Pelatihan dan Pendapingan jurusan Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Perkantoran (OTKP) SMK Bina Cipta Palembang

Published: Aug 30, 2022


Purpose: From this community service activity is to increase the application of science and technology in the SMK Bina Cipta Community, especially the Office Governance Authority (OTKP) department using Microsoft Office and Publisher applications.

Method: One of the methods used for this PKM activity is training and mentoring. Media used office applications (Ms Office and Publisher), typing manuscripts, making correspondence, making tables, graphs, using formulas and making brochures. This office application application is also used to facilitate work in office administration related to information and aminstaration. The method of service activities is carried out using teaching media and the practice of using Office Applications, namely Ms. Office and Publisher.

Results: Students understand how it works and its benefits, understand how to work with office applications, by applying training and mentoring, understanding various types of needs and how they work, recognizing features / menus in office applications, utilizing applications in office administration activities, understanding how to type scripts well, making easy tables, presenting reports, making brochures quickly and neatly, file (saving, importing, printing).

Conclusion: Based on the results of the questionnaire graph that participants are in the interval of 65-78%, it means that this service activity has a positive impact on increasing the application of science and technology to students.

1. Education
2. Innovation
3. Technology
1 . Fatmariani Fatmariani
2 . Reza Alfasyah
How to Cite
Fatmariani, F., & Alfasyah, R. . (2022). Pelatihan dan Pendapingan jurusan Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Perkantoran (OTKP) SMK Bina Cipta Palembang . Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat, 1(2), 121–131.


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Issue & Section

    Elizar A P , Eko H , Thomas S, Ciek J. H. 2020. “Pelatihan Peningkatan Kompetensi Mengajar Bagi Petugas Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Tangerang, Banten.” Jurnal To Maega 3(1):36–46.

    Febrianty, Fatmariani, Hendra R. 2018. “Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Kecakapan Hidup Berbasis Desain Grafis Bagi Anak Didik Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak.” COMVICE: Journal Of Community Service 2(2).

    Habib, C. 2019. “Peran Siswa Di Masyarakat.” Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Setiabudhi 1(1). doi: 2686-6315.

    Ikke T.M. dan Rusdart. 2018. “NALISIS Keberhasilan Praktik Kerja Industri (Prakerin) Sebagai Implementasi Pendidikan Sistem Ganda (Psg) Dengan Model Evaluasi Cipp (Context, Input, Process, Product) Di Smk Bardan Wasalaman Batang.” Economic Education Analysis Journal.

    Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 323/U/1997 Bab III pasal 3

    Mokhamad, M. 2013. “Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Sistem Ganda Bersertifikat ISO Di SMK Negeri 1 Malang.” Jurnal Kebijakan Dan Pengembangan Pendidikan 1(2).

    Nanto, P. 2020. “Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia Melalui Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Digital Marketing.” Jurnal Karya Abdi.

    Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 17 Tahun 2010, pasal 76 ayat 2c, dan f

  1. Elizar A P , Eko H , Thomas S, Ciek J. H. 2020. “Pelatihan Peningkatan Kompetensi Mengajar Bagi Petugas Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA) Tangerang, Banten.” Jurnal To Maega 3(1):36–46.
  2. Febrianty, Fatmariani, Hendra R. 2018. “Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Kecakapan Hidup Berbasis Desain Grafis Bagi Anak Didik Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak.” COMVICE: Journal Of Community Service 2(2).
  3. Habib, C. 2019. “Peran Siswa Di Masyarakat.” Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Setiabudhi 1(1). doi: 2686-6315.
  4. Ikke T.M. dan Rusdart. 2018. “NALISIS Keberhasilan Praktik Kerja Industri (Prakerin) Sebagai Implementasi Pendidikan Sistem Ganda (Psg) Dengan Model Evaluasi Cipp (Context, Input, Process, Product) Di Smk Bardan Wasalaman Batang.” Economic Education Analysis Journal.
  5. Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 323/U/1997 Bab III pasal 3
  6. Mokhamad, M. 2013. “Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Sistem Ganda Bersertifikat ISO Di SMK Negeri 1 Malang.” Jurnal Kebijakan Dan Pengembangan Pendidikan 1(2).
  7. Nanto, P. 2020. “Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia Melalui Pelatihan Dan Pendampingan Digital Marketing.” Jurnal Karya Abdi.
  8. Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 17 Tahun 2010, pasal 76 ayat 2c, dan f