Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Peternakan

Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Peternakan (Jipper) Is  an open-access, peer-reviewed and scholary journal which aims to provide an excellent media for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to express their critical and fresh ideas to promote the theoretical and practical development of agricultural and livestock sectors. Jipper welcomes submissions of empirical research article, review article,  case study, report and book review in the fields of agriculture and livestock.

Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Peternakan (Jipper) Is  an open-access, peer-reviewed and scholary journal which aims to provide an excellent media for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to express their critical and fresh ideas to promote the theoretical and practical development of agricultural and livestock sectors. Jipper welcomes submissions of empirical research article, review article,  case study, report and book review in the fields of agriculture and livestock.



Analisis Kemitraan dan Potensi Ekonomi terhadap peningkatan pendapatan Petani Kopi

Purpose: This study aimed to determine (1) the income potential of partnered and non-partnered coffee farmers and (2) the factors that affect the income of partnered coffee farmers in Baroko District, Enrekang Regency. Methodology: The methods used are Qualitative and quantitative methods were employed in this study. Sources of data obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation. The population in this study was all partnered and non-partner coffee farmers in the Baroko District, Enrekang Regency. Results: The results show that the partnership pattern implemented in Baroko District is a general trade partnership. Factors that have a significant effect on the income of partnered coffee farmers are production costs, production quantities, partner prices, length of partnership, and partner experience, whereas those that do not have a significant effect are farmer age, education, and deferred amount. Limitations: This study focuses on the income of coffee farmers who are born and without partners through multiple regression analysis. Contribution: This research is useful for the continuation of partnered and non-partnered coffee farming in the Baroko District, Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi.