Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat

Diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood, Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat (JPU) bertujuan untuk menjadi wadah yang mampu mendiseminasi hasil/laporan kegiatan pengabdian untuk mensejahterakan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat menerima dan menerbitkan artikel pengabdian kepada masyarakat di berbagai bidang.

Diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Goodwood, Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat (JPU) bertujuan untuk menjadi wadah yang mampu mendiseminasi hasil/laporan kegiatan pengabdian untuk mensejahterakan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Jurnal Pemberdayaan Umat menerima dan menerbitkan artikel pengabdian kepada masyarakat di berbagai bidang.



Pengenalan Kosa-Kata Bahasa Inggris dalam Pembuatan Makrame kepada Karyawan Cleaning Service Politeknik Negeri Samarinda

Purpose: This Community Service held by the Engineering Department tim of Politeknik Negeri Samarinda had the aim to give an introduction to English vocabulary used in making macrame products to female cleaning service employees of PT. Galina Citraraya Mandiri.  Methodology: Fifteen female cleaning service employees attended this macrame training to make a hanging vase. Result: This community service tried not only to give training but also to give a little knowledge of English that the participant can use in their daily conversation.  Before the training began, the team had given an introduction to the tools and materials used in making a hanging vase in English.  In spite of the short training, the participants enjoyed following the training until the end of the training.  The participants were also given some materials to make a hanging vase so that they could continue making their own creations in their homes.  The team hopes that this training can help the participant to have new experiences in making a hanging vase that later could be used as their financial source by selling their own macrame products.

Optimasi Desain Packaging dan Digital Marketing UMKM Dapoer Umi Navisah

Purpose: This activity aims to provide MSMEs to create packaging and to grow sales through the development of digital marketing. Methodology: This activity assists with applying MSMEs through the marketplace, help to promote products, manage sales, and develop, and give instruction on how to create a design for packaging product. Results: This dedication output improves knowledge of packaging products, registering MSME addresses to google maps and creating food services delivery accounts, understanding how to expand the market and sales reach. Conclusions: The activities carried out by the PKM Team so that Dapoer Umi Navisah MSMEs become more competitive MSMEs include the Development of packaging designs and the Development of digital marketing. Limitations: Researchers realize that in a study there must be many obstacles and obstacles. One of the factors that became obstacles and obstacles in this study was the time and place of research. Contribution: These MSMEs have helped absorb labor in the city of Depok, especially the Sukmajaya sub-district. One strategy that can be used to survive this challenge is to maximize online sales.

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sindangsari Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa Barat dalam Pengenalan Tanaman Murbei sebagai Tanaman Multiguna

Purpose: Sindangsari Village is one of the villages in Sumedang Regency with an area that is quite suitable for planting potential crops including mulberry plant. This activity aims to introduce and cultivate the mulberry as a multipurpose plant by empowering the PKK group of women and the Sindangsari Village community group. Methodology: Methods of activity include surveys, interviews, counseling, planting mulberry plants and monitoring. The material or knowledge given to participants related to mulberry includes growing conditions, land preparation, preparation of planting material, planting in the field and harvesting. The activities carried out in the form of planting mulberry in the yards of the participants included determining the spacing, making planting holes, and good planting methods. Results: The result of the activity is the recognition of the mulberry as a multipurpose plant that has the potential to be planted more widely in Sindangsari Village, Sumedang Regency, West Java. In addition, within this activity, some attempt has been exercised to plant mulberry individually by the local community and it is expected that eventually it can bring in additional income and increase agricultural knowledge, especially the science of mulberry plants. The result of filling out the questionnaire that was distributed during the activity was an increase in public awareness, knowledge, interest about mulberry plants by 42.86%, 71.71%, and 28.57%, respectively. Conclusion: This activity was useful in introducing mulberry plants and empowering the people of Sindangsari Village, Sumedang Regency,West Java to plant them. In addition, if the mulberry plant has been widely planted, it is hoped that this plant can be used as a source of income for the community.

