Jurnal Pemberdayaan Ekonomi

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Ekonomi (JPE) adalah Jurnal bertaraf nasional yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood. Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat khususnya di bidang ekonomi dari dosen, mahasiswa serta praktisi di seluruh Indonesia. JPE diharapkan mampu menjadi wadah bagi artikel-artikel pengabdian berkualitas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia dengan lebih optimal.

Announcements 1

Current Issue

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Ekonomi (JPE) adalah Jurnal bertaraf nasional yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood. Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat khususnya di bidang ekonomi dari dosen, mahasiswa serta praktisi di seluruh Indonesia. JPE diharapkan mampu menjadi wadah bagi artikel-artikel pengabdian berkualitas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat Indonesia dengan lebih optimal.



Pelatihan desain Logo dan teknik Fotografi bagi pengusaha muda binaan YPSK Lampung untuk meningkatkan minat pembelian konsumen

Purpose: The contribution of this activity is that these young Entrepreneurs can be more creative in increasing product value. With creativity in the technique of making logos on packaging and photography products techniques, it is hoped that it will be able to increase consumer awareness and interest in buying these products so that they can increase sales. Methodology/approach: This community service activity is carried out through various stages, namely observations and interviews with target participants regarding the efforts that have been implemented and the obstacles faced as material or ideas for community service themes, then the service team offers solutions to the problems faced. Then the service team provided material related to making logos on packaging and photography techniques. Followed by the Coaching Clinic Method in the form of assistance in creating logos and product photography techniques. Results/findings: Based on the results of the logo work that has been created by the training participants, it can be seen that the participants have been able to master attractive packaging techniques by creating logos using color and typography. Also in terms of product photography techniques, participants have been able to master interesting product photography techniques, taking photos from good angles, good lighting techniques, and using supporting materials that support the quality of attractive product photography. Limitation: Through online marketing, the level of consumer awareness of these beverage products increases, thereby increasing sales levels. Contribution: The contribution of this activity is that after attending the training and coaching clinic, young Lampung entrepreneurs can be more creative in designing logos on packaging and making attractive photography so they can create attractive promotional designs through online marketing, namely WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook.

Sosialisasi Pentingnya Masuk Keperguruan Tinggi : Studi pada Kelas IIS MAN 2 Oku Selatan

Purpose: This study investigates the process by which students in the Islamic Social Sciences (IIS) class of MAN 2 South OKU, Indonesia view higher education as important. It explores the factors and influences that shape students’ decisions about pursuing further studies after high school. Methodology/approach: A qualitative approach is likely to be employed, potentially utilizing interviews or focus group discussions with students, teachers, and possibly school officials. Result: This study is expected to reveal factors influencing students' decisions to pursue higher education, such as parental expectations, career aspirations, and exposure to university representatives. Additionally, it may identify methods used to instill the value of higher education within the IIS class, such as the school curriculum, guest lectures, or peer pressure. Contribution: This study can contribute to understanding how schools socialize students towards higher education, particularly within Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. The findings can inform educators and policymakers on effective strategies to promote continued education among students in such contexts.

Meningkatkan Kepuasan Nasabah melalui Kualitas Pelayanan pada Koperasi Cipta Usaha Mandiri

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to review customer satisfaction at the Cipta Usaha Mandiri Cooperative. Methodology/approach: This research applies a qualitative case study method using service quality to measure customer satisfaction at the Cipta Usaha Mandiri Cooperative. Results/findings: The results of the research and discussion show that one of the indicators of service quality is responsiveness, the importance of employees' willingness and ability to help customers and respond to their requests, so employees must serve customers quickly so that customers feel satisfied and if they are satisfied, customers will return for more information. use the services of the Cipta Usaha Mandiri Cooperative. One indicator of service quality is reliability which refers to discipline, the importance of time discipline in working to increase customer satisfaction because it can have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. If employees are disciplined on time when billing customers, the customer will certainly be ready to prepare funds to pay the bill, so that the customer will feel satisfied with the services at the Cipta Usaha Mandiri Cooperative. Limitation: The limitations of this research were that the research time was 3 month and the number of respondents was 20, which was considered insufficient. Contribution: Its contribution is to increase customer satisfaction and increase customer members.

Edukasi Ekonomi Syariah bagi Mahasiswa dan Organisasi Kepemudaan di Kabupaten Lombok Barat

Purpose: The aim of this community service activity is, among other things, as a form of education for students and youth as part of the millennial generation by providing knowledge and understanding of Sharia economics and Sharia economic literacy. Apart from that, it can be a stimulus for the attitudes of students and youth towards Sharia economic development trends. Methodology/approach: The form of implementation of this Sharia economic education activity is socialization using lecture and discussion methods to explain material regarding Sharia economics to participants, followed by a question and answer/discussion session between the presenter and service participants. Conclusion: The community service activity program (PKM) through Sharia economic education was implemented well. In conclusion, educational participants have an understanding of the basic concepts of Sharia economics. After participants received material regarding Sharia economics and Sharia economic literacy, they showed increased understanding. Participants had high enthusiasm and responses to the service activities. They hope that there will be discussions regarding Sharia economics more broadly to enrich scientific knowledge. Results/findings: The aim of the service activity was for discussion participants to gain new knowledge regarding the importance of Sharia economics. Students and young people realize that, in fact, Islamic economics is a science that is not only concerned with worldly life but also the life of the afterlife. Limitations: This study focuses on education by attempting to provide an understanding of the fundamentals of the Sharia economy. Contribution: This program serves as a reference for other academics to provide basic understanding (education) to students and youth in the West Lombok district.

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