Jurnal Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal

Jurnal Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal (JESMAN) is a national, peer-reviewed, open-access and scholarly journal that publishes high-quality and innovative manuscripts covering original research articles, review articles, book reviews and case reports in the fields of maternal and neonatal health. Jurnal Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal (JESMAN) welcomes submission of well-developed manuscripts aimed at addressing contemporary maternal and neonatal health issues in Indonesia. Jurnal Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal (JESMAN) is expected to significantly contribute to the development of nursing sciences as a credible scientific media for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to publicize their fresh and solutive ideas.

Current Issue

Jurnal Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal (JESMAN) is a national, peer-reviewed, open-access and scholarly journal that publishes high-quality and innovative manuscripts covering original research articles, review articles, book reviews and case reports in the fields of maternal and neonatal health. Jurnal Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal (JESMAN) welcomes submission of well-developed manuscripts aimed at addressing contemporary maternal and neonatal health issues in Indonesia. Jurnal Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal (JESMAN) is expected to significantly contribute to the development of nursing sciences as a credible scientific media for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to publicize their fresh and solutive ideas.



Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan pada Ny. L, Ny. U, Ny. LT di Praktik Mandiri Bidan (PMB) Purniawati di Desa Pujorahayu

Purpose: provide midwifery care on an ongoing basis to Mrs. L, Mrs. U and Mrs. LT from pregnancy, childbirth, BBL (new born), postpartum and family planning at the Purniawati Midwife Independent Practice in 2022. Method: subjects started from the third trimester of pregnancy, and family planning (KB) and babies. The place used in taking cases at PMB Purniawati and the residence of Ny. L, Mrs. U and Mrs. LT in Pujorahayu Village. The time for the study starts in March – April 2022. The method used in taking this case is descriptive observational. Result: When pregnant women feel anxious about labor and pain, yoga can help maintain the elasticity and strength of the pelvic muscles, so that pain will decrease and create calm so that anxiety can be reduced. The yoga intervention given also showed a correlation with Ny. L where in the process of giving birth Mrs. L was not worried when facing labor.

Pemberian Bawang Merah terhadap Demam pada Bayi

Purpose: The Infant Mortality Rate (AKB) shows that neonatal health services in a country are not good. (Ministry of Health, 2017). Baby health problems are one of the main problems in the field of health. Fever is a condition of an increase in body temperature above normal.  This covetous obstetric care that focuses on the upbringing of babies is by providing onion compress interventions in feverish babies aimed at reducing fever in infants. Research Methodology: This study is a case study with the subjects of 3 babies who had a fever, the intervention was given on day 1 of fever until day 3. Result: The results of the study were obtained from 3 babies who had a fever by being given onion compress interventions to experience a decrease in temperature on day 1 to day 3. It can be concluded that shallots are effective against a decrease in body temperature in feverish toddlers. For health workers, in order to be able to cooperate with Puskesmas in creating an evidence-based care program for mothers who have babies and toddlers that can increase maternal understanding so that they can apply complementary therapy onion compresses as an alternative herbal medicine that can reduce body temperature in newborns and toddlers with fever.

Studi Kasus Penerapan Pijat Bayi terhadap Perubahan Tidur dan Menyusu pada Bayi

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of infant massage on the quality of sleep and breastfeeding in infants. because infancy is a golden period or golden age because this period takes place quickly and cannot be repeated. This period is also known as a critical period, which requires adequate nutrition and stimulation to support optimal development and growth. The sensation of touch is very important early in a baby's life to adapt to its environment. Touch stimulation in infants influences positive psychosocial development. One-touch stimulation that can be given to babies is baby massage Research Methodology: This research is a case study with the subject of three infants aged less than 2 months. Result/findings: The results showed that there was a positive change in the duration of sleep and breastfeeding in infants after being given baby massage treatments. It is hoped that health workers, especially midwives, can provide education to parents regarding baby massage as a form of stimulation that parents can do at home.

Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa Oliefera) pada Ibu Hamil terhadap Berat Badan Bayi Baru Lahir

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of kelor leaf meal (moringa oliefera) in pregnant women to newborn weight. Research Methodology: Quantitative research type with research type true experiment Design used is Randomized Double Blind, postestcontrolled. The sample in this study of pregnant women with third trimester of gestational age 28 weeks as many as 38 people divided into 2 groups. Pregnant women given kelor leaf capsules are the intervention group and the unemployed mother who is not given iron (Fe) capsule is a control group. Birth weight measurement was performed after intervention 60 days later post-test weighing newborn weight. Provision of intervention conducted for 60 days with a dose of 2 times 2 capsules a day. Newborn's weight sample will be weighed using baby scale. Data analysis was performed with Mann Whitney Test. Result: The results showed that there was a difference of birth weight between intervention group and control group with p-value 0,004. The mean value of post-test in the intervention group was 3389.47 While in the control group the mean value of post-test 3000. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the application of kelor leaf capsules more effectively increase the baby's weight compared to the control group.  

Factors Influencing Exclusive Breastfeeding in Developing Countries: A Review

Purpose: The local government in many developing nations has struggled to encourage mothers to breastfeed their infants exclusively for up to 6 months. The goal of this review was to outline the factors that promote and hinder exclusive breastfeeding in developing country. Methodology: Methodology used is literature review. To find studies from January 2012 to December 2022, searches were done in Science Direct, Proquest, Google Scholar, and PubMed. Both qualitative and quantitative research was taken into account, and analyzed using NVivo. Results: Factors driving the success of exclusive breastfeeding are rooming-in, antenatal attendance, husband or family support, peer support, timely breastfeeding initiation. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors for exclusive breastfeeding in developing countries are introducing food too early, maternal physical condition, working mothers, influence of grandmother, assumed insufficient breastmilk, cultural beliefs and practices, earlier bottle usage, inadequate infant weight gain, joint family, lack of family support, lack of workplace support, mode of delivery, and mother's psychological factors. Limitations: Researchers were unable to determine if the reference used as the source was biased. Contribution: According to this study, there are still a number of barriers that women must overcome in order to breastfeed their babies exclusively for up to six months, and there are motivating aspects that must be enhanced to promote the success of exclusive breastfeeding. The findings of this study can be applied to the creation of strategies and treatments for dealing with challenges in exclusive breastfeeding.


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