The Relationship between Resilience and Innovative Work Behavior among College Students

Published: Jun 10, 2022


Purpose: The aim of this study is to prove the relationship between resilience and innovative work behavior among college students.

Research methodology: Both variables in this study are measured using Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) Scale from Janssen (2000) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) from Connor & Davidson (2003) that was distributed through Google Form link. The data analysis is done with the support of the 25th version of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science).

Results: Resilience has a significant correlation with innovative work behavior among college students.

Limitations: No strict controls of questionnaire administration, the questionnaire consists of 6 different measurements from the research team, and can't be fully generalized to the college students population.

Contribution: New findings of correlation between two variables among new samples.

1. Resilience
2. Innovative Work Behavior
3. College Students
1 . Agita Novi
2 . Arum Etikariena
How to Cite
Novi, A., & Etikariena, A. (2022). The Relationship between Resilience and Innovative Work Behavior among College Students. Jurnal Humaniora Dan Ilmu Pendidikan, 1(2), 109–120.


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Issue & Section

    Abukhait, R., Bani-Melhem, S., & Mohd Shamsudin, F. (2020). Do employee resilience, focus on opportunity, and work-related curiosity predict innovative work behaviour? The mediating role of career adaptability. In Managing Knowledge, Absorptive Capacity and Innovation (pp. 31-60): World Scientific.

    Al-husseini, S., & Elbeltagi, I. (2014, March). Application of structural equation modelling to evaluate

    the effect of transformational leadership on knowledge sharing. In International Conference on

    Management, Leadership & Governance (p. 1). Academic Conferences International Limited.

    Amabile, T. M. (1988). A model of creativity and innovation in organizations. Research in

    organizational behavior, 10(1), 123-167.

    Amabile, T. M., Schatzel, E. A., Moneta, G. B., & Kramer, S. J. (2004). Leader behaviors and the

    work environment for creativity: Perceived leader support. The Leadership Quarterly, 15(1),


    Amir, M. T. (2019). Perilaku Organisasi: Prenada Media.

    Andriani, A., & Listiyandini, R. A. (2017). Peran kecerdasan sosial terhadap resiliensi pada mahasiswa tingkat awal. Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 4(1), 67-90.

    Athota, V. S., & Malik, A. (2019). Managing employee well-being and resilience for innovation: Evidence from knowledge-intensive service industries: Springer.

    Belal, A., E. (2019). A Review of Positive Organizational Behavior: The Moderating Role of Three Contextual Factors. Paper presented at the The International Conference on Research in Human Resource Management, London, United Kingdom.

    Bos-Nehles, A., Renkema, M., & Janssen, M. (2017). HRM and innovative work behaviour: A

    systematic literature review. Personnel review.

    Bowman, N. A. (2012). Promoting sustained engagement with diversity: The reciprocal relationships

    between informal and formal college diversity experiences. The Review of Higher

    Education, 36(1), 1-24.

    Cameron, K. S., Dutton, J. E., & Quinn, R. E. (2003). An introduction to positive organizational

    scholarship. Positive organizational scholarship, 3(13), 2-21.

    Caniëls, M. C., & Baaten, S. M. (2019). How a learning-oriented organizational climate is linked to

    different proactive behaviors: The role of employee resilience. Social Indicators

    Research, 143(2), 561-577.

    Chen, A., Li, L., Li, X., Zhang, J., & Dong, L. (2013). Study on innovation capability of college

    students based on extenics and theory of creativity. Procedia Computer Science, 17, 1194-

    Chen, Y., & Yin, Y. (2017, May). Research on Mechanism of Innovation Climate in College on College

    Student's Innovative Behavior The Mediating Effects of Intrinsic Incentives. In 3rd

    International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2017) (pp.

    -917). Atlantis Press.

    Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. New Jersey: Lawrence

    Erlbaum Associates

    Connor, K. M., & Davidson, J. R. (2003). Development of a new resilience scale: The Connor?Davidson resilience scale (CD?RISC). Depression and anxiety, 18(2), 76-82.

    Coutu, D. L. (2002). How resilience works. Harvard Business Review, May, 46–55.

    Day, C. (2014). Resilient principals in challenging schools: The courage and costs of

    conviction. Teachers and Teaching, 20(5), 638-654.

    De Jong, J., & Den Hartog, D. (2010). Measuring innovative work behaviour. Creativity and innovation management, 19(1), 23-36.

    De Vries, H., Bekkers, V., & Tummers, L. (2016). Innovation in the public sector: A systematic

    review and future research agenda. Public administration, 94(1), 146-166.

