Pengaruh Green Marketing dan Citra Merek terhadap Pembelian Ulang melalui Kepuasan Konsumen sebagai Variabel Intervening pada Produk Torufarm Palu
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of green marketing and brand image on repurchases through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable in Torufarm Palu products.
Methodology: This research methodology is quantitative and was used to examine consumer purchases at Torufarm Palu. The sampling technique used in this study was nonprobability sampling by using purposive sampling. A sample of 120 respondents was selected based on Sugiono's statement. The analysis method used was SEM-PLS.
Results: The results showed that Green marketing and brand image have a positive effect on customer satisfaction, green marketing has a positive effect on repeat purchases, brand image has a negative effect on purchases, and customer satisfaction has a positive effect on purchases. In addition, there is an indirect relationship between green marketing and brand image to repurchase through customer satisfaction.
Limitations: The research variables are limited to aspects that can increase consumer satisfaction and encourage companies to improve their services to maintain the company's brand image. This research is limited to aspects of green marketing and specifically focuses on repeat purchases through customer satisfactionThe Effect of Green Marketing and Brand Image on Repurchases Through Customer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable on Torufarm Palu Products.
Contribution: This study contributes to the literature on green marketing and brand image by providing a detailed analysis of the factors that can influence repeat purchases through customer satisfaction with torufarm products.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Adam, R. P., Suardi, S., & Lahay, M. (2023). Pricing strategy and marketing distribution channels on customer satisfaction and purchasing decision for green products. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 11(4), 1467–1476.
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- Erawan, P. Y. P., Wahyuni, N. M., & Indiani, N. L. P. (2024). The Influence of Brand Image and Green Marketing on Purchasing Decisions Which are Mediated by Customer Satisfaction in the Coffee Shop Industry in Denpasar. International Journal of Environmental, Sustainability, and Social Science, 5(3), 513–527.
- Fadjar, Hartini, & Astuti. (2022). Instagram Usage Behavior: Does It Aim to Look More Attractive? Quality - Access to Success, 23(190).
- Gunawan, A. V., Linawati, L., Pranandito, D., & Kartono, R. (2019). The Determinant Factors of E-Commerce Purchase Decision in Jakarta and Tangerang. Binus Business Review, 10(1), 21–29.
- Hanaysha, J. R., Al Shaikh, M. E., & Alzoubi, H. M. (2021). Importance of Marketing Mix Elements in Determining Consumer Purchase Decision in the Retail Market: International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 12(6), 56–72.
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- Hendriani, G. (2024). Customer Satisfaction Mediates Green Marketing And Brand Image On Customer Purchasing Decisions At Kfc Ahmad Yani Padang. Indonesian Journal Of Economics, Social, And Humanities, 6(1), 38–50.
- Hermanto. (2019). Faktor Pelayanan, Kepuasan, & Loyalitas Pelanggan (Vol. 109). CV.Jakad Publishing Surabaya 2019.
- Hsu, C., Chen, S.-H., & Feng, X. (2024). Analysis of Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of the Automotive Parts Industry. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 6(2), 245–259.
- Ilmi, S. H., Management Program, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya, Indonesia, Mas’ud, R., Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram, Indonesia, Azizurrohman, M., & Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. (2023). Does Digital Marketing Based On Brand Image And Brand Trust Affect Purchase Decisions In The Fashion Industry 4.0? Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 21(3).
- Isharina, I. K., & Abanan, M. Z. R. (2024). Pengaruh Green Creativity terhadap Green Competitive Advantage dengan Mediasi Green Brand Image (The influence of Green Creativity on Green Competitive Advantage with the Mediation of Green Brand Image). 4(2).
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- Lie, C., & Silintonga, P. (2024). Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Green Marketing Terhadap Customer Loyalty Melalui Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING), 7(5), 2522–2538.
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- Mufashih, M., Maulana, A., & Shihab, M. S. (2023). The Influence of Product Quality, Electronic Word of Mouth and Brand Image on Repurchase Intention in Coffee-To-Go Stores with Consumer Satisfaction as Intervening Variables. International Journal of Social Service and Research, 3(8), 1958–1970.
