, and alpha, with alpha representing a relaxed state of consciousness and serving as the focus of this research. This research aimed to determine whether binaural beats on alpha brain waves affect the working memory of students from the Faculty of Psychology, Padjadjaran University, class 2023. Methodology/approach: This quantitative research used an experimental research design in the form of a one-group pretest-posttest design using a sampling technique in the form of stratified random sampling. This research uses the Brown Peterson Task measurement tool, which was conducted in November 2023, involving 50 respondents from the Faculty of Psychology Unpad students’ class of 2023 using the Wilcoxon test statistical analysis. Results: After conducting statistical tests on the pre-test and post-test data with the same participants, the researcher found that the average post-test score (total = 50; M = 4.38; SD = 1.50) was higher than the average pre-test score (total = 50; M = 4.00; SD = 1.47). Based on Wilcoxon testing, the post-test scores for the Brown-Peterson task were higher than the pre-test scores for the Brown-Peterson task. Limitations: This study has several limitations. The use of a pre-test and post-test strategy in the Brown-Peterson Task may yield results influenced by participants' familiarity with the instructions and questions in the pre-test. Therefore, it is recommended that future research should introduce more variation in the post-test to control for the obtained results. The population and sample size of this study are limited, and subsequent research is expected to broaden the population scope and increase the sample size to support the generalization of the results. Contribution: This study contributes to students by considering techniques for improving their working memory abilities.


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