    Dewi, D. K., & Syarifah, D. (2018). Perilaku Kerja Inovatif pada Karyawan Industri Pariwisata Ditinjau dari Resiliensi. INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental, 3(2), 82-91.

    Drucker, P. F. (1985). The discipline of innovation. Harvard business review, 63(3), 67-72.

    Etikariena, A. (2020). Encouraging innovative work behavior among college students through quality education to succeed the SDGs. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences.

    Firdausiah, S., & Etikariena, A. (2021). Perilaku Kerja Inovatif dan Efikasi Diri Kreatif pada Mahasiswa. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 26(1), 57-84.

    Galbraith, J. R. (1982). Designing the innovating organization. Organizational dynamics, 10(3), 5-25.

    Gayathri, N., & Karthikeyan, P. (2014). Positive organizational behavior and positive psychology—Allegations for individual growth development in firms. Indian Journal of Psychology, 3(10), 148.

    Gravetter, F. J., & Wallnau, L. B. (2016). Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences: Cengage Learning.






















    Jamrog, J., Vickers, M., & Bear, D. (2006). Building and sustaining a culture that supports innovation.

    People and Strategy, 29(3), 9.

    Janssen, O. (2000). Job demands, perceptions of effort?reward fairness and innovative work behaviour. Journal of Occupational and organizational psychology, 73(3), 287-302.

    JPNN, j. c. (2013). Soft Skill Lemah, 66 Ribu Sarjana Potensi Nganggur [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 20 July 2021, from

    Kanter, R. M. (1988). Three tiers for innovation research. Communication Research, 15(5), 509-523.

    Ketai, H., Xiaoli, L., & Li, L. (2011, June). Cultivating innovation capabilities of undergraduate

    students in extracurricular activities. In 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics

    and Applications (pp. 1488-1491). IEEE.

    King, D. D., Newman, A., & Luthans, F. (2016). Not if, but when we need resilience in the workplace. Journal of organizational behavior, 37(5), 782-786.

    Kleysen, R. F., & Street, C. T. (2001). Toward a multi?dimensional measure of individual innovative

    behavior. Journal of intellectual Capital.

    Lengnick-Hall, C. A., Beck, T. E., & Lengnick-Hall, M. L. (2011). Developing a capacity for

    organizational resilience through strategic human resource management. Human resource

    management review, 21(3), 243-255.

    Luthans, F. (2002). The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 23(6), 695-706.

    Maddi, S. R., & Khoshaba, D. M. (2005). Resilience at work: How to succeed no matter what life throws

    at you. New York, NY: AMACOM American Management Association.

    Martin, P., Poto?nik, K., & Fras, A. B. (2017). Determinants of students’ innovation in higher

    education. Studies in Higher Education, 42(7), 1229-1243.

    Maunder, R. E., Cunliffe, M., Galvin, J., Mjali, S., & Rogers, J. (2013). Listening to student voices:

    Student researchers exploring undergraduate experiences of university transition. Higher

    education, 66(2), 139-152.

    Messmann, G., & Mulder, R. H. (2011). Innovative work behaviour in vocational colleges: Understanding how and why innovations are developed. Vocations and Learning, 4(1), 63-84.

    Millar, R. B., & Anderson, M. J. (2004). Remedies for pseudoreplication. Fisheries Research, 70(2-3),


    Muchiri, M. K., McMurray, A. J., Nkhoma, M., & Pham, H. C. (2020). Mapping antecedents of innovative work behavior: A conceptual review. The Journal of Developing Areas, 54(4).

    Naranjo-Valencia, J. C., Jiménez-Jiménez, D., & Sanz-Valle, R. (2016). Studying the links between

    organizational culture, innovation, and performance in Spanish companies. Revista

    Latinoamericana de Psicología, 48(1), 30-41.

    Näswall, K., Malinen, S., Kuntz, J., & Hodliffe, M. (2019). Employee resilience: Development and validation of a measure. Journal of Managerial Psychology.

    Nunnally, J., & Bernstein, I. (1994). Psychometric Theory 3rd edition (MacGraw-Hill, New York).

    Prihartono, M. N., Sutini, T., & Widianti, E. (2018). Gambaran resiliensi mahasiswa tahun pertama program a2016 Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran. Jurnal Keperawatan BSI, 6(1).

    Ratnaningsih, I. Z., Prihatsanti, U., & Prasetyo, A. R. (2016). Predicting Innovative Behavior Among Employess in a Manufacturing Company: The Role of Psychological Capital. Anima Indonesian Psychogical Capital.