- Muzakir, Bachr, S., Ada, R. P., & Wahyuningsih. (2020). Building Customer E-Loyalty in Online Marketing. Proceedings of the 3rd Asia Pacific International Conference of Management and Business Science (AICMBS 2019). 3rd Asia Pacific International Conference of Management and Business Science (AICMBS 2019), Batu, Indonesia.
- Muzakir, M., Bachri, S., Adam, R. P., & Wahyuningsih, W. (2021). The analysis of forming dimensions of e-service quality for online travel services. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 239–244.
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- Ponirin, Scott, D., & Von Der Heidt, T. (2015). E-Loyalty: Its Antecedents, Implications and Differences between Developed and Developing Countries. In D. Sharma (Ed.), Cultural Perspectives in a Global Marketplace (pp. 77–82). Springer International Publishing.
- Qital, Qital, D. A., Munandar, J. M., Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University), Aidi, M. N., & Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University). (2023). The Influence Of Awareness, Trial, Preference, Devotion, And Fanaticism On The Repurchase Intention Of Indomie Products. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, 21(3).
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- Rares, A., & Jorie, R. J. (2015). Pengaruh Harga, Promosi, Lokasi, Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Di Toko Bengkel Gaoel Manado Town Square.
- Risal, M., Ramadhani, M., Arianto, D., Dewa, B. F., Yusuf, A. R., & Harahap, B. (2024). Pengaruh Brand Experience terhadap Brand Loyalty Pengguna Yamaha Nmax melalui Brand Trust dan Brand Satisfaction. Studi Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen, 4(1), 181–192.
- Risdwiyanto, A., & Saputra, S. G. (2016). Peran Citra Merek, Nilai Pelanggan, dan Kualitas Persepsian terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan: Sebuah Studi Kasus. Jurnal Maksipreneur: Manajemen, Koperasi, dan Entrepreneurship, 5(2), 1.
- Rombe, E. S., Rombe, R., & Tarigan, M. I. (2024). Brand destination loyalty: The antecedents of destination brand experience. Cogent Business & Management, 11(1), 2320992.
- Tsai, P.-H., Lin, G.-Y., Zheng, Y.-L., Chen, Y.-C., Chen, P.-Z., & Su, Z.-C. (2020). Exploring the effect of Starbucks’ green marketing on consumers’ purchase decisions from consumers’ perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 56, 102162.
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- Wahyuningsih, W. (2005). The Relationships among Customer Value, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: A General Structural Equation Model. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 7(3), 301.
- Wahyuningsih, W. (2013). Customer Value, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: The Effects of Consumer Search Behavior. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 3(1).
- Wahyuningsih, W., Nasution, H., Yeni, Y. H., & Roostika, R. (2022). The Drivers of Repurchase Intention During The Corona Pandemic: An Examination of Gender Difference. Asean Marketing Journal, 14(1).
- Widyastuti, S., & Santoso, B. (2016). Green Marketing: A Study of the Factors Influencing the Repurchase Decision for Javanony Herbal Products. ASEAN MARKETING JOURNAL, 2.
- Wingsati, W. E., & Prihandono, D. (2017). Pengaruh Penanganan Kegagalan Layanan, Kepercayaan, Dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Minat Pembelian Ulang Melalui Kepuasan Konsumen.
- Yahya, Y. (2022). Peran Green Marketing, Green Brand Image Terhadap Purchase Intention Dengan Green Trust Sebagai Variabel Intervening. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis (JIMBis), 1(1), 17–38.
- Yuliana, R., & Pantawis, S. (2022). Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Green Marketing Terhadap Pembelian Ulang Dan Kepuasan Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Produk Skincare Di Kota Semarang. 4.
- Zahara, Z., Ikhsan, Santi, I. N., & Farid. (2023). Entrepreneurial marketing and marketing performance through digital marketing capabilities of SMEs in post-pandemic recovery. Cogent Business & Management, 10(2), 2204592.