Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen

Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen (Jakman) is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Management. Jakman publishes relevant manuscripts reviewed by some qualified editors. This journal is expected to be a significant platform for researchers in Indonesia to contribute to the theoretical and practical development in all aspects of Accounting, Finance and Management.

Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen (Jakman) is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Accounting, Finance and Management. Jakman publishes relevant manuscripts reviewed by some qualified editors. This journal is expected to be a significant platform for researchers in Indonesia to contribute to the theoretical and practical development in all aspects of Accounting, Finance and Management.



Analisis Pengaruh TQM, Budaya Organisasi serta Sistem Penghargaan terhadap Kinerja Manajerial

Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the influence of Total Quality Management (TQM), Organizational Culture, and Reward Systems on managerial performance in startup companies in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: This research considered a population of leaders/managers of service companies, with a total of 2,229 startup companies in Indonesia in 2021. Convenience sampling was used. In this case, 25 leaders and managers of start-up companies in Indonesia were the sample subjects., who answered the research questionnaire. This study was quantitative and used primary data. The primary data were obtained through field studies using questionnaires. The structural model in this study was measured using the coefficient of determination (R²) and the path coefficient to measure the relationship between variables. We then test the hypothesis using the t-test to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Results: it is known that Total Quality Management (TQM) and Organizational Culture have a significant positive impact on managerial performance in start-up companies in Indonesia. However, the Reward System has not been proven to have an impact on managerial performance in the context of start-up companies in Indonesia, perhaps due to the company's limitations in creating an effective reward system as a motivation for employees. Limitations: Limitations in this research include the use of a survey method with a questionnaire without direct interviews with respondents. The sample was limited to 13 startup companies using a convenience sampling method due to time constraints and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the low return rate for questionnaires due to the lack of research permits due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Contribution: This research is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the role of factors in research in facing the challenges faced by start-up companies in Indonesia today. Novelty: novelty in this research includes the use of new variables that have not been studied before and were carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic which provides a better picture from the worker's perspective.

Dampak Pengungkapan Sustainability Report terhadap Kinerja: Komparasi Kinerja Pasar dan Kinerja Akuntansi

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of Sustainability Report (SR) disclosure on company performance. Research Methodology: This study uses data from 170 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-2022 period. A total of 832 book years were analyzed using the panel data regression method. Performance is measured using earnings per share (EPS), which reflects market performance, and Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets (ROA), which reflect accounting performance. Results: The findings show that SR disclosure positively affects EPS performance. SR disclosure has a marginal influence on ROE performance with an alpha test level of 10%. However, SR disclosure does not have a significant effect on ROA performance. Although internal SR disclosure does not affect performance, it has been proven to elicit a response from the market. Limitations: Sustainability Disclosure in this study was measured using a dummy variable. Consequently, it is less comprehensive to assess the quality of sustainability practices. Contribution: The findings strengthen the literature on the influence of sustainability disclosures on market performance. The challenge is to empirically prove that market performance should have an impact on accounting performance in the long term.  

Pengembangan Model Kinerja Karyawan berdasarkan Karir, Spiritual Capital, dan Disiplin

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to develop a model of employee performance involving career, organizational spirituality, and discipline. Method: The research method is a survey method by distributing questionnaires to 150 employees and using the SEM (structural equation modeling) analysis tool. researchers distributed questionnaires via gGoogleform, and classify, and analyze the model. Result: The findings of the outer model research show that all indicators are valid, and the hypothesis test is accepted as significant. Career variables and organizational spirituality have a direct effect on discipline, namely 0.260 and 0.689. While career and organizational spiritual variables have a direct effect on employee performance of 0.233 and 0.435. Career and spiritual mediation and employee discipline have a direct effect of 0.187, 0.230 ,and 0.334. Limitation: Research limitations. Researchers limit the survey area to only the city of Cilegon, so it is necessary to invade the research object in order to produce a more established model. Novelty: The novelty of the research is involving organizational spirituality as another perception to increase sales.