    Reddy, C. (2019). Staff Training: Importance, Benefits, Advantages & Disadvantages. Retreived July 2021, from

    Rhamdhani, H. (2021). Siap-siap Fresh Graduate Hadapi Dunia Kerja [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 2 July 2021, from

    Roberts, S. E. (2016). Innovation capacity: Resilience as an underpinning trait that promotes innovation readiness. Capella University.

    Sameer, Y. M., & Ohly, S. (2017). Innovative behavior of employees: A model of antecedents and consequences, a deeper look at psychological and organizational factors.

    Scott, S. G., & Bruce, R. A. (1994). Determinants of innovative behavior: A path model of individual innovation in the workplace. Academy of management journal, 37(3), 580-607.

    Shani, O. (2020). Organizational resilience: antecedents, consequences, and practical implications–for managers and change leaders. In Research in Organizational Change and Development: Emerald Publishing Limited.

    Shanker, R., Bhanugopan, R., Van der Heijden, B. I., & Farrell, M. (2017). Organizational climate for

    innovation and organizational performance: The mediating effect of innovative work

    behavior. Journal of vocational behavior, 100, 67-77.

    Staw, B. M. (1986). Organizational psychology and the pursuit of the happy/productive

    worker. California Management Review, 28(4), 40-53.

    Stewart, M., Reid, G., & Mangham, C. (1997). Fostering children’s resilience. Journal of Pediatric

    Nursing, 12, 21–31.

    West, M. A., & Farr, J. L. (1989). Innovation at work: Psychological perspectives. Social behaviour.

    Winarsih, W., & Etikariena, A. (2020). Encouraging innovative work behavior among college students through quality education to succeed the SDGs. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences.

    Woodman, R. W., Sawyer, J. E., & Griffin, R. W. (1993). Toward a theory of organizational

    creativity. Academy of management review, 18(2), 293-321.

    Wojtczuk-Turek, A. (2012). Innovative work behavior and psychological capital–analysis of relationships. Organizacja i Zarz?dzanie: kwartalnik naukowy, 3(19), 71-88.

    World Economic Forum. (2020). The Future of Jobs Report 2020.

    Yidong, T., & Xinxin, L. (2013). How ethical leadership influence employees’ innovative work

    behavior: A perspective of intrinsic motivation. Journal of business ethics, 116(2), 441-455.

    Youssef, C. M., & Luthans, F. (2007). Positive organizational behavior in the workplace: The impact of hope, optimism, and resilience. Journal of management, 33(5), 774-800.

    Yuan, F., & Woodman, R. W. (2010). Innovative behavior in the workplace: The role of performance and image outcome expectations. Academy of management journal, 53(2), 323-342.

    Zhong, X., & Liu, Z. (2014, June). Studies on creativity enhancement of contemporary college students.

    In 3rd International Conference on Science and Social Research (ICSSR 2014) (pp. 663-666).

    Atlantis Press.

