Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi

Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi (JNM) adalah jurnal akademik yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood.  JNM menerima artikel hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari dosen, mahasiswa, peneliti, praktisi di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. JNM ditujukan untuk berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia melalui penyediaan media penyebarluasan hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang solutif dan inovatif.

Current Issue

Jurnal Nusantara Mengabdi (JNM) adalah jurnal akademik yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood.  JNM menerima artikel hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari dosen, mahasiswa, peneliti, praktisi di seluruh penjuru Indonesia. JNM ditujukan untuk berkontribusi terhadap kemajuan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia melalui penyediaan media penyebarluasan hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang solutif dan inovatif.



Peningkatan Pemahaman Masyarakat Pondok Pesantren Al Kirom Hajimena terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2019 tentang Pesantren

Purpose: This research aims to enhance the understanding of the Al Kirom Hajimena Islamic Boarding School community regarding the recently enacted Pesantren Law. Methodology: To achieve the objectives of this research, a multi-phase approach will be utilized, encompassing preliminary surveys, focus group discussions (FGDs), educational workshops, and post-intervention evaluations. Results: Following the implementation of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and educational workshops, a notable improvement in legal understanding among participants was observed. The active participation in FGDs helped identify critical knowledge gaps, while the workshops provided in-depth explanations that addressed existing concerns and confusion. Limitations: This research is within the scope of national law. Contribution: Al Kirom Hajimena Islamic Boarding School.

Peningkatan Kapasitas Pengelola Desa Wisata Sungai Langka dan Wiyono

Purpose:The aim of this community service is to increase the capacity of the management of the Sungai Langka and Wiyono tourist villages. This goal-setting departs from the results of identifying and formulating the problems that have been found, namely: 1) the low ability of the community to prepare tourism packages based on local wisdom; 2) the low community ability to compile tourist guiding materials (storynomics); and 3) the low community ability to market tourism products in tourist villages.. Method: The method used is to conduct training in the form of 1) training on preparing wisdom-based tour packages; 2) training in compiling tourist guide materials (storynomics); and 3) digital marketing strategy training starting from websites, YouTube, Instagram, and brochures. Result: This condition results in a low level of visits and a less-than-optimal tourism experience in the tourism village The results of this community service are: 1) the preparation of tour packages based on local wisdom, starting with identifying tourism components, preparing the itinerary, and calculating the price of the tour package; 2) the identification of a number of tourist guide materials (storynomics), namely the story of legenda gunung sukma hilang, kuburan tua, pertanian dan perkebunan desa, and sulam kain jelujur; and 3) the creation of digital marketing media, starting with websites, YouTube, Instagram, and brochures. The conclusion obtained is that the target of this community service has been achieved so that it can increase the capacity of managers to manage the Sungai Langka and Wiyono tourist villages. Limitations: Often, limited funds and human resources hinder the implementation of capacity building programs optimally. Contributions: Capacity building for managers can empower local communities through training and education, so that they are more skilled in managing tourism.  

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