Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Peternakan

Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Peternakan (Jipper) Is  an open-access, peer-reviewed and scholary journal which aims to provide an excellent media for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to express their critical and fresh ideas to promote the theoretical and practical development of agricultural and livestock sectors. Jipper welcomes submissions of empirical research article, review article,  case study, report and book review in the fields of agriculture and livestock.

Current Issue

Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Peternakan (Jipper) Is  an open-access, peer-reviewed and scholary journal which aims to provide an excellent media for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to express their critical and fresh ideas to promote the theoretical and practical development of agricultural and livestock sectors. Jipper welcomes submissions of empirical research article, review article,  case study, report and book review in the fields of agriculture and livestock.



Sistem Agribisnis pada Budidaya Pembesaran Ikan Patin

Purpose: Research objectives: is to analyze the study of the catfish rearing agribusiness system in Margoerejo Village, South Metro District, Metro City. Method: Respondents in this study amounted to 3 people consisting of 1 cultivator, 1 processor and 1 trader. The research method used is a case study. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data. The analysis carried out includes qualitative descriptive analysis, income analysis, added value and marketing. Results: The results showed that the procurement of feed inputs did not meet the criteria for the right price and right quality. Limitations: The business carried out by fish farmers is only limited to rearing catfish from upstream to downstream Contribution: Fish farmers can run a well-integrated catfish cultivation agribusiness system so that business efficiency can be realized

Analisis Faktor Pendorong dan Penarik yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Produk Pertanian di Modern Market Kota Palembang

Purpose: This research is to find out the factors that encourage consumers to decide to buy vegetables at the modern market in Palembang City. Method: The analytical method used is quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Data that has fulfilled the validity test, reliability test, F Test (Simultaneous/Joint Effect), t Test (Partial Test/Each Effect). Result: Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis with the equation above, a constant value of 0.343 means that if the price, income and lifestyle score is 0, then the value of the purchase decision is 0.343. Limitation: Respondents in this study were women and young consumers who had shopped at Modern The Palembang City Market was determined as many as 160 respondents using the Purposive Sampling method. Contribution: The value of the price regression coefficient (X1) is 0.375, this shows a positive result that the price variable has an effect on purchasing decisions.

Pengaruh Eubiotik sebagai Feed Additive untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Pertumbuhan Ikan Gabus

Purpose: These studies were carried out so that the snakehead fish cultivation process can be optimal. Method: The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replicates for each treatment. Result: The treatments used in this study were K: Feed without a mixture of Eubiotics (control), A: Feed mixed with Eubiotics in the amount of 5 ml/100gr of feed, B: Feed mixed with Eubiotics in the amount of 10 ml/100gr of feed, C: Feed mixed with Eubiotics in the amount of 15 ml/ 100gr feed. Limitation: One of the feed additives that can be used to help increase the absorption of fish feed nutrients so that fish growth performance can be better is Eubiotics Contribution: One effort that can be done to improve feed digestibility is the addition of feed additives. Giving feed additives is also able to increase the absorption of nutrients in fish feed. non-nutritive substances that have many benefits, especially by increasing the effectiveness of the feed, namely additives.

Analisis Kelayakan Finansial dan Keberlanjutanusaha Ternak Kambing Kampung Notoharjo Kecamata Trimurjo Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Provinsi Lampung

Purpose: The aim of this research is to analyze the financial feasibility of goat farming in Notoharjo Village, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province Method: The sampling method uses Purposive Sampling and the analytical method used in the research is Financial Feasibility Analysis with the investment criteria Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C), Gross Benefit Cost Ratio (Gross B/C), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP). Results: The results of the financial analysis show an NPV value of IDR 37,552,311.47, Net B/C 6.09, Gross B/C 2.79, IRR 45% and PP 3 years 5 months. Limitations: The business that is financially measured is in the form of goat livestock carrying out rearing activities that are ready to be sold Contribution: The goat farming business that is being run is profitable and sustainable so that farmers who want to start a goat farming business can consider the feasibility analysis that has been analyzed which is used as a reference for beginner farmers.

Penambahan Probiotik Herbal dengan Dosis yang Berbeda terhadap Respon Stres Benih Ikan Gabus

Purpose: This study aims to determine the stress response of snakehead fish fry given herbal probiotics in feed. Method: The method used in this research is an experimental method by implementing a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Results: The stress response to the operculum opening parameters was 57 times/1 minute, survival was 71.11%, feed efficiency was 74.24%, and water quality with a temperature of 26 - 29oC and pH 6 - 8 showed the best results with this addition . . from a dose of 10 ml of probiotics into the feed. Limitations: conducting research on snakehead fish using herbal probiotics 10 ml/kg Contribution: Providing herbal probiotics in feed can stimulate fish appetite, increase fish immunity to disease and reduce fish stress levels against environmental changes, as well as stimulate the immune system and organ function related to the formation of blood cells.

Pengaruh Pemberian Probiotik Bahan Herbal pada Pakan terhadap Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Gabus

Purpose: To determine the effect of giving different herbal probiotics to feed on growth in absolute length, absolute weight, SGR, FCR, and SR. Methods: This study was conducted over 30 days in May. The research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. Results: This study provide basic information to increase productivity in the maintenance of snake head fish seeds in a controlled manner using probiotics at a dose of 10 ml/kg of feed. The best results showed that the use of herbal probiotics at a dose of 10 ml/kg of feed resulted in a survival rate (71.11%), the highest growth rate (3.77%), and the best feed conversion (1.2). Limitations: Based on the results of the study, the use of probiotics at a dose of 10 ml/kg of feed improved the growth performance of snake head fish seeds reared in controlled containers. Contribution: The snake head fish is a swamp fish that has important economic value because it has many benefits.