Pengaruh MNC terhadap Ekonomi Politik Host Country: Studi Kasus KFC di Negara Jepang

Published: Aug 15, 2024


Purpose: This study aims to analyze how KFC, as a multinational corporation (MNC), influences the political economy of Japan as a host country.

Methods: The study employs a qualitative descriptive research method, utilizing a literature review approach. Data analysis is conducted using Miles and Huberman's qualitative analysis framework, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification.

Results: The study finds that MNCs can significantly impact the political economy of host countries. In the case of KFC in Japan, the influence is evident through economic growth driven by foreign direct investment, which creates jobs and boosts local income. Additionally, KFC introduces advanced management, operational, and marketing technologies, enhancing efficiency and productivity in the local fast food industry. Cooperation with local suppliers also stimulates growth in the agricultural sector and related industries in Japan.

Limitations: This study is limited to a case study of a single MNC in one host country, which may restrict the generalizability of the findings to other political economy contexts.

Contribution: This research contributes to the field of international relations, particularly within the concentration of global political economy studies, by providing insights into the impact of MNCs on the political and economic dynamics of host countries.

1. Political Economy
2. Host Country
3. Japan
4. KFC
5. MNC
1 . Kasta Alfian Nurhakim
2 . Hasna Wijayati
How to Cite
Nurhakim, K. A., & Wijayati, H. . (2024). Pengaruh MNC terhadap Ekonomi Politik Host Country: Studi Kasus KFC di Negara Jepang . Reviu Akuntansi, Manajemen, Dan Bisnis, 4(1), 117–129.


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  1. Amelia Tasyah, S. S., Sabrina Jasriyani Putri, Reza Agung Fernanda, Putri Chesilia Azani. (2021). Best practice kebijakan e-government dalam mengimplementasikan pelayanan publik di era new normal. Jurnal Studi Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik, 1(1), 21-33.
  2. Andika, A. (2012). Analisis Kasus KFC Jepang.
  3. Andreas, B. (2022). Understanding policy and change: using a political economy analysis framework. Construction Management and Economics.
  4. Andreoni, A. (2019). The political economy of industrial policy: Structural interdependencies, policy alignment and conflict management. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 145.
  5. Ardelia, E. (2023). Bab I.pdf. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
  6. Barton, E. (Producer). (2016, 12 22). Mengapa Jepang merayakan Natal dengan makan KFC? BBC News Indonesia.
  7. Bouwers, K. (Producer). (2023, 12 5). What's the deal with... KFC and Christmas in Japan? Timeout.
  8. Calvo, A. G. (2022). Crisis, what crisis? Industrial strategies and path dependencies in four European countries after the crash. Journal of Economic Policy Reform
  9. Chokki, S. (2020). A new era for industrial R&D in Japan. McKinsey & Company.
  10. "Colonel" Harland D. Sanders. (2024). Rosenberg International Franchise Center.
  11. Edelmann, D. (2009). Analysing and managing the political dynamics of sector reforms: a sourcebook on sector-level political economy approaches.
  12. Fauzi, A. (Producer). (2022, 1 13). Waduh! Restoran Di Australia Hingga Jepang Kehabisan Stok Ayam Dan Kentang, KFC Sampai Hapus Menu. Suara Bisnis.
  13. FDD Talk 2020: KFC Franchise Review (Financial Performance Analysis, Costs, Fees, and More). (2023, 7 27). Franchise Chatter.
  14. Fiantika, F. R. (2022). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Padang: PT Global Eksekutif Teknologi.
  15. Frido Evindey Manihuruk, G. S. S., Arsiska Sari. (2024). Analisis Pengaruh PMDN dan PMA terhadap PDRB di Sumatera Utara. Studi Ekonomi Dan Kebijakan Publik, 2(2), 69-77.
  16. Gratton, P. (Producer). (2024, 6 7). Apa itu Perusahaan Multinasional? Investopedia.
  17. Hemawati, R. (Producer). (2021, 12 15). Bagai Tradisi, KFC Jepang Bersiap dengan Antrean Jelang Natal. Media Indonesia.
  18. Integrated Innovation Strategy 2022: Making Great Strides Toward Society 5.0. (2022).
  19. Iqbal, M. (2023). Peran Perusahaan Multinasional Dalam Meningkatkan Sektor Perekonomian di Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen dan Ekonomi Bisnis, 67.
  20. Japan Corporate-Group taxation. (2024).
  21. KFC Australia dan McDonald's Jepang Kekurangan Ayam dan Kentang. (2022, 1 13). CNN Indonesia.
  22. KFC is a global chicken restaurant brand with a rich, decades-long history of success and innovation. (2023).
  23. KFC Japan Endless Quest for Great Taste and Innovation. (2023, 4 29). Mitsubishi Corporation.
  24. Khoirunnisa, K. (2023). Pola Perdagangan Politik dalam Media: Evaluasi Ekonomi Politik terhadap MNC Media Group dalam Komodifikasi Keberpihakan Politik. Ekonomi Politik Media.
  25. Legowo, F. (2013). BAB III 09.10.033 Aji p.pdf. 7.
  26. Loeffel, K. (Producer). (2018, 12). KFC: A man and his chicken. KTCHNrebel.
  27. Makruf, M. R. (2024). Pengaruh Akuntabilitas, Kejelasan Sasaran dan Desentralisasi terhadap Kinerja Manajerial di Kota Mojokerto. Studi Ekonomi Dan Kebijakan Publik,, 79-88.
  28. Mas'oed, M. (1997). Ekonomi-politik internasional dan pembangunan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  29. Mengenal Perusahaan Multinasional dan Contohnya. (2023, 8 16). Kinobi Tech.
  30. Mitchell, S. (2021). The Impact of MNCs. Business A Level.
  31. Mitsubishi takes over Kentucky Fried Chicken Japan for ¥14.83 billion. (2007, 12 9). Japan Times.
  32. Rini Hastuti, I. I., Alexandra Hukom. (2023). Pengaruh Inflasi, Nilai Tukar, Suku Bunga dan Produk Domestik Bruto terhadap Return Saham pada Perusahaan Manufaktur. Studi Ekonomi Dan Kebijakan Publik, 2(1), 21-36.
  33. Rosita, R. (2020). MC Donald's and KFC.
  34. Runkle, J. (Producer). (2017, 12 24). KFC’s genius Christmas marketing strategy. Drummondst Strategy.
  35. Sampurna, R. H. (2019). A Critical Review Of The Impact Of Multinational Corporations (Mncs) On Indonesian Economy. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
  36. The Significance and Influence of Multinational Corporations on the Global Economy. (2023, 6 23). Ronesans Holding.
  37. Smith, A. F. (2012). Fast Food and Junk Food: An Encyclopedia of What We Love to Eat [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of What We Love to Eat: Bloomsbury Academic.
  38. Smith, K. A. (Producer). (2012, 12 14). Why Japan Is Obsessed With Kentucky Fried Chicken on Christmas. Smith Sonian.
  39. #TBT: How KFC Became Japan’s To-Go Meal for Christmas Dinner. (2016, 12 22). Branding News.
  40. Tori, C. (Producer). (2020, 12 5). HOW “KENTUCKY FOR CHRISTMAS” BEGAN IN JAPAN. Global KFC.
  41. Wolf, M. (2024). Japan economic outlook, July 2024. Deloitte Global Economics Research Center.
  42. Yuliana, Y. (2022). Peningkatan Daya Saing Bisnis melalui Technopreneurship. Reviu Akuntansi, Manajemen, Dan Bisnis, 1(2), 103-113.