Analisis Prospektif Desa Patutrejo Berbasis Blue Economy Development
Purpose: The blue economy is based on the principle of the sustainable use of marine resources directed at economic growth by utilizing marine-based resources. The objective of this research is to analyze the strategy structure and analyze priority strategies for Blue Economy Development in the Maritime Tourism sector in Patutrejo Village with environmental, tourism, economic, and social dimensions.
Methodology: Data collection was carried out by determining the elements and detailing them with the help of experts based on specific expert criteria through interviews, focus group discussions, and validation. Interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis tools are used to determine elements with high driver power and low dependence values as priority strategies.
Results: From the results of the analysis of priority strategies in this research, they include Environmental Elements (L): Water Conservation (L1) and Carrying Capacity (L2); Tourism Elements: Tourist Attractions (P4); Economic Elements: Tourism Industry Opportunities (E1) and Retributions (E2); Social Elements: Welfare (S2); Institutional Element: Central Government Support (K1).
Limitations: This study has limitations in that the development analysis is still general. For further research, a strategic analysis was carried out specifically in certain fields.
Contribution: We hope that this can be a recommendation for determining strategies for the development and sustainability of the blue economy for managers and stakeholders in the marine tourism sector.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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