  1. Abukhait, R., Bani-Melhem, S., & Mohd Shamsudin, F. (2020). Do employee resilience, focus on opportunity, and work-related curiosity predict innovative work behaviour? The mediating role of career adaptability. In Managing Knowledge, Absorptive Capacity and Innovation (pp. 31-60): World Scientific.
  2. Al-husseini, S., & Elbeltagi, I. (2014, March). Application of structural equation modelling to evaluate
  3. the effect of transformational leadership on knowledge sharing. In International Conference on
  4. Management, Leadership & Governance (p. 1). Academic Conferences International Limited.
  5. Amabile, T. M. (1988). A model of creativity and innovation in organizations. Research in
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  10. Amir, M. T. (2019). Perilaku Organisasi: Prenada Media.
  11. Andriani, A., & Listiyandini, R. A. (2017). Peran kecerdasan sosial terhadap resiliensi pada mahasiswa tingkat awal. Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 4(1), 67-90.
  12. Athota, V. S., & Malik, A. (2019). Managing employee well-being and resilience for innovation: Evidence from knowledge-intensive service industries: Springer.
  13. Belal, A., E. (2019). A Review of Positive Organizational Behavior: The Moderating Role of Three Contextual Factors. Paper presented at the The International Conference on Research in Human Resource Management, London, United Kingdom.
  14. Bos-Nehles, A., Renkema, M., & Janssen, M. (2017). HRM and innovative work behaviour: A
  15. systematic literature review. Personnel review.
  16. Bowman, N. A. (2012). Promoting sustained engagement with diversity: The reciprocal relationships
  17. between informal and formal college diversity experiences. The Review of Higher
  18. Education, 36(1), 1-24.
  19. Cameron, K. S., Dutton, J. E., & Quinn, R. E. (2003). An introduction to positive organizational
  20. scholarship. Positive organizational scholarship, 3(13), 2-21.
  21. Caniëls, M. C., & Baaten, S. M. (2019). How a learning-oriented organizational climate is linked to
  22. different proactive behaviors: The role of employee resilience. Social Indicators
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  25. students based on extenics and theory of creativity. Procedia Computer Science, 17, 1194-
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  27. Chen, Y., & Yin, Y. (2017, May). Research on Mechanism of Innovation Climate in College on College
  28. Student's Innovative Behavior The Mediating Effects of Intrinsic Incentives. In 3rd
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  34. Coutu, D. L. (2002). How resilience works. Harvard Business Review, May, 46–55.
  35. Day, C. (2014). Resilient principals in challenging schools: The courage and costs of
  36. conviction. Teachers and Teaching, 20(5), 638-654.
  37. De Jong, J., & Den Hartog, D. (2010). Measuring innovative work behaviour. Creativity and innovation management, 19(1), 23-36.
  38. De Vries, H., Bekkers, V., & Tummers, L. (2016). Innovation in the public sector: A systematic
  39. review and future research agenda. Public administration, 94(1), 146-166.
  40. Dewi, D. K., & Syarifah, D. (2018). Perilaku Kerja Inovatif pada Karyawan Industri Pariwisata Ditinjau dari Resiliensi. INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental, 3(2), 82-91.
  41. Drucker, P. F. (1985). The discipline of innovation. Harvard business review, 63(3), 67-72.
  42. Etikariena, A. (2020). Encouraging innovative work behavior among college students through quality education to succeed the SDGs. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences.
  43. Firdausiah, S., & Etikariena, A. (2021). Perilaku Kerja Inovatif dan Efikasi Diri Kreatif pada Mahasiswa. Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi, 26(1), 57-84.
  44. Galbraith, J. R. (1982). Designing the innovating organization. Organizational dynamics, 10(3), 5-25.
  45. Gayathri, N., & Karthikeyan, P. (2014). Positive organizational behavior and positive psychology—Allegations for individual growth development in firms. Indian Journal of Psychology, 3(10), 148.
  46. Gravetter, F. J., & Wallnau, L. B. (2016). Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences: Cengage Learning.
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  66. Jamrog, J., Vickers, M., & Bear, D. (2006). Building and sustaining a culture that supports innovation.
  67. People and Strategy, 29(3), 9.
  68. Janssen, O. (2000). Job demands, perceptions of effort?reward fairness and innovative work behaviour. Journal of Occupational and organizational psychology, 73(3), 287-302.
  69. JPNN, j. c. (2013). Soft Skill Lemah, 66 Ribu Sarjana Potensi Nganggur [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 20 July 2021, from
  70. Kanter, R. M. (1988). Three tiers for innovation research. Communication Research, 15(5), 509-523.
  71. Ketai, H., Xiaoli, L., & Li, L. (2011, June). Cultivating innovation capabilities of undergraduate
  72. students in extracurricular activities. In 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics
  73. and Applications (pp. 1488-1491). IEEE.
  74. King, D. D., Newman, A., & Luthans, F. (2016). Not if, but when we need resilience in the workplace. Journal of organizational behavior, 37(5), 782-786.
  75. Kleysen, R. F., & Street, C. T. (2001). Toward a multi?dimensional measure of individual innovative
