Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat

Diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood, Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat (JPU) bertujuan untuk menjadi wadah yang mampu mendiseminasi hasil/laporan kegiatan pengabdian untuk mensejahterakan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat menerima dan menerbitkan artikel pengabdian kepada masyarakat di berbagai bidang.

Diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood, Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat (JPU) bertujuan untuk menjadi wadah yang mampu mendiseminasi hasil/laporan kegiatan pengabdian untuk mensejahterakan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat menerima dan menerbitkan artikel pengabdian kepada masyarakat di berbagai bidang.



Pojok Baca sebagai Inisiasi Sentra Edukasi Menumbuhkan Minat Baca

Purpose: The purpose of community service, first: to deliver education about the importance of reading as a source of knowledge and a means of information for PAUD students. The second objective is to provide management, administrative and technical assistance in the management of reading corners for the Pokja II Team for PKK administrators and PAUD administrators so that they can become a center for community education. Method: The method of implementing the activities is participatory empowerment and mentoring. The results of community service are the Reading Corner which occupies space in the village office with a number of books as many as 205 titles and has been equipped with SOPs for the management of the Reading Corner. PAUD students participated in educational activities very enthusiastically. Results: As many as 77 percent of the participants in technical training for the management of the Reading Corner understand enough and become more skilled at managing the Reading Corner. The limitation of community service lies in the time of implementation because it is carried out in a COVID-19 situation so that community mobility is hampered. Contribution: The contribution of community service plays a major role in the education level of the people of Ulak Kembahang II Village.

Literasi Financial Technology sebagai Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Menghadapi Tantangan Industri Kreatif melalui Bumdes Mitra Lestari di Desa Bumi Sari – Kecamatan Natar, Lampung Selatan

Purpose: This activity aims to provide knowledge and insight to the people of Bumi Sari Village, Natar District, Lampung Selatan, especially for those who work as staff at BUMDes Mitra Lestari related to financial technology literacy. Methodology: The method used in this activity is the delivery of material in the form of coaching, discussion, and monitoring. Results: The results of this activity received positive responses from the training participants and were also able to increase participants' knowledge and insight related to financial technology. Conclusions: Based on the results of the study in general, there was an increase in the participants' post-test scores when compared to the pre-test, with a better distribution of scores. Thus, this training can be said to be successful because the participants are able to absorb the material well. Limitations: This activity has limited time for service, because in order to achieve the desired goals optimally, it is necessary to carry out activities at another time as a continuation of these activities. Contribution: Activities regarding technology-based finance are important to be disseminated to the wider community in order to face the development of the creative industry.

Optimalisasi Usaha melalui Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan bagi Pengusaha Minuman Sari Nanas

Purpose: Community service activities in the form of assistance in preparing financial reports are held to help optimize business reporting for pineapple juice drink entrepreneurs in Blitar Regency. The main problem faced by entrepreneurs is the absence of a structured record of financial activities. This is triggered by the limited ability of entrepreneurs in identifying the components of product costs. Method: The mentoring program was carried out using the FGD mechanism which was divided into 5 groups with 5 members in each group. The FGD stages include problem identification, assistance in identifying product cost components, preparing financial reports, and evaluating. Results: The mentoring program which lasted for 6 months went well. Entrepreneurs realize that there are several cost components that have not been calculated as part of determining the selling price, such as depreciation expense for equipment and labor. As an implication, the estimated profit that has been calculated so far is still not fully accurate. After carrying out assistance in the preparation of simple financial reports, the entrepreneurs were finally able to present more accurate profit/loss reports so that during their evaluation they began to make adjustments to product sales management. Limitations: The community service program was carried out in the Kalikebo village area of Blitar regency to pineapple juice drink entrepreneurs. Mentoring activities are carried out on two main issues, namely cost identification, and preparation of simple financial statements Contributions: A series of mentoring activities carried out are expected to help pineapple juice drink entrepreneurs to determine more accurate selling prices, and help present simple financial reports as material for business evaluation

Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pamong Desa Ketawang Mengelola Arsip Sistem Kronologis

Purpose: The community service aims is to provide training to village officials in managing village archives. Thus, the Ketawang Village office implements a chronological system archive management. Methodology: The community service uses the lecture and discussion method, training, and evaluation of village officials. Lectures and discussions to provide knowledge and understanding, training to provide technical skills, and evaluations to monitor and assess skills in managing village archives. Results: The results of the community service increase the understanding and management of village archives by village officials. Participants are able to explain planning, execution/implementation, classification, and benefits of village archives. The target of serving 30 village officials, 28 capable of managing village archives. Conclusions: Devotion can be concluded has been carried out properly. Participation of participants is 100% of the target of 30 village officials. The understanding and management of village archives is at the understanding level, but at the very understanding level it needs to be improved. Limitations: The limitations of dedication are the diverse backgrounds of the participants (ages and positions), so they have to be slow in delivering materials and training and the Covid-19 pandemic which has to pay attention to health protocols. Contribution: The benefits of dedication, as a forum for village officials to learn archive management, as a form of implementing the tri dharma, and forming village officials who are aware of archives.

Pendampingan dan Pengembangan UMKM Kupang Lontong Balap Pak Warno Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

Purpose: This community service activity aims to: (1) Identify the current conditions of the marketing and sales activities of the UMKM Kupang Lontong Balap Pak Warno to expedite traditional culinary development efforts in the post-covid-19 pandemic era through social entrepreneurship; (2) Developing Lontong Kupang innovation products in the form of Frozen Food with UMKM Kupang Lontong Balap Pak Warno; And (3) Designing appropriate business processes including digital marketing and online sales for UMKM Kupang Lontong Balap Pak Warno, which can then be duplicated and adapted for other regions in Indonesia. Method: This was done by developing the Kupang Lontong Balap Pak Warno MSME business through Lopang product innovation in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Era using the Design Thinking approach, Social Business Model Canvas, and Value Proposition Design. Result: The results of observations made in community service to develop the Kupang Lontong Balap Pak Warno MSME business, the author succeeded in formulating a Value Proposition Design for this MSME after conducting group discussion forums and online surveys Conclusion: This service activity was carried out were the creation of instant kupang rice cake product innovations, digitalization of sales using the online shop platform, and transformation of financial records using the SiApik accounting application.

Advokasi Ketahanan Pangan di Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

Purpose: This research aims to provide knowledge and asisstance small area with very potential local resources. This service is to provide knowledge and assistance in increasing the capacity of farmer groups in utulizing local resources in realizing food security in Muaro Jambi Regency. Methodology: The method used in counseling, mentoring and action in implemnting fod security. The location that became the focus of the acrtivity was Setiris Village, Maro Sebo Distruct Muaro Jambi Regency, the location selection was based on consideration of the potential of natural resources that had not been utilizied by the village community. Results: The results of thi activity are (1) some of the paddy fields that have been used for lowland rice farming, where from an area of 3 ha has increased to 6 ha of cultivated rice fields now. With the pilot conducted on several plots, it convinces farmers to rework their paddly fields, (2) increasing the planting Index, the planting index that was previously only 100 farmers has now increased to 200, where in September 2022 harvest and replant in November 2022, (3) the emergence of awareness of farmers in dependence on the use of chemical fertilizer, where farmers are currently trying to produce JAKABA. Conclusion: Food security is a central isuue in the framework of africulture and national development. One of the government programs that has been launched is “NAWACITA” which builds and srtengthens small areas with very potential local resource.