Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen

Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen (Jakman) is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Management. Jakman publishes relevant manuscripts reviewed by some qualified editors. This journal is expected to be a significant platform for researchers in Indonesia to contribute to the theoretical and practical development in all aspects of Accounting, Finance and Management.

Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen (Jakman) is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Management. Jakman publishes relevant manuscripts reviewed by some qualified editors. This journal is expected to be a significant platform for researchers in Indonesia to contribute to the theoretical and practical development in all aspects of Accounting, Finance and Management.



Peran Moderasi Kepemimpinan dalam Pengujian Akuntabilitas Kinerja Pemerintah

Purpose: This study examines the effects of the government's internal control system and the implementation of good public governance on government performance accountability. In addition, leadership style can affect the government's internal control system and implementation of good public governance. Methodology: The testing method used in this study was a quantitative method. This study used a questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire was distributed by random sampling through Google Forms media to all civil state apparatuses at the Ministry of Communication and Information. Fifty questionnaires were obtained for distribution was 50 respondents. Hypothesis testing was performed using a Structural Equation Model (SEM). Results: The government's internal control system and implementation of good public governance positively affect government performance accountability. The leadership style weakens the government's internal control system on government performance accountability. Leadership style does not affect the application of good public governance to government performance accountability. Limitations: The questionnaire items were compiled based on limited sources, causing some items to be declared invalid. The distribution of questionnaires via Google Forms was not believed to be valid for the answers given by respondents and could not be confirmed directly. Contribution: This research is expected to improve the government's accountability for its performance and serve as a reference for further research.

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Pinggiran Kota

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to see how the economic growth of the people of Mranggen District develops, find the factors that affect it, and find the most suitable development strategy to encourage more equitable and sustainable economic growth. Research methodology: This research method is a qualitative method using a qualitative approach of case studies, which is taken because this research is very interesting to study. As well as with interview techniques in collecting information. Results: Mranggen District, as a suburb of Semarang City, experienced significant economic growth thanks to its economic linkages with the surrounding city and districts, as well as developing through small and medium industries, trade, and agriculture, which encouraged land use change and urban development. Limitations: This research is limited to Mranggen District in Demak Regency, so the results may not be generalized to other areas. In addition, qualitative interview methods and data limitations can affect the subjectivity and completeness of the information obtained. Contributions: This research expands the understanding of the impact of economic growth and urbanization on suburban areas, especially in Mranggen District, as well as identifying opportunities for small and medium enterprises in the area. These findings also provide valuable data for further study and provide important insights for policymakers in designing economic and infrastructure development strategies.

Social Protection as a Strategy for Global Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis

Abstract Purpose: This study aims to empirically test the role of social protection on economic growth internationally. Methodology: The sample used was 71 countries worldwide. Data were gathered from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) database and analysed with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) analysis. Results: A significant positive effect of social protection aspects on economic growth was found. Limitations: This study is limited to 71 countries because of the data limitation. Future researches are expected to expand the sample and observation period. Contribution: This study provides a comprehensive understanding of social protection's role in fostering an environment conducive to economic growth, while ensuring equitable resource distribution and sustainable accounting practices. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basis for formulating regulations and compiling policies for harmonization of accounting regulations at the international level.

Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan dan Citra Merek terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan dan Niat Pembelian Sewa Kost di Singgahsini Mamikos

Purpose: This study explores the impact of service quality and brand image on customer satisfaction and rental purchase intention among Singgahini Mamikos users. Research Methodology: Convenience sampling was used to collect data from 200 Mamikos users who were looking for boarding houses in Jogja and Jakarta over the past six months. The analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with AMOS to assess the relationships between variables. Results: The SEM analysis shows that service quality and brand image significantly and positively affect customer satisfaction and rental purchase intention. These results suggest that improving these factors can increase customer satisfaction and the likelihood of rental transactions. Limitations: This study's reliance on convenience sampling and focus on only two cities may limit the generalizability of the findings to broader populations or different geographic areas. Contribution: This study contributes to the understanding of how service quality and brand image drive customer satisfaction and purchase intention in the digital rental property market, thereby providing valuable insights for developing targeted business strategies.

Volatilitas Nilai Tukar dan Harga Komoditas Global selama Krisis Laut Merah

Purpose: This study aims to determine the most suitable model for assessing the volatility of currency exchange rates for Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, as well as global commodity prices, specifically gold and crude oil. Methodology: The research was conducted by performing various tests using the SPSS version 25 application, followed by a volatility analysis employing the GARCH method with the E-Views version 9 application. Results: The study reveals that the Red Sea crisis significantly impacts global investment volatility. The EGARCH(1,1) model best describes the volatility of USD/IDR, USD/SGD, and crude oil prices, while the GJR-GARCH(1,1) model is most suitable for USD/MYR, and the GARCH(1,1) model fits gold price volatility. Limitations: This study is limited by its focus on only three countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore) and two commodities (gold and crude oil). Additionally, the analysis only covers the period following the first attack in the Red Sea crisis. Contribution: This research provides valuable insights for decision-makers and investors by highlighting the impact of global events on market volatility.

Analysis of the Implementation of As-Salam Contract in White Garlic Purchase Transactions between Retailers and Distributors: Case Study White Garlic Industry Supply Chain in Medan City

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the application of the As Salam contract in the purchasing system of garlic between retail traders and importers in Medan, Indonesia. Research Methodology: The research utilizes a qualitative approach, employing observation and structured interviews with key participants in the garlic trading industry. The instruments include interview guides and observational checklists to gather detailed insights into the contract negotiation and execution process. Results: The findings indicate that the trading practice involves detailed contract agreements, including specific terms on quantity, quality, and delivery schedules. The principles of the As Salam contract are strictly adhered to, ensuring clarity and minimizing the potential for disputes. Prepayment is an integral part of the contract, facilitating efficient stock planning and delivery logistics. Limitations: The study is limited to the garlic trade within the Medan region, which may restrict the broader applicability of the findings to other commodities or regions. Contribution: This research contributes to the discipline of Islamic economics by providing practical insights into the implementation of As Salam contracts in commodity trading, offering a model for ensuring fairness and transparency in accordance with Islamic law.

Readiness of MSMEs in Facing the Industrial Revolution 5.0 through Green Economy

Purpose: This study aims to determine the readiness of MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City in facing the Industrial Revolution 5.0 through the implementation of the Green Economy. Methodology: This research uses descriptive quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and descriptive simple linear regression using SPSS software version 23. The population in this study were 118,533 MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City. The research sample was obtained using the Slovin formula as many as 100 MSMEs. Results: The results show that MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City demonstrate a good understanding of the Green Economy, with an average score of 4.09.  However, despite this high understanding, the implementation of Green Economy principles in specific aspects such as waste management and social media campaigns still needs to be improved. In addition, MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City show high readiness in facing the Industrial Revolution 5.0, with an average score of 4.51. MSMEs have started to integrate digital technology and automation in their operations. Limitations: The limitations of this study include geographical coverage limited to MSMEs in Bandar Lampung City, so the results may not be generalizable to other regions.  Additionally, this study does not focus on MSMEs with specific types of businesses, so the results may not capture the specific characteristics or challenges that may be faced by particular business sectors. Contribution: The results of this study are expected to serve as a reference for policy makers in formulating more effective strategies to support MSMEs in adopting environmentally friendly technologies.


Purpose: This research aims to examine how the Islamic business ethics present at Lopo Mandheling Coffee align with Islamic business ethics, in which the author conducts a study titled “Analysis of the Implementation of Islamic Business Ethics at Lopo Mandheling Coffee Panyabungan Mandailing Natal.” Methodology: The method used is a qualitative approach. At Lopo Mandheling Coffee, good Islamic business ethics have been implemented in accordance with the principles of unity, balance, free will, and responsibility. Results: It can be concluded that Lopo Mandheling Coffee has implemented Islamic business ethics as a competitive advantage. It is as if we have implemented the obligation of performing the five daily prayers, providing assistance and support to orphans as a form of social and environmental concern, as well as responsibility. Limitations : The author's suggestion is that Lopo Mandheling Coffee Panyabungan is expected to remain steadfast in applying the principles of Islamic business ethics, improve the quantity and quality of Human Resource management, and enhance the company's capital by seeking investors. Contribution : Islamic-based business ethics must be applied in today's highly competitive business environment.   Keywords: Islamic Business Ethics; Application; Lopo Mandheling Coffee Panyabungan.

Pengaruh Audit Tenure, Kepemilikan Manajerial, dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Integritas Laporan Keuangan

Purpose: This study examined the impact of audit tenure, managerial ownership, and company size on the integrity of financial statements. Methodology: The sample was selected using purposive sampling, resulting in 29 companies and 77 data points from transportation and logistics companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2020-2022. Secondary data from the annual reports were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Results: Company size affects the integrity of financial statements, whereas audit tenure and managerial ownership do not. Limitations: The study is limited by measuring audit tenure as the number of years a Public Accounting Firm has engaged with a client, going back up to six years. Additionally, only one measurement tool–accounting conservatism–was used. Contribution: The findings are expected to enhance the understanding of financial statement integrity for both internal users, such as management, and external users, such as creditors and investors, aiding in making informed decisions. Furthermore, this study contributes to the literature by expanding the determinants of financial statement integrity in transportation and logistics companies. Novelty: This study addresses gaps in previous research, employs STATA software, focuses on the transportation and logistics sector, and covers the most recent period.

The Influence of Independent Entrepreneurs and Independent Campus on Startup Developments by Realizing Creative Ideas as Moderating Variables

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of independent entrepreneurs’ influence and independent campuses on startup development by realizing creative ideas as a moderating variable. Research methodology: Startup, independent entrepreneur, independent campus, startup development, and creative ideas as moderating variables, Quantitative, SmartPLS, and Questioner. Results: Independent entrepreneurs have a significant positive effect on startup development. An independent campus has a positive and significant effect on startup development. Creative ideas have a positive and significant effect on start-up development. The moderation of creative ideas has a significant effect and can moderate the effect of the Independent Entrepreneur program on startup development. The moderation of creative ideas has a significant influence and can moderate the effect of independent campuses on startup development. Limitations: This study was conducted with a limited sample, both in terms of sample size and population diversity; therefore, new variables are needed to further strengthen the results. Contribution: This research is expected to provide more insight for the younger generation to be eager to establish startups and compete in the future.  

Linking Knowledge Search to Innovation Performance in Culinary SMES Sector: The Mediating Role of Digital Orientation

Purpose: The purpose for this research is to explore the role of digital orientation in moderating the effect of knowledge search on innovation performance in culinary SMEs in Rembang Regency. Methodology:  The type of research is quantitative using an explanatory research approach. The number of research samples is 82 culinary SMEs in Rembang Regency by using the purposive sampling method. Results:  The research findings show that knowledge search has a significant effect on innovation performance. However, digital orientation cannot moderate the effect of knowledge search on innovation performance. Limitation: The use of limited sampling only in the Rembang regency so the findings cannot be generalized. In addition, the number of samples used in the research was too small therefore the scope of the research was limited. In this study, the research variables in the model only include 3 variables so that the research model is limited. Contribution: Based on the results of this research, culinary SMEs must improve their knowledge search capabilities therefore the innovation can be created optimally and also the implications of knowledge search can build a knowledge base for SMEs. In addition, these results can also be used for future research using the same research model.

Pengaruh Economic Value Added , Market Value Added, dan Kebijakan Dividen terhadap Nilai Perusahan

Purpose:  The current study aims to envestigate the influence of Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA), and dividend policy on the value of enterprises classified as LQ45 that were publicly listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2020 to 2022.  The study encompasses a dependent variable, Firm Value, alongside independent variables comprising Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA), and dividend policy. Methodology: Quantitative research is what this study is all about. Information gathered from stock prices and yearly reports utilizing documentation methodologies. Twenty businesses were chosen the Purposive Sampling technique. Multiple Linear Regression in SPSS Version 27 was employed to examine in data. Results: Findings demonstrated that EVA has no influence on company value, but MVA has a large positive effect on firm value, and dividend policy has a massive positive effect on firm value. Meanwhile, the EVA, MVA, and Dividend Policy have a major beneficial influence on the firm's worth. Limitations: One of its drawbacks is the limited three-year analysis time; perhaps, future researchers will be able to employ a longer study period. Contribution: The study's findings may help businesses and investors weigh EVA, MVA and dividend policy factors when making choices.

