Bukhori: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam

Bukhori: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam is a scientific publication media that publishes selected manuscripts with current topics in Islamic economics and financial studies. Bukhori aims to be a useful platform for spreading scientific studies on various issues and a strategic tool for developing theories and practices in the fields of Islamic Economy and Finance.
Bukhori: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam is a scientific publication media that publishes selected manuscripts with current topics in Islamic economics and financial studies. Bukhori aims to be a useful platform for spreading scientific studies on various issues and a strategic tool for developing theories and practices in the fields of Islamic Economy and Finance.


Implementasi MSP Kerja Sama Akreditasi Halal antara ESMA dan KAN Tahun 2018

Purpose: To analyze implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of cooperation halal accreditation between the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) 2018 in trade relations between Indonesia and the UAE. Method: This type of research is descriptive qualitative using secondary data. The data collection technique used document analysis while the data analysis technique used content analysis which refers to the process of classifying, summarizing and tabulating data. Result: The results of this study are all 6 MoU mechanisms in halal accreditation cooperation have been carried out according to mutually agreed procedures and an understanding of halal accreditation. It has been reached through LSH Indonesia which is recognized by ESMA. However, the implementation of the MoU has not provided a maximum contribution yet to Indonesia's trade relations with the UAE.

Analisis Zakat sebagai Sumber Kekayaan Negara

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population, where the value of receiving zakat in Indonesia should have enormous potential for the welfare of the people. This can be seen from the receipt of zakat from BAZNAS, LAZ and OPZ in 2019 reaching Rp. 10,227,943,806,555. This is what makes zakat has the potential as a source of state revenue. Purpose: Therefore, this study aims to determine the potential of zakat as state revenue as well as its management and distribution. Research Methodology: The research method used by researchers is a descriptive qualitative method with a type of literature study. Where data collection is obtained from various sources in the form of articles and journals related to the discussion. Result: The results of this study indicate that zakat zakat has the same goal as one of the goals of the state contained in the 1945 Constitution, namely advancing the welfare and prosperity of the people and reducing economic inequality. This is what makes the potential for receiving zakat as a source of state revenue. As for the management and distribution mechanism in including zakat as an instrument of state revenue, that can be done in two ways, namely by centralizing the collection or collection of zakat funds into the State Treasury Account which will then be budgeted in the APBN to be managed and distributed to mustahik according to Islamic law.

Limitation of Non-Halal Income (Interest) in The Criteria of Sharia Securities List in Indonesia Stock Exchange

The Islamic capital markets in Indonesia have been developing over the last two decades, characterized by an increase in Islamic products and the issuance of regulations related to the Islamic capital markets, and the general public and investors are beginning to understand the list of Islamic securities. Next, there is  one of the controversial criteria for the Sharia Securities List. That is, the total yield is less than 10%. It is understandable whether Islamic financial institutions earn income from bank interest before they are fully subject to Sharia law. Puprose: The purpose of this research is to examine the refinement of several regulations related to criteria and issuance of sharia lists to encourage and increase the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Methodology: This study analyzes the dispute using an associative  approach by building relationships between social situations or domains based on the interdependencies of the dispute under study. It is a study to do. Result: The results of this survey and discussion are based on an analysis of non-Halal income (interest) restrictions in the criteria for listing Shariah securities in Indonesia to address the conditions, risks and possibilities of Sharia Securities List (SSL). The Indonesian capital markets industry is beginning to develop the application of the Islamic Shariah Principles as an alternative investment tool in Indonesian capital market activities. With the standard requirements and the issuance of the following list of Shariah securities, total interest income and other non-Halal income for each security will be less than 10%. The decision to change the issuer's financial indicators was analyzed by capital market authorities on the effect that the company continues to use interest-based financial institutions. If the interest limit is kept to a minimum, the capital market will not run and develop properly and will inevitably lead to a drastic decline in the Islamic stock index on IDX. Thus, when Islamic issuers have developed a lot and are finally ready to lower the interest-based non-halal income limit, they will certainly have a perspective in influencing the conditions of inclusion of other Islamic financial institutions.

Analisis Pengaruh Zakat terhadap Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Mustahiq

South Tapanuli Regency BAZNAS distributes zakat to mustahiq without seeing fur, race, and ethnicity among the people in the South Tapanuli region. From various types of zakat distribution by BAZNAS, each program must pay attention to two main components, namely goals and strategies. Puprose: This study aims to determine the increase in zakat on improving the welfare of mustahiq in South Tapanuli Regency BAZNAS. Methodology: This research is a quantitative study using a simple regression analysis method, and data collection instruments using questionnaires and documentation. With a sample of 144 mustahiq. Results: Showed that zakat increases towards increasing mustahiq. Based on the coefficient of determination test, zakat can increase the welfare of mustahiq by 63.5% while the remaining 36.5% requires other factors.

Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Market Value Ratio terhadap Harga Saham Bank Umum Syariah

Puprose: The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Earnings Per Share, Price to Earnings Ratio and Price to Book Value Ratio on the share prices of Islamic commercial banks. Methodology: This research used quantitative methods to analyze financial data from Islamic commercial banks for the 2021 period. In this study used 4 sharia commercial banks as samples. The analysis was performed using panel data regression analysis using E-views software version 10.0. Results: The results of the study showed that increasing Earnings Per Share (EPS) had a positive effect on stock prices, while the Price to Earnings Ratio (PER) had no significant negative effect, and the Price to Book Value (PBV) had an effect positive but not significant. Meanwhile, simultaneously increasing EPS, PER, and PBV all had a significant effect on stock prices. Contribution: With this research, it is hoped that Islamic banking practitioners and sharia investors will analyse the financial performance of the enterprise before making an investment decision. This esearch also contributes to the development of literature on the factors that influence the share prices of Islamic commercial banks.

Keikutsertaan Dana Zakat dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Indonesia

The Indonesian government through the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) has issued various programs in an effort to alleviate poverty in Indonesia.  Puprose: The Indonesian government through the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) has issued various programs in an effort to alleviate poverty in Indonesia. Methodology: This study aims to test the effectiveness of the zakat fund distribution programs by BAZNAS on poverty levels in Indonesia. In this study, the approach taken was a quantitative descriptive method using the EViews (Econometrics Views) analysis tool 10. This research uses OLS (Ordinary Least Square) method. Research using Secondary Data in the form of Monthly data for the period 2011-2019. Results: This study found that zakat distribution programs in the social and educational sectors have a significant negative effect on poverty levels in Indonesia.