Community Empowerment dan Sosialisasi Bahaya Covid-19 di Dusun Karpote Desa Larangan Slampar

Purpose: This service has four five, namely, first, increasing community empowerment in the economic, agricultural, livestock, education, and health sectors. Second, increasing the empathy and concern of the activity implementation team to the community through Village Abdi and Social Work activities. Third, instill responsibility, independence, perseverance, leadership, and entrepreneurship in the implementation team through Village Abdi and Social Work activities. The fourth teaches the implementation team to be able to work together in a group through Village Abdi and Social Work activities. The fifth positively contributes to the development of information, knowledge, and economy of the people of Dusun Karpote, Larangan Slampar. Methodology: This research method is socialization given by the Village Abdi activities and Social Work implementation team to the people of Karpote Hamlet, Larangan Slampar Kecamatan Tlanakan, and Pameka Regency. Results: The results of community service produce the output of public awareness to maintain environmental cleanliness. Second, to raise public awareness related to the dangers of Covid-19 and the importance of wearing masks during the Covid-19 pandemic. Third, with this activity, the community, especially school children. Fourth, farmers can make Bokashi so that manure waste can be processed optimally. Fifth, the community is helped by a cheap market and distributing necessities to the poor—Sixth, fostering public awareness regarding a sustainable economy through planting betel nut seedlings. Limitations: This service activity was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, so it has several limitations. Namely, implementing activities must pay attention to health protocols, including ensuring the number of participants is manageable. Contribution: This research contributes to helping the community raise cleanliness awareness, adds to the community's economy, and provides knowledge about sustainable development.

Digital Entrepreneurship di SMKN 6 Palembang Berbasis Website

Purpose: The aim of the community service program is to deliver knowledge, insight, and skills for teachers of SMK Negeri 6 Palembang on digital entrepreneurship using website Methodology/approach: The methodology employed in the community service program consists of delivering lectures, providing coaching, conducting monitoring, and facilitating discussions on the implementation of website Results/findings: The results of the program indicate an increase in participants' understanding of marketing concepts especially digital marketing. Furthermore, the participants are able to design the  website using Canva to promote their product. Conclusion: The post-test conducted at the conclusion of the workshop confirms the success of the training, as participants demonstrated a solid grasp of the material and effectively applied the provided theories to create marketing content.

Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia melalui Skrining Frekuensi Kegiatan Fisik di Tlogomas Malang

Purpose: The well-being of the elderly can be reflected in their health condition, both physically, spiritually, and socially which enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. Modern lifestyles have changed human attitudes and behavior, including diet, smoking, and consumption of alcohol and drugs as a lifestyle so that people with degenerative diseases (diseases caused by decreased organ function) are increasing and life-threatening. The purpose of this community service is the form screening for the Frequency of Physical Activity in the elderly. Methodology: The method used is measurement and examination as well as providing education. Methods for measuring the frequency of physical activity and conducting counseling about healthy lifestyles for the elderly in Tlogomas village. Results: The results of the screening conducted, of the 55 participants who took part in the examination, found 19 people had frequent activities, 11 people had problems related to physical activity with rarely doing activities, and 15 people had problems very rarely doing activities. Conclusions: This Community Service Program runs smoothly and can provide benefits to the community. The results of this Community Service Program can be used as a reference for improving the health status of the elderly. Limitations: The area for community service is limited to the Tlogomas area. Contribution: This research is useful for the elderly in improving a healthy lifestyle in the gerontological area.

Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Lansia melalui Skrining Index Massa Tubuh di Tlogomas Malang

Purpose: The well-being of the elderly can be reflected in their health condition, both physically, spiritually, and socially which enables everyone to live productively socially and economically. Modern lifestyles have changed human attitudes and behavior, including diet, smoking, consumption of alcohol, and drugs as a way of life so that people with degenerative diseases (diseases caused by decreased organ function) are increasing and life-threatening. The purpose of this community service is in the form of screening for Body Mass Index in the elderly. Methodology: The method used is measurement and examination as well as providing education. Methods for measuring Body Mass Index and conducting counseling about healthy lifestyles for the elderly in Tlogomas village. Results: The results of the screening conducted, of the 55 participants who took part in the examination, found 19 people had frequent activities, 11 people had problems related to physical activity with rarely doing activities, and 15 people had problems very rarely doing activities. Conclusions: This Community Service Program runs smoothly and can provide benefits to the community. The results of this Community Service Program can be used as a reference for improving the health status of the elderly. Limitations: The area for community service is limited to the Tlogomas area. Contribution: This research is useful for the elderly in improving a healthy lifestyle in the gerontological area.