Pelatihan produksi pakan buatan skala rumah tangga untuk pembudidaya ikan di kota Sorong, Papua Barat

Published: Mar 25, 2021


Purpose: This community service aimed to train fish farmers in Sorong City to produce artificial feed containing 30% feed protein .

Methods: The methods implemented were lectures and direct practice of making fish diets. Pearson square method was used for the feed formulation.

Results: The output of this dedication activity increased the knowledge and expertise of fish farmers to make fish feed independently so that farmers can save operational costs in farming activities.

Conclusions: This activity was attended by 10 participants and all participants could understand the concept of the training and be able to make artificial fish feed independently.

Keywords: Fish feed, Pearson square, Fish Farmer, Training

1. Fish feed
2. Pearson square
3. Fish farmer
4. Training
1 . Mohammad Sayuti
2 . Iman Supriatna
3 . Agung Setia Abadi
4 . Intanurfemi B. Hismayasari
5 . Ernawati Ernawati
6 . Saidin Saidin
How to Cite
Sayuti, M., Supriatna, I., Abadi, A. S. ., Hismayasari, I. B. ., Ernawati, E., & Saidin, S. (2021). Pelatihan produksi pakan buatan skala rumah tangga untuk pembudidaya ikan di kota Sorong, Papua Barat. Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(3), 117–126.


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