  76. behavior. Journal of intellectual Capital.
  77. Lengnick-Hall, C. A., Beck, T. E., & Lengnick-Hall, M. L. (2011). Developing a capacity for
  78. organizational resilience through strategic human resource management. Human resource
  79. management review, 21(3), 243-255.
  80. Luthans, F. (2002). The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 23(6), 695-706.
  81. Maddi, S. R., & Khoshaba, D. M. (2005). Resilience at work: How to succeed no matter what life throws
  82. at you. New York, NY: AMACOM American Management Association.
  83. Martin, P., Poto?nik, K., & Fras, A. B. (2017). Determinants of students’ innovation in higher
  84. education. Studies in Higher Education, 42(7), 1229-1243.
  85. Maunder, R. E., Cunliffe, M., Galvin, J., Mjali, S., & Rogers, J. (2013). Listening to student voices:
  86. Student researchers exploring undergraduate experiences of university transition. Higher
  87. education, 66(2), 139-152.
  88. Messmann, G., & Mulder, R. H. (2011). Innovative work behaviour in vocational colleges: Understanding how and why innovations are developed. Vocations and Learning, 4(1), 63-84.
  89. Millar, R. B., & Anderson, M. J. (2004). Remedies for pseudoreplication. Fisheries Research, 70(2-3),
  90. 397-407.
  91. Muchiri, M. K., McMurray, A. J., Nkhoma, M., & Pham, H. C. (2020). Mapping antecedents of innovative work behavior: A conceptual review. The Journal of Developing Areas, 54(4).
  92. Naranjo-Valencia, J. C., Jiménez-Jiménez, D., & Sanz-Valle, R. (2016). Studying the links between
  93. organizational culture, innovation, and performance in Spanish companies. Revista
  94. Latinoamericana de Psicología, 48(1), 30-41.
  95. Näswall, K., Malinen, S., Kuntz, J., & Hodliffe, M. (2019). Employee resilience: Development and validation of a measure. Journal of Managerial Psychology.
  96. Nunnally, J., & Bernstein, I. (1994). Psychometric Theory 3rd edition (MacGraw-Hill, New York).
  97. Prihartono, M. N., Sutini, T., & Widianti, E. (2018). Gambaran resiliensi mahasiswa tahun pertama program a2016 Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran. Jurnal Keperawatan BSI, 6(1).
  98. Ratnaningsih, I. Z., Prihatsanti, U., & Prasetyo, A. R. (2016). Predicting Innovative Behavior Among Employess in a Manufacturing Company: The Role of Psychological Capital. Anima Indonesian Psychogical Capital.
  99. Reddy, C. (2019). Staff Training: Importance, Benefits, Advantages & Disadvantages. Retreived July 2021, from
  100. Rhamdhani, H. (2021). Siap-siap Fresh Graduate Hadapi Dunia Kerja [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 2 July 2021, from
  101. Roberts, S. E. (2016). Innovation capacity: Resilience as an underpinning trait that promotes innovation readiness. Capella University.
  102. Sameer, Y. M., & Ohly, S. (2017). Innovative behavior of employees: A model of antecedents and consequences, a deeper look at psychological and organizational factors.
  103. Scott, S. G., & Bruce, R. A. (1994). Determinants of innovative behavior: A path model of individual innovation in the workplace. Academy of management journal, 37(3), 580-607.
  104. Shani, O. (2020). Organizational resilience: antecedents, consequences, and practical implications–for managers and change leaders. In Research in Organizational Change and Development: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  105. Shanker, R., Bhanugopan, R., Van der Heijden, B. I., & Farrell, M. (2017). Organizational climate for
  106. innovation and organizational performance: The mediating effect of innovative work
  107. behavior. Journal of vocational behavior, 100, 67-77.
  108. Staw, B. M. (1986). Organizational psychology and the pursuit of the happy/productive
  109. worker. California Management Review, 28(4), 40-53.
  110. Stewart, M., Reid, G., & Mangham, C. (1997). Fostering children’s resilience. Journal of Pediatric
  111. Nursing, 12, 21–31.
  112. West, M. A., & Farr, J. L. (1989). Innovation at work: Psychological perspectives. Social behaviour.
  113. Winarsih, W., & Etikariena, A. (2020). Encouraging innovative work behavior among college students through quality education to succeed the SDGs. Paper presented at the E3S Web of Conferences.
  114. Woodman, R. W., Sawyer, J. E., & Griffin, R. W. (1993). Toward a theory of organizational
  115. creativity. Academy of management review, 18(2), 293-321.
  116. Wojtczuk-Turek, A. (2012). Innovative work behavior and psychological capital–analysis of relationships. Organizacja i Zarz?dzanie: kwartalnik naukowy, 3(19), 71-88.
  117. World Economic Forum. (2020). The Future of Jobs Report 2020.
  118. Yidong, T., & Xinxin, L. (2013). How ethical leadership influence employees’ innovative work
  119. behavior: A perspective of intrinsic motivation. Journal of business ethics, 116(2), 441-455.
  120. Youssef, C. M., & Luthans, F. (2007). Positive organizational behavior in the workplace: The impact of hope, optimism, and resilience. Journal of management, 33(5), 774-800.
  121. Yuan, F., & Woodman, R. W. (2010). Innovative behavior in the workplace: The role of performance and image outcome expectations. Academy of management journal, 53(2), 323-342.
  122. Zhong, X., & Liu, Z. (2014, June). Studies on creativity enhancement of contemporary college students.
  123. In 3rd International Conference on Science and Social Research (ICSSR 2014) (pp. 663-666).
  124. Atlantis Press.