Kewajiban Moral, Keadilan Pajak, dan Kepercayaan pada Pemerintah terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak

Purpose: This study aims to determine the variables that affect taxpayer compliance such as moral obligations, tax fairness, and trust in government among MSMEs in DKI Jakarta. Methodology: This study used a quantitative methodology to assess variables related to research through respondent questionnaires about tax compliance to MSME’s in DKI Jakarta. Using statistical software SmartPLS 4.0, data were analysed using PLS-SEM techniques with outer and inner models. Results: Moral obligation, tax fairness, and trust in government variables comprise the 23 items that contain the variable dimensions used to assess the validity of their effects on purchasing decisions. The results show that moral obligation affects taxpayer compliance. Meanwhile, tax fairness and trust in government do not affect taxpayer compliance among MSMEs in DKI Jakarta. Limitations: The limitations of this research include the variables used, a limited number of respondents which prevents the results from being generalized, and the potential for biased results due to the use of questionnaires for data collection. Contribution: This research is intended to provide an evaluation for the government to enhance public trust and tax fairness and broaden readers' understanding.

Faktor Kunci Kepatuhan Pajak UMKM E-Commerce di DKI Jakarta : Modernisasi Sistem Pajak, Religiusitas, Love of Money, dan Sanksi Pajak

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how Religiosity, love of money, tax sanctions, and modernization of the tax system affect tax compliance of MSME businesses. Methodology: The sampling method is based on the formula of Roscoe's theory. Using the SmartPLS 4.0 program for PLS-SEM data analysis, the researcher tested the hypothesis at a significance level of 5%. Results: the results of the study, taxpayer compliance in e-commerce is significantly influenced by the modernization of the tax system for MSMEs; taxpayer compliance in is not significantly influenced by religiosity for the same business; and e-commerce is significantly influenced by love of money. In terms of MSME e-commerce tax compliance, tax sanctions do not have a significant effect. Limitations: This study may only cover a small portion of e-commerce MSMEs in DKI Jakarta, so the results may not fully represent the entire population of e-commerce MSMEs in the area if the sample used is not taken randomly or there is a tendency to select certain respondents, then the results of the study can be influenced by sample selection bias. Contribution: This study adds to the existing literature on tax compliance, particularly in the context of MSMEs in the e-commerce sector. It provides new insights into how factors such as tax system modernization, religiosity, love of money, and tax sanctions interact to influence tax compliance. By testing a theoretical model involving various factors influencing tax compliance, this study strengthens or challenges existing theories related to tax compliance behavior, particularly in the context of the digital economy

Determinan Motivasi, Potensi Berbasis Kompetensi Serta Pelatihan dan Pengembangan terrhadap Kinerja Karyawan yang Dimoderasi Pengalaman Kerja Balai Lelang: Studi Kasus Balai Lelang XYZ

Purpose: To determine the effect of motivation, competency-based potential, training and development simultaneously on employee performance moderated by work experience. Research methodology: This study uses a quantitative approach, a questionnaire instrument distributed to 198 people at the XYZ auction house. Results: Motivation, Collective Motivation, Competency-Based Potential, and Training and Development have a significant effect on employee performance. Competency-Based Potential, Training and Development do not have a significant effect on employee performance. The Moderating Role of Work Experience does not moderate the relationship between motivation and performance. Limitations: This study was conducted at the XYZ auction house. The variables studied are related to motivation, competency-based potential, training and development on performance which is associated with the work experience variable as a moderating variable. Contribution: Providing practical recommendations to improve employee performance through more effective motivation, competency development, and training and development programs.

Mengungkap Potensi Wisata Syariah Berbasis Ekonomi Lokal: Katalisator Kebangkitan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir di Provinsi Lampung

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the potential of local economy-based Sharia tourism in the coastal area of Lampung and its contribution to improving the local community’s economic welfare. This study also explored the role of infrastructure, digital promotion, and local community involvement in the development of Sharia tourism. Methodology: This study used a qualitative approach with in-depth interview methods, questionnaire surveys, participant observation, and documentation. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis techniques to identify the contributions and challenges in the development of Sharia tourism. Results: The results of this study indicate that Sharia tourism has a positive impact on the economic welfare of coastal communities through increased income, job creation, and SME development. Adequate infrastructure and digital promotion significantly increased the interest of Muslim tourists, especially millennials. Local community involvement in destination management plays an important role in maintaining the sustainability of the local economy. Limitations: This study is limited to the coastal area of Lampung and uses samples that are not taken randomly, so the results may not fully represent the conditions of Sharia tourism in other areas. In addition, this study is cross-sectional and lacks longitudinal data to show the long-term impact of Sharia tourism. Contribution: This study adds to the literature on local economy-based Sharia tourism development by providing empirical evidence on the economic impacts generated. These findings support the theory of sustainable development and highlight the importance of infrastructure, digital promotion, and local community involvement as key factors in creating a sustainable and highly competitive tourism ecosystem in coastal areas.

Struktur Modal, Rasio Aktivitas, dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Harga Saham Sektor Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index

Purpose: This study aims to determine the influence of capital structure, activity ratio, and firm size on the stock prices of the mining sector listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). Methodology: The population of this study comprises mining sector companies listed on the Jakarta Islamic Index in 2019-2023. A purposive sampling technique was used. Results: The results of this study show that capital structure has no effect on stock prices, activity ratio has a positive and significant effect on stock prices, and company size has a negative and significant effect on stock prices. Limitations: This study used limited data for the 2019-2023 period, the results may not apply for different periods. The research sample is focused on mining sector companies; therefore, the results cannot be generalized to all companies or industries. This study does not consider macroeconomic or other factors. Contribution: This research is expected to provide a clear view of how mining sector companies can optimize stock prices in the capital market.

The Effect of the Implementation of Digitalization and Personal Technical Skills on Employee Work Effectiveness with the Perceiver Ease of Use System as a Moderation

Purpose: Technology is increasingly developing over time and is certainly an attraction for companies to improve their image. Research Methodology: PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk, quantitative questionnaires, Smart PLS 4, reviews and surveys used in this study. Without discussion or explanation. Results: The application of digitalization had a positive effect on employee work effectiveness. Limitations: There are variables that are less strong so that they can weaken employee work effectiveness but still have a positive value because the perceiver ease of the system can help employees work effectively. Contribution: PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk.

The Uji Teori Institusional: Pengungkapan Emisi Karbon, Leverage, Profitabilitas, dan Nilai Perusahaan

Purpose: This study examines the impact of carbon emission disclosure, leverage, and profitability on firm value using institusional theory Research methodology: The research uses quantitative data from 10 energy companies listed on IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) between 2018-2022. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. Panel data regression is employed to analyze the data. Carbon emission disclosure is measured by GRI-305 (Global Reporting Initiative – 305), leverage by DAR (Debt-to-Asset) and profitability by EPS (Earning per Share) as independent variable, then firm value by PBV (Price Book Value) as dependent variable. Results: Carbon emission disclosure has a positive but insignficiant effect on firm value, leverage has a significant negative effect, while profitability shows a negative but insignificant effect on firm value. Limitations: The study’s sample size was limited due to the removal of outliers to meet classical assumption test, which may reduce the sample’s representativeness but improves data analysis quality. Contribution: This research is useful for investors, academics, companies, government, and the general public who want to know the benefits of carbon emissions disclosure, and the level of readiness of the Indonesian capital market in addressing climate change issues and disclosure of carbon emissions by companies.

Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges of Blockchain Technology in the Islamic Banking Industry (Case Study on the Use of Smart Contracts)

Purpose: This research concludes that, with a strategic and collaborative approach, blockchain technology can be an effective tool for transforming the Islamic banking industry. Methodology: This study uses qualitative methods with literature analysis from 19 journals, one book, and three websites to explore how this technology can be applied in risk management, asset tracking, and interbank transactions. Results: The research results reveal that this technology can reduce fraud, manipulation, and cyberattacks, as well as increase customer and sharia authority trust through transaction transparency. However, there are major challenges to overcome, such as immature regulatory aspects, the need for a strong infrastructure, and a lack of understanding of this technology among customers. This study also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between Islamic banking, regulators, and other stakeholders to maximize the potential of blockchain technology. Limitations: Case studies on the use of smart contracts in the Sharia banking industry show that this technology can increase efficiency and Sharia compliance, reduce administration costs, and simplify transactions. Contribution: This study describes the role of blockchain in the sukuk issuance process. Blockchain technology, which is known for its decentralization, transparency, and security characteristics, has great potential to increase efficiency and transparency in Sharia banking operations.