Leadership entrepreneur dan intellectual capital terhadap kinerja keuangan BUMDes: Innovation capability sebagai pemoderasi

Purpose: This study examines the effect of entrepreneurial leadership and intellectual capital on the financial performance of village enterprises (BUMDes) through innovation capability. The independent variables in this study are entrepreneurial leadership (X1) and intellectual capital (X2), the dependent variable is financial performance (Y), and the moderating variable is innovation capability (Z). Methodology: The sample in this study was BUMDe officials at the Pesawaran Regency Government. Data were collected using a questionnaire and processed using the statistical regression test in SPSS. Results: The results show a significant relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and intellectual capital on financial performance, and innovation capability can moderate the financial performance variable. Limitation: This study only refers to one district in Lampung Province and data was only provide Contribution: The results of this study are expected to present an overview of officials and policymakers regarding the importance of innovation in managing BUMDes operations.

Analisis Fundamental untuk Menilai Saham dengan Metode Valuasi Relatif terhadap Keputusan Investasi

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of a food and beverage company's stock price in an undervalued (cheap) or overvalued (expensive) position so that it can make investment decisions. Research methodology: This research methodology uses a quantitative descriptive method. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling based on criteria. Then obtained eight research samples including CEKA, ICBP, INDF, MYOR, ROTI, SKLT, ULTJ, and DLTA. For data collection techniques in this study using the documentation method and data analysis was performed manually using Microsoft Excel. Results: The results of stock valuation using the PER, PBV and PSR methods on average show that the company is in overvalued condition, including ICBP, MYOR, ROTI, ULTJ, SKLT and DLTA shares, so a good investment decision is to sell. Meanwhile, shares of CEKA and INDF companies have an average calculated value of undervalued (cheap) so the right investment decision is to buy these shares. Limitations: This study only uses six financial ratio scales to see company performance and share valuation using only relative valuation methods such as PER, PBV and PSR. Contribution: This research can be a good reference source for investors in making investment decisions, especially those who want to invest their funds in stocks. In addition, the company is expected to be able to provide evaluation information on the company's financial performance. So it can bring potential investors to invest and gain loyalty to the company.

Determinan Overpricing Saham pada Saat Initial Public Offering di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Purpose: This study aimed to prove the effect of financial leverage, company size, company age and underwriter’s reputation on stock overpricing. Method: The population of this research was the companies which conducted initial public offering (IPO) which were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2011 - 2020. This research used purposive sampling technique and the number of samples obtained was 62 companies. Results: The results of this study indicate that the variable company size, company age, and underwriter reputation have a positve effect on overpricing, financial leverage have a negative effect on overpricing. Limitations: This study does not test the type of industry and the level of industrial saturation of companies conducting an IPO. This study does not look at the agreement between the issuer and the underwriter whether it is full commitment or not. Contribution: This research is expected to increase knowledge about the factor that influence overpricing of share during the initial public offering on the Indnesia Stock Exchange.

Literature Review: Perkembangan dan Kinerja Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia Tahun 2014-2023

Purpose: This study investigates the development and performance of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia from 2013 to the present, focusing on the factors that influence growth and the challenges faced by the Islamic banking sector in supporting economic stability and inclusiveness. Methodology/approach: This research uses a literature review method of 30 previous research articles from the Google Scholar and Research Gate sites, which measure the financial performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia in terms of profitability during the publication period–2013-2023. Results/findings: This research study reveals that several studies on Islamic Banks  in Indonesia use various indicators to measure financial performance and bank health, > 60% of researchers use the variable measurement ratios ROA, ROE, BOPO, CAR, FDR and NPF while the rest some use the LDR, RGEC, NIM, CGC, ETA, EFF, NPL and DPK ratios Limitations: The use of research methods in the form of literature that focuses on the analysis of several previous studies conducted by Google Scholar and ResearchGate can reduce the validity and generality of the research results. The literature review does not involve collecting primary data through observation or experimentation; therefore, the information obtained is descriptive and does not allow the identification of causal relationships. Contribution: Through a careful literature review of previous articles, this study succeeded in identifying the main trends, innovations, and challenges faced by the Islamic banking sector in